"That's why you are dull, you only found out." Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes and said in a bad mood: "I thought you noticed it when I stitched it together!"

"Isn't the focus of others not on this?"

When Duanmu Yawang said, he stared at Wu Min curiously, and found that his face seemed to be better, and he was surprised: "Master, his complexion and the overall skin feel, it seems to be much better. Before, he was so gray and gray now. Finally came back normally."


She saved people, she naturally knew.

"Master, how did you get it back?" She had the operation for too long and his patience was not good. He watched her open Wu Min's belly with a scalpel, and the movements were very careful. It took a lot of time, so he didn't bother to bother anymore. Look, I went to practice with Yin Huiyin.

Therefore, he did not know exactly how Duanmu Yawang healed people.

"I combined the extracts from the past flowers and the materials that were able to quickly heal wounds from the Moon Peninsula, combined with the dual regenerating materials to make a super fast medicine, which penetrated his internal organs. "

Little Bailu felt nervous for a while, "If he scores, he will improve?"

"Did you not pay attention when I was stitching?" Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows. "Although it only took more than an hour to get in, his internal organs have almost healed again."

It is also because of this that the patient's body starts to work normally.

"Isn't it said that the opportunity was broken, it was healed so quickly?" Little Bailu was so startled that he couldn't say anything.


Duanmuya nodded and said with a serious face: "You saw the regeneration ability of the regenerated flower at the beginning. It contains a very fast regeneration substance. This substance has a very strong healing and repairing ability. It is better than I have seen in this world. All material repair capabilities are many times stronger!"

If such a material appeared in her last world, the world would be crazy.

Especially the medical and beauty industries.

It will definitely cause a great sensation!

"My little master woke up once, and it seemed to see you using the marrow flower. What is the function of the marrow flower?"

"I do not know either."

Duanmu Yawang said, her brows also wrinkled, "The patient has been bleeding for no reason, and I don’t know the cause. I saw that the marrow-washing flower seems to be able to reshuffle the blood, so I used the spiritual qi to distill the marrow-washing into medicine. The medicine gas entered from Wu Min's nasal cavity, and within a quarter of an hour, Wu Min stopped bleeding."

Moreover, his complexion has recovered a lot.

Little Bailu's eyes widened at hearing, "Master, why do you think about using medicinal energy?"

"His five internal organs are broken, so the body functions can't work at all, don't use the way of qi, what to use?"


Little Bailu blinked his eyes, half-knowing.

Duanmu Yawang also didn't bother to pay attention to him. It was getting late now, and the room was full of various research instruments and medical instruments, and she had to pack them quickly.

Little Bailu watched her movements, and asked casually in every way: "As soon as I clean up, shall I ask Mr. Lin to come and pick up the people?"

"No, I will deliver it myself."

"Ah? You send it yourself? Why?" What a laborious effort!


"..." Xiao Bailu said that he still didn't understand.

Duanmu Yawang obviously did not want to explain to Xiao Bailu at this time. After she started to pack her things, she took out a few empty medicine bottles from the medical system, and then took out several large bottles of medicine filled with medicine. When the bottles come out, pour the medicine out one by one and put them on the empty bottles.

After setting it up, she wrote a few more lines on the empty bottle.

After finishing writing, she put the big bottle back into the medical system and let out a long sigh, "Finally, I'm exhausted!" As she said, she moved her muscles and bones.

Little Bailu touched his belly and said aggrieved: "Master, I haven't eaten for almost a day. It's so late now, can we still have something to eat?"

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback for a moment, and then his stomach began to scream.

She was also bitter all of a sudden.

I have been studying medicine and treating Wu Min before. The eating has long been forgotten. No one said that she couldn’t remember it for a while. Little Bailu mentioned it and she realized it. .

Little Bailu listened to the cry of her stomach, and tweeted twice, "Look, Master, hunger makes people dull, and you can't even perceive such an important thing as hunger."

It's not just stupid anymore.


Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath and forced her hunger down. Seeing two leftover snacks next to her, she didn't dislike it. She grabbed it and put it in her mouth and ate it in one bite.

After eating, she looked at Wu Min next to her and said, "I will send someone to Mr. Lin, and I will go to the kitchen and ask if I have anything to eat."


Little Bailu urged: "Master, you send it out quickly!"


When Duanmu Yawang said, she walked over, carried Wu Min carefully on her back, and then said to Yin Huiyin: "Xiaoyin'er, cover me with the cloak."


Yin Huiyin was still cultivating. Hearing this, he came out of the meditation, came out, and put a large cloak on her.

Wu Min's figure was tightly covered.

Duanmu Ya looked at him and disappeared into the room.

On the other side, Liang Feng was still waiting in Lin Lao's room.

He was sitting at the table, his face propped on one hand, drowsy.

Suddenly, he felt a breath in the room, his eyes opened in vain, and he stood up suddenly, "Who?"

"Brother, what's wrong?"

At this time, the few younger brothers waiting outside the door asked nervously.

"Don't say anything, it's me." Duanmuya looked at her back, remembering something, waved her hand, and built a simple barrier in the room, and then forced her hands to pull the covered cloak down, revealing She changed her original dress and Wu Min behind her.

"Young Master Gongyu?" Cool breeze called out in a shallow voice, and a stride passed by, surprised and delighted: "You came here at this time?"

"Send people back to you."

Because there were people outside the room, Duanmu Yawang also lowered her voice. She gasped and said: "You Junior Brother Wu Min is tall and strong, and I can't hold it anymore. Can you help me remove him first?"


Hearing the cool breeze, he hurriedly walked over and carried Wu Min on his back.

When he was back, he felt a piece of dryness and no longer a sticky piece. He was taken aback for a moment, "Master Gongyu, Junior Brother Wu Min..."

"His internal organs are still damaged. He must be uncomfortable when we carry him like this. Let him go first."


Cool breeze stopped asking, and quickly put the person on the only bed in the room.

Duanmuya walked over, and happened to see Lao Lin lying on this bed, sleeping deep in it. She was not surprised: "Lao Lin took medicine and slept till now?"

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