The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1435: The emperor invites you to bring Gongyu Gongzi

In An Zexi's heart, although he had a very happy conversation with Jing Jixing, Duanmu Yawang is an existence that no one can compare in his heart.

He is only sixteen years old, so outstanding, he is unparalleled in the world.

"You kid, why don't you listen to me!"

King Anding was irritated by An Zexi, gritted his teeth and said: "I really admire Gongyu Deyin. You can buy people's hearts like this. You seem to be a foolish person, but you are actually the most calm. Now you are actually doing it again and again for him. Refute me."

"Father, why do you suddenly have such a big prejudice against Lord Gongyu?" An Zexi felt that there was something wrong with King Anding's conversation today. He frowned when he said that, and subconsciously looked in the original direction of Duanmu Yawang, but saw, Where is Duanmu Yawang in that place?

He was taken aback.

He understood very well that Duanmu Yawang was just an invited guest, not a powerful family like them. They did not even have walking tools in this palace.

Now everyone in this garden has almost left, but Duanmu Yawang's figure is missing...

His heart was shocked, and regardless of King Anding, he ran over and asked a person who was still standing there, "Have you ever seen Lord Gongyu go?"

Duanmu Yawang has always been eye-catching, and everyone sees her every move.

Hearing this, the man replied: "It seems that I left with the two young masters in a carriage together."

An Zexi turned her eyes and thought about the matter for a while, and immediately understood everything. Seeing King Anding standing on the spot with a calm expression, he walked over and asked: "Father, you deliberately didn't let Gongyu go with us. , That's why you just led me away, right?"

King Anding did not deny this time, "So what?"

"Father, how can you do this?"

An Zexi's eyes widened and his eyes were inconceivable, "Don't you forget, because of Lord Gongyu, how much face and envy have we earned from this hunting activity?"

"so what?"

King Anding sneered, "No matter how good his virtuosity is, no matter how good he does this time, it will not change the fact that he is indifferent and a small country is born with a narrow minded mind! Why should this king look upon him with such a person!"

"How can Young Master Gongyu be narrow-minded?" An Zexi was very anxious, not wanting to quarrel with King Anding, and said sternly: "Father, you listen to my persuasion, quickly send someone to find Young Master Gongyu and receive it. In our house, we personally apologized to him..."


Before An Zexi finished speaking, King Anding sneered, "Who do you think your father is? Who is his father, Deyin, and you actually asked your father to apologize to him? , This king feels more and more that I have done a good job in this decision. You are now brainwashed by him. Only his Gongyu Deyin is in his mind. Do you remember that you have a father king?"

"Father, Jersey didn't mean that, but Gongyu Gongzi..."

"Okay, don't talk about him anymore!" King Anding snorted coldly, and said without being beaked: "From now on, he will be a stranger with us in the King's Palace of Anding. If you take his place again and listen to him, you will no longer be my King of Anding. Son!"

After that, throw your sleeves away and leave.


King An Ding stepped, but not to convince, but to warn: "Jersey, father does what he says, don't think that father is just a joke!"

After speaking, he left without looking back.

An Zexi stayed where she was, her face terribly ugly.

At this time, everyone was almost gone. Although some people saw the dispute between the two fathers and sons, no one dared to take a closer look due to the identity of King Anding. They only dared to glance at it secretly.

No one dared to say anything.

An Zexi stood still.

After a while, Ling Xiaopeng came over and sneered, "Why, doesn't it feel bad?"

Ling Xiaopeng appeared inexplicably, An Zexi glanced at him, saw him mocking, and narrowed his eyes: "Do you know something?"

"What do you say?"

Ling Xiaopeng curled his lips, as sharp as before, but his eyes had a little more content than before. This content made his whole person look more calm, "It's not that Gongyu Deyin has done anything that annoys your father. King, your father became angry from shame, coupled with the fact that Master Jing is doing well, he wants to abandon Master Gongyu and win Master Jing instead!"

"Young Master Gongyu is so smart, how could he annoy his father?" An Zexi pursed her lips, puzzled.

"You have to understand that Gongyu Deyin is not only smart."

Anzesi was silent.

He naturally knew this.

In addition to being clever, Gongyu Deyin has another obvious characteristic, that is, self.

And his father, he likes to control others.

Therefore, as long as you think about it carefully, it is impossible for the two of you to live in peace for a long time.

Ling Xiaopeng stared at him, disdainfully said: "Hey, don't you really want to travel with Jing Qixing or something?"

"How do you know this? Are you eavesdropping?"

"Do I still need to overhear?" Ling Xiaopeng said sarcastically, "My father also mentioned it to me early in the morning."

Anzesi twisted her eyebrows.

"Jing Jiexing, it feels like there are indeed two brushes. You and my father and king were all done in one fell swoop, and the child he was protecting was going to be stuffed by him."

An Zexi did not expect that a few people who spoke without thinking through their brains, Ling Xiaopeng could easily say such a thing, could not help but look at him again, squinting: "You have something in your words?"

"I don't have so many bends in my stomach. Anyway, I won't follow Jing Zhixing on a tour. Go if you like!"

After that, Ling Xiaopeng snorted, turned and left.

An Zexi looked at his back and fell silent.

For a moment, his eyes sharpened, he turned and left.

On the other side, King Anding still needs to stay to deal with some things. He can't leave right away for the time being. He is suffering from a headache, and the dark spirit knelt in front of him quietly and reported: "The lord, the son has left on horseback alone."

"Leave on horseback?"

King Anding raised his head from a pile of official duties, and twisted his eyebrows: "Didn't we say, it will take an hour before we can leave. Then we will start with the Holy Master. What is he going to go at this time?"

The dark spirit bowed his head and said nothing.

In other words, he didn't know why An Zexi left.

King Anding was annoyed for a while and waved his hand: "Here in the wilderness, you should send someone to look at him soon, don't let him have an accident, by the way, what is he doing in such a hurry!"


The dark spirit led away.

As soon as he disappeared, a man with a shrill voice hurriedly knocked on the door of King Anding's wing: "Lord Anding, please, please!"

"Grandpa Li?"

King Anding recognized this person as the emperor's personal eunuch, "Why are you here?"

Grandpa Li did not answer, but instead urged: "My lord, the emperor asks you to come over immediately. It's better to bring my lord Yu!"

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