The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1415: Where is the disease? Just want to play her!

Little Bailu refused to follow him, "Uncle Yin, what did you say to me, why didn't the little master have a brain?" Without a brain, can he talk to them so well?


All like to bully others!

Yin Huiyin pinched the brow bone and reminded: "The emperor."

When the little white deer heard it, he suddenly uttered a slap on the bed and said, "How come I forgot about this little master!" After speaking, the drowsy sleepiness was gone, and he looked at Duan Muya enthusiastically: " Yes, master, didn’t the emperor ask you to pick him the pith flower? You came back last night, but now you can’t ask for it. Isn’t it unnecessary?”

"I also thought they couldn't help but come over to find me last night."

Duanmu Yawang took out the medicine used by Wu Min yesterday from the medical system, took out a needle, and reinjected the medicine into him. "I didn't come last night. I thought they would come here early in the morning. Come, I guess it’s because people are not in a hurry."

The little white deer sneered: "Don't worry, why did they come here late at night to ask you to help find the marrow flower?"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, and said indifferently: "If they don't need it, just forget it. This marrow washing flower is rare. If they don't want it, I just keep it."

Seeing that she was really not in a hurry, Xiao Bailu couldn't help being a little surprised, "What are you keeping? When you were looking for the pith flower, but you exchanged terms with the emperor, do you want to rinse the pith flower instead of what you asked the emperor before. Conditions?"

Before Duanmu Yawang answered, the door was knocked, "Master Gongyu, are you there?"

It is the voice of King Anding.

finally come?

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, placed the equipment for the injection, stood up and walked to the door while responding: "Yes."

While speaking, she opened the door.

Outside the door, there are King Anding and King Lingqing.

King Anding smiled and asked, "My son, can you talk in the house?"


Duanmu Yawang replied, leaning back, allowing King Anding and King Lingqing to walk in.

The two immediately saw Wu Min in her room, their eyes flashed, and curiously asked: "Isn't this Young Master Wu Min? Why is it here Young Master Gong?"

Duan Muya didn't want to elaborate, and said lightly: "Lin Lao asked me to take care of it."

"I see."

Seeing that Duanmu Yawang was like this, King Anding knew that she didn’t want to elaborate, but couldn’t help but laughed: “Everyone knows what happened to the son of Wu Min. The disciple Lin takes this seriously and is reluctant to leave him for a moment. The disciple, I didn't expect that he was willing to put Young Master Wu here."

King Lingqing smiled and stared at Duanmu Yawang meaningfully: "It seems that it is true that everyone says that the master's medical skills are superb."

"The prince is absurdly praised."

Duanmuya saw the two come in, as if there was no need to wash the marrow flower at all, but instead spoke around the Wu Gongzi, and a lot of doubts flashed in her heart.

These two people, come here today, don't talk about washing the marrow flower, what is the purpose?

This is, Wang Anding raised his sleeves and asked with a smile: "My son, I haven't slept well recently, and my waist and back are sore. Can you tell me your pulse?"

A dim light flashed across Duanmu Yawang's eyes under the veil.

She laughed: "If King Anding doesn't dislike it, Deyin will naturally be willing."

After that, she stretched out her hand and put **** on King Anding's pulse.

The pulse is steady and the pulse is calm.

Duanmu Yawang smiled, "Did the prince come to joke with Deyin? There is nothing wrong with the pulse of the prince, and his body is firm."

"Is it?"

King Anding breathed a sigh of relief, and was also a little surprised: "In this case, why does this king have symptoms of backache and poor sleep?"

Because you want to play with me.

Duanmu Yawang replied coldly.

King Anding had a knighthood in Ziyun City. For such things as seeing a doctor, it was definitely not that he had a doctor in his mansion, or that the emperor asked the doctor to visit the mansion himself. Now that the doctor is still in the palace, he came to see her for treatment.

Either to play her, or to have another purpose!

Of course, since people are pretending to be stupid, she also pretends to be stupid. She smiled and said: "Deyin just lost his mind. It is estimated that the number pulse is inaccurate. How about letting Deyin call again?"

King Anding's eyes slanted, and he met Lingqing King's mind, and stretched out his hand to Duanmu Yawang again: "Of course."

Duanmu Yawang re-signs her pulse.

This time, she took a lot longer to signal her pulse than before.

She put **** on King Anding's wrist with one hand, and clicked and clicked on the table with the other, silently without saying a word.

Until a quarter of an hour later, King Anding was originally a veteran, and seeing her pulse constantly and still not speaking, as time passed, he couldn't help but become a little nervous.

"Master Gongyu, does this king really have any symptoms?"


Duanmu Ya looked at her fingertips and touched her chin, pondered for a moment, and said in a hesitant and embarrassed voice: "I feel that the prince's pulse is indeed unstable, his heart pulse is relatively frivolous, his pulse beating faster, and I feel more anxious..."

King Anding looked serious: "So, what's wrong with it?"

"Well, I think that the prince's liver and heart and lungs seem to have some problems." After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, seeing King Anding's face changed, he hurriedly said: "Maybe I have a wrong number. Lord, you must not retract your hands. I will do it for you. Check the pulse again..."

"No need!"

King Anding's face was ugly, and his voice was naturally louder.

At first glance, it was a sign of rage.

Duanmu Ya looked at the corner of her mouth under the veil, coldly curled up, but her mouth was cautious and hesitant, and asked as if frightened: "Master, are you...angry?"

When King Anding heard this, he realized that he had lost his temper at Duanmu Yawang.

He regretted it.

This Gongyu Deyin is very capable, he also knows something, and there are many people asking for help from others. These days, everyone is polite to Duanmu Yawang, and he has never wanted to offend her.

Just now, he unexpectedly lost control.

However, just now, he began to doubt the abilities of this Gongyu Deyin.

Didn't she say that she was superb in medical skills, and a pair of wonderful hands could kill people to death? Why did he not have any illness or pain, but told him that he was seriously ill?

Sure enough, the rumors are not credible!

He took a deep breath and said, "Sorry, I haven't been sleeping well recently, and I have a bad temper, so my voice has been louder. Don't take it seriously, Lord Gongyu."


Duanmuya patted her chest and said with a sigh of relief: "I thought my pulse was wrong, which made the prince angry!"

King Anding laughed: "No, no..."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and said, "That is, the prince believes me?"

King Anding gritted his teeth and swallowed, "Naturally believe it."

"Then I will prescribe some medicine for the prince."

As Duanmu Yawang said, she stood up and walked to the desk, swiftly saying: "The heart, lungs and liver are accidents, which is a major problem. These damages have been full, so the prince will take a month's medicine for conditioning..."

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