Duanmu Yawang was very angry: "Have you ever seen a ghost lying still?"


Pan Xiangan scratched his head and said awkwardly: "This is..."

Su Hezhi: "..." What does it mean to have seen a ghost lying still? He hasn't even seen a ghost, okay? I'm not afraid to be like this after seeing it!

Duanmu Yawang knelt down and put **** on this person's pulse.

The pulse is floating and very unstable.

Peeking at the tip of your nose, the air is like a gossamer.

But in any case, "This is a human, and there is still anger."

"The blood of this body and the robes on the body are all soaked with blood, so you can still live?"

"Life is hard."

Duanmu Yawang also found it incredible, and only these two words could explain it.

Su Hezhi walked over, opened the patient's robe and checked the patient, frowning: "This person does not seem to have any wounds?"

"With so much blood, how can there be no wounds?" Pan Xiangan said, "Turn him over and take a look. It is estimated that the wound is in the front, not in the back!"

After that, he released the bamboo raft he was pulling, and he was about to reach out to move people.

"do not move!"

Duanmu Yawang drank him, and slapped him on the back of his hand, pinching his brows and said with a headache: "The patients are so injured that they cannot be moved at will."

Is this basic common sense?

"I didn't mean it..." When Pan Xiangan said, he took two steps back, putting his hands on his side, with a well-behaved appearance, "I just watched, I won't move anymore."

Duanmu Yawang ignored him, squatting down and looking at the patient's face carefully, but the patient's face was covered with blood, and with his eyes closed, her hair was messy, and she didn't feel familiar after seeing it for a long time.

"Look, do you recognize this person?"

The two took a closer look, and Pan Xiangan twisted his eyebrows: "It feels a bit familiar."

Su Hezhi: "It should be the one who came to the palace together." After that, he didn't know what he thought of. He reached out his hand and turned over the patient's robe, and there was a word "Lin" written on it.

His eyelids twitched, "Well, isn't it an old man Lin's disciple?"

Old Lin?

Duanmu Yawang always remembered that before leaving, Lin asked to help find his apprentice. Su Ri'an was concerned about this matter, but the south was so large that she couldn't find it by herself.

So, I just looked around when I was passing by, and I didn't look for people for the sake of finding someone.

But I didn't expect that I ran into this person in this place about five miles away.

"Are you sure you are old Lin's disciples?"

"Not sure." Pan Xiangan was the first to shook his head, "This time there are so many people, almost everyone doesn't know each other. If you haven't formed a team, you'll have met at the dinner party at most."

I've had an impression at most after seeing each other. As for who this person is and what his background is, I definitely can't remember.

Su Hezhidao: "I heard that there is a rule under Lin Lao's school that you do not have to wear martial arts robes when you go out, but no matter what you wear, you must show the word Lin."

Duanmu Yawang nodded and said helplessly: "No matter who it is, let's see if he can be saved." After that, he started to carefully check the patient's condition.

The more you check, the tighter your brows frown.

Finally, after thinking about it, she simply moved two machines out of the Qiankun bag.

(*@Ο@*) Wow~

Pan Xiangan looked at these two snow-white, cold, and weird things, and was stunned, "Gong, Gongyu, this, what is this?"

"You don't understand it."

"..." Pan Xiangan was unwilling. "It looks like a bed, but it's cold, with so many threads on it, and there is a bulging one above it..."

"Well, you can't describe it."

Su Hezhi looked at the two machines of Duanmu Yawang, his calm face loosened a bit, and he stared suspiciously. Pan Xiangan's lack of words caused him a headache.

Pan Xiangan has to argue with him about everything, "Is there a problem with my description like this? You can describe it again if I have the ability."

Su Hezhi took a deep breath and didn't answer, still staring at the machine with his eyes.

Fortunately, for these two machines, she had reset the power issue for convenience.

Therefore, the machine can be started with a battery in these two days.

Duanmu Yawang checked and found that the machine was okay, and said to Pan Xiangan and Su Hezhi, "You can help move this person to this place. Remember to move with aura and be careful when moving."


For two cultivators, it is too easy to move one person.

But Pan Xiangan didn’t understand, “My son, this man is so badly injured, shouldn’t he be treated first, bandaged to stop bleeding or something?” Now the son doesn’t give people any medicine or bandages, so he gets them. What is the use of a machine?

Duanmu Yawang was very angry, "Don't you say that Young Master Su, this person has no wounds at all. Since there are no wounds, how to bandage it?"


Pan Xiangan also felt like he had said something silly, so he changed the subject hurriedly and said to Su Hezhi, "What are you doing while standing? Why don't you write to help move people onto this iron bed?"

Iron bed...

Duanmuya's mouth twitched twice.

Fortunately, she is the developer of this machine. If she is replaced by another stubborn and meticulous developer and hears Pan Xiangan's name for such an eight-figure medical machine, she will be furious!

The two moved, Duanmu Yawang glanced around and started to build a barrier.

Pan Xiangan and Su Hezhi mechanically placed the patient down carefully, and then found that Duanmu Yawang had built a barrier.

Pan Xiangan was a little curious, "Why do you want to build a barrier?"

Duanmu Yawang pointed to the two medical machines she had moved out, and looked at the two of them: "You two have never seen anything like this before, right?"

"No!" Pan Xiangan immediately shook his head firmly.

"You haven't seen it, and no one else should have seen it, and I honestly say that I'm the only one in this world." Duanmu Yawang said calmly, "But, I don't want others to see it. Do you understand what I mean? "

Su Hezhi arched his hands and his face was flat: "Don't worry, Lord Gongyu, this matter will definitely not be passed on from the two of us."

"Right, right, right!" Pan Xiangan knew that Duanmu Yawang had kept them secret, and quickly raised his watch: "I will never say it!"

"I believe in you."

Duanmu Yawang's voice was gentle, "Otherwise, I won't let you see it either."

Pan Xiang'an stared at Duanmu Yawang with bright eyes, "Master Gongyu, I don't know why, I just feel that it's a great honor to know you. Let me tell you, I..."

"Shut up!" Su Hezhi's voice was cold, "Don't talk to some disgusting people all day long!"


"You still say?" Su Hezhi's voice was as cold as ice scum.


Pan Xiangan lost his voice.

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