"People don't even want to tell you anything, what do you have to talk about?" Ling Xiaopeng said disapprovingly, but he also had no intention of staying, made a cut, stood up and left the room.

In the room, only An Zexi and An Xiaowen were left.

An Zexi stared at her sharply.

An Xiaowen became more guilty, turning her eyes, lowering her head and avoiding An Zexi's gaze without a trace.

"Let's talk about it, what is going on?"

After all, An Zexi couldn't help it, and said calmly.

"Brother, what's the matter with me?" An Xiaowen sat at the table, biting her lip aggrievedly, "We never think about being together. If I did something, you wouldn't know?"

This is true.

An Zexi changed his mind, "If you really do nothing, Ling Xiaopeng will not treat you like this, there must be something in it."

An Xiaowen bit her lip, pinched the corner of her dress, and whimpered with tears: "I, in the morning, go, go and confess my feelings to Gongyu..."

An Zexi was taken aback, her brows frowned, "You are a girl, a majestic princess, how can you..."

"I like to be alone. Why is it wrong?" An Xiaowen raised her eyes and retorted.

"Nevertheless, Lord Gongyu said that he already has a happy person? You are just wrong."

"That's just the son's evasive words. You and I have never seen such a person, and have never heard him mention it, how can you take it seriously?" Besides, she is not the only person doing this.

Isn't the dignified seventh princess the same as her?

She felt that she had no reason to give up to the person who could make the seventh princess like it and express her heart in spite of her face.

And she always felt that Gongyu Gongzi treated her more and looked more pleasant to her than to the Seventh Princess.

"We haven't gotten familiar with the son to this point." An Zexi said coldly: "Xiaowen, it's really wrong for you to do this. You can't do this next time."

An Xiaowen said nothing.

An Zexi asked, "Ling Shizi knew about you, so he treated you like this?"

An Xiaowen squeezed the corner of her clothes, her drooping eyes flickering: "Apart from this, can there be other things that can make him so nasty to me?"

"Then he didn't say anything wrong this time." An Zexi's helper refused to help his relatives, and then persuaded: "Xiaowen, can you listen to what I said just now? You can't do this and other things again, or you will definitely do it. Cause trouble to Gongyu Young Master."

An Xiaowen opened her mouth to refute, but when the words reached her mouth, she swallowed it back and said, "Okay, I see."


Seeing her lowered her head and lowered her eyebrows pleasing to the eye, An Zexi felt that she really listened to it, and was very satisfied, and said warmly: "Okay, I just said a little bit more seriously, you don't want to take it seriously."


An Zexi was very satisfied, drank two cups of tea, and left.

After he left, An Xiaowen let out a long sigh.

Thinking of those warnings from Ling Xiaopeng, she curled her lips, "It's really nosy!"

On the other side, after King Anding and King Lingqing had discussed the matter, the sky was completely dark. When King Anding remembered An Xiaowen, he frowned and called a guard next to him and said, "Go and call the Dark Spirit."


The guard responded and went down.

King Lingqing listened and felt magical: "What is left to the dark spirits, hasn't been done in a day?"

King Anding was suffocating in his heart, and said annoyed: "Gongyu Deyin didn't know what he was doing in the room. He hasn't seen it. There is still the piece of paper hanging on the door. We are not close, nor are we close."

King Ling Qing naturally knew about this piece of paper, and asked in amazement: "He is still resting in broad daylight?"

"Who knows him!"

King Anding was upset, "This king originally thought that his piece of paper was just a pretense, and people estimated that it was not only where it went, but he asked someone to investigate, and he did close the door to thank guests, except after going out in the morning. Never came out of the room."

King Lingqing's eyes moved, "Young people are impatient, and speaking of this, Lord Gongyu can really survive. He is not too bored to stay in the room all day."

King Anding said nothing.

King Ling Qing guessed, "Does he know your plan, Lord?"


King Anding shook his head firmly, "When we first spoke, only the three of us were present. Besides, even Xiaowen didn't know the specific plan. How did he know?"


The two chatted like this. At this moment, a shadow was silently kneeling in front of King Anding, "Dark Spirit has seen two princes!"

King Anding didn't call anyone up either. He stared at the dark spirit, whose face was hidden under the black cloth, and asked, "What happened to what you asked you to do?"

"Back to the prince, it hasn't been done yet." The dark spirit said in a low voice, "Gongyu Deyin has been in the room, and our people can't get in."

"Doesn't he have to eat lunch and dinner?"

"Yes, he hasn't come out, no one dares to bother."

"This young man can still go hungry like this?" King Anding laughed angrily. "If he doesn't come out, you don't know if you want to explore the wind from his room? See what he is doing?"

"Not close."

The dark spirit replied: "Gongyu Deyin seems to have built a barrier in the room, and the humble post can't get close at all."

King Lingqing was taken aback for a moment, and asked inconceivably: "If he didn't just take a break, he actually built a barrier to sleep?"


King Lingqing couldn't laugh or cry, and sighed to King Anding: "Lord, it seems that this public jade Deyin has a really weird temperament and is very sleepy. In order to be afraid of being disturbed, he actually built an enchantment to fall asleep."

King Anding couldn't laugh. He felt pain in his brain when he remembered what he wanted to do for An Xiaowen.

He waved his hand irritably, and said to the dark spirit: "You continue to observe, if Gongyu Deyin comes out of the room, you immediately tell the king, if not, you will report it every hour."


The dark spirit responded, came quietly, and left quietly.

There was silence in the room.

King Lingqing knew that King Anding was upset and irritable to finalize the verdict. He pondered for a moment and seriously persuaded: "My lord, this male jade has a strong moral character and has a weird temper. If you don't let this matter go, I always think it will be implemented. Get up, the consequences will exceed our expectations."

King Anding snorted, "Aren't you overestimating him? This is our empire, our turf, how can he turn the sky over no matter how great he is?"

"What if he can?"

King Anding was startled.

He is not a brainless person, on the contrary, he has always been good at thinking.

However, he was thrown into a big circle by a young man, and the rest of his anger was still in his heart. When it came to Duanmu Yawang, he would inevitably lose some thoughts and impatiently said: "Well, you must always praise him too high. NS."

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