An Zexi was stunned by Duanmu Yawang's scolding of King Anding, and frowned, "Father, do you have any misunderstandings? Young Master Gongyu’s medical skills are something that everyone knows. Is it a nonsense? ?"

"Could the father lie to you?"

When King Anding saw that his son didn't care more about him, he instead spoke for Duanmu Yawang and became even more angry, "You speak for him like this, wouldn't he give you any medicine?"


An Zexi's face was suddenly hard to look like, "There are some things, I can't talk nonsense, my son is very good, no one drugged me."

King Anding wanted to speak, so King Lingqing patted his arm, "Okay, let's talk in the room if we have something to do, or we will show a joke to outsiders."

When King Anding heard this, he glanced around, and he really saw people passing by, heard their quarrel, and looked at them curiously.

He shook his sleeves, "Okay, go back to the room and say!"

Back to the room, Wang An Ding sat down in a huff, and immediately said to An Xiaowen: "You have asked me to find an imperial doctor to give me a pulse."

An Xiaowen was stunned for a moment, then obediently nodded, and turned around to go out. King Lingqing called her: "Princess An, don't listen to the prince, come back and sit down, the prince is talking angry."

"When is this king talking angry?" Wang An Ding is anxious!

An Zexi couldn't help it anymore, "Ling Qing prince, what is going on in this matter?"

Wang Lingqing had no choice but to say a few words to them.

An Xiaowen and An Zexi were taken aback after listening.

An Zexi couldn't laugh or cry, and said helplessly: "Father, this matter is really wrong with you first. You are okay to pretend to be sick, what do you think of Gongyu? Also, people have shown to Nian and said that they are healthy, you just say There is something wrong with my body. Isn't this questioning Gongyu's medical skills?"

King Anding sneered, "Father will know that you will definitely turn to him!"

"Father, this is not because the son wants to face Gongyu Gongzi. We discuss the matter. It is true that you are not right first. No matter which healer is questioned about his medical skills, he will be unhappy. What's more, Gongyu Gongzi is self-conscious. I will definitely be unhappy."

"This king is an elder, and he is also the king of stability. He doesn't give any face, so he is right? According to the king, he doesn't put this king in his eyes at all. My king!"

An Zexi sighed, looked up at his father, and said bluntly: "Father, you are the first to come to your door if you have something to do. Lord Gongyu begs you one step, and the second is not a citizen of our empire, let you go in and sit at a table. I’ve already given face and put you in my eyes."

"Jersey makes sense."

King Lingqing also quickly persuaded: "Young Master Gongyu has a weird temperament. It's not the first day we learned about this. Since everyone is wrong, then we won't mention it. How about erasing it?"

Although King Anding was angry, Duanmu Yawang's attitude was also there. He still knew what the overall situation was about, and he really couldn't really fall out with Duanmu Yawang.

However, such an unruly person is really too difficult to control.

If you really talk to him about business, it is estimated that something will happen.

Thinking about this, he suddenly had some cares in his heart.

Looking at An Xiaowen, he asked, "Although Gongyu's temperament is a little weird, he is really capable, and you have a good impression of him. How about this line, how did your uncle help you?"

In other words, it will definitely help her!

An Xiaowen's eyes lit up when she heard it.

Duanmu Yawang rescued her. She was naturally grateful and admired. However, she had never seen Duanmu Yawang's appearance. I don't know how she looked, but she was still a little worried.

In case, it is an extremely ugly person...

However, she was a person from a complex and famous family like Ziyun City. No matter how much hesitation, she was completely eliminated when she heard their conversation.

She could hear that her unbelievable uncle was also afraid of Gong Yu Deyin.

For those who can make her uncle jealous, if she can get along with Gongyu Deyin, then the status of her and her father in the whole family will be self-evident in the future.

Therefore, she was naturally happy.

Although she was rejected once in the morning, it didn't matter, as long as things could be done well.

Of course, she would not tell her uncle at this time that she was rejected only once in the morning.

She squeezed the cup and said nervously, "Yes, Xiaowen obeyed her uncle's arrangement."

"Okay, my dear niece."

King Anding's eyes deepened, and he smiled confidently.

One side An Zexi suddenly had a bad feeling, "Father, what do you want to do?" He remembered that Lord Gongyu had already refused this connection, and he was very resistant...

"Don't worry about it."

Wang An Ding glanced at his son, then changed the conversation, and said, "I asked you to deal with the item number of the shop a few days ago. Have you taken care of everything?"

"Well, it's all taken care of."

Knowing that his father was changing the subject, An Zexi sighed secretly and had to obey.

The two talked about this matter, Ling Qing Wang said: "Master, let's go to meet with the Lord, and ask when we will return to the palace?"

King Anding moved his eyes and nodded: "Okay."

As a result, the two stood up and were about to leave. King Anding suddenly turned around and asked An Xiaowen: "How do you hold the line? Uncle will let you know when you are done later, so go back and take a good rest. "


An Xiaowen was very happy, "Xiaowen obeyed her uncle's arrangement."


Wang Anding was even satisfied, and left with Wang Lingqing.

An Zexi pursed her lips, glanced at An Xiaowen, and said in disapproval: "Xiaowen, you know that Young Master Gongyu has no feelings for you, so don't do anything stupid."

"Why does my brother say that to me?"

An Xiaowen bowed her head and said aggrieved: "I don't want to do anything, everything depends on my uncle."

"I know." An Zexi probably knows what she thinks. It is useless to say that she is, and she is innocent. He sighed inwardly, "Nothing, I won't say much. It's good to do stupid things."

"Yes, I will listen to my brother." An Xiaowen bowed her head, with a cute face.

An Zexi smiled, thinking of the unpleasant things that happened between her own father and Duanmu Yawang, she was always a little ashamed and apologized. After thinking about it, she decided to go to Duanmu Yawang.

After going, he found that the room in front of Duanmu Yawang's door was still tightly closed.

Moreover, this time around the door there was still the piece of paper I saw last night, so that people should not disturb him.

An Zexi frowned. Gongyu had already rested all night. Why did he rest before noon?

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