The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1393: Weak, negative corner stubbornly resist!


The huge wave hit Duanmu Yawang and Yin Huiyin like a boulder, and they vomited blood and were injured!

Yin Huiyin is even worse, as if the bones all over his body are hurting.

Duanmu Yawang noticed that his breath was heavy and panting. This time he carefully glanced at him, his face changed: "Little Yin'er, your bones!"

Yin Huiyin was unclear. Therefore, when he lowered his head, he realized that his porcelain-white and flawless bones began to turn yellow and black at some point...

"This sea water should corrode bones!"

Duanmu Ya looked at the black sea water and realized that it had changed. He didn't know what he thought of, and said anxiously: "Little Yin'er, you can't stay here anymore, go back to the medical system!"


Yin Huiyin only felt that the flesh of his whole body was being torn and cut a little bit, and there was no place in his whole body that was not painful, and it was heartbroken!

But he can't just leave Duanmu Yawang!

"Hurry up!"

Duanmu Yawang was about to be **** off by him, "Listen to me, hurry up!"


"No but!" Duanmu Yawang didn't expect that Yin Huiyin would have such a result when he touched the seawater here. Thinking of something, he touched his waist with both hands and clanged out the original moving sky sword with a clang, "Go away, I Give it a try!"

Yin Huiyin was already trembling. He knew clearly that if he stayed here again, not only would his bones be corroded, but also Duanmu Yawang would be involved in taking care of him!

He bit his teeth and nodded: "Okay, Xiao Yawang, be careful!"

"I will."

Yin Huiyin had no choice but to flash away and went back to the medical system.

"Uncle Yin?" Xiao Bailu saw Yin Huiyin's bones turned black and yellow, and his eyes were red. Thinking of something, he said hurriedly: "I, I'll bring you a bucket of spiritual water and wash it."

It should be fine after washing with spirit water.

Yin Huiyin lay down for a while, panting without answering.

It's not that he doesn't want to answer, but he doesn't have the strength at all...

Little Bailu looked at Yin Huiyin, but guessed it in his heart, and said anxiously: "Wait, I'll be back soon." Fortunately, if the master is not there, he steals some spiritual water, it must be no problem!

Yin Huiyin is uncomfortable in the medical system, and Duanmu Yawang on the sea is equally uncomfortable.

Holding the original moving sky sword, she lifted her breath, jumped from the sea into the air, panting and staring at the shark coldly.


The human shark licked his mouth, his eyes let out a disgusting greedy look, "I have forgotten how many years I have not had any appetite, it seems that God loves you and sent you to my mouth!"

Ren Yu is so clear, not inferior to human thinking, so Duan Mu Ya Wang's heart sinks a little bit.

She understood that this man shark was not an ordinary beast.

Fighting with it is almost hitting a rock with a pebble!

She clenched the hilt of the sword tightly and sneered: "If you want to eat me, you have to have this ability!"

"You are so ridiculous."

The man snorted and raised his eyelids, staring at Duanmu Yawang as if looking at an ant: "In my place, you have a problem with survival. Do you still want you to resist me?"

Duanmu Yawang stood in the air and sneered: "Your site?"

Ren Shao squinted his eyes, stared at her, and said for a moment: "You seem to adapt to my site very quickly."

Duanmu Ya looked at his eyebrows, wondering what he meant.

The human shark laughed, and the sound rolled like thunder, shaking the waves to the sky, "As expected, the person who even feels sweet, really different!" As he spoke, it stared at Duanmu Yawang's gaze, but became more greedy.

"Then it depends on you, whether you have this ability!"

"You still have the courage to provoke me?" Ren Shao laughed and laughed. It said coldly: "I don't like to force people. The more willing to eat, the more delicious. So, if you let it willingly If I eat, I will let your companions go, how?"


Duanmu Yawang thought of Su Hezhi.

Turning his head and glanced over, the small bamboo row was drifting on the calm sea.

Su Hezhi was climbing the bamboo raft weakly, his breath was like gossamer.

Even, it is possible to stop breathing instantly!

Her eyes were deep, "If I were eaten by you, would you let them go?"

"That's right." The human shark lowered his jaw and said proudly: "Here, only you are worthy of being my food, they are not qualified!"

"That's it, you won't eat them?" Duan Muya looked at her eyes and hummed softly: "If so, why should I do this?" Now that she knows that they will not become prey, she still sacrifices herself?


Ren Shark raised his head and smiled, "You are very fragrant, but people are not very smart. Although I will not be wronged to eat them, but... I didn't say I can't crush them!"

Duanmuya looked at him coldly.

Renyu didn't care about the look in her eyes, "What, what do you want?"

After that, he sighed: "Anyway, you went back to be eaten by me. You are willing to save the lives of a few people. Such a good business, are you sure you don't want to try it?"

"I think you have misunderstood." Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "I am not the kind of person who sacrifices himself for others."

"Oh?" Renhao raised his eyebrows: "In other words, the same result, as long as you change your attitude, you can change things, are you not happy?"

"No, you misunderstood again." Duanmu Yawang's eyes were sharp and firm: "I think, I didn't say, I want to be eaten by you? I don't agree with the so-called same result."

"Negative corner stubbornly resist!"

The man snorted, and at the same time was irritated: "Since you are so ignorant, then I won't waste time!" It had long wanted to eat her!

It doesn't want to wait anymore!

Duanmu Ya looked at it, her eyes narrowed, a gust of wind rushed in, and with a snap, she was struck by several lightning strikes, but she hadn't reacted yet, and the whole person was shot down into the sea!

Blood, sprayed on the surface of the sea!

She was instantly dizzy, almost without the ability to think.

The only thought in my mind is, is she so weak in front of this man?

As she was about to fall to the surface, her body was held tightly.

In the pain, she recovered a little bit of consciousness from Huangshen, looked up, and found that she was held in her hand by a man.

Ren Qiang was smiling grimly and opened his mouth wide.

Seeing it, it will send Duanmu Yawang into its mouth.

This person suits it very well, as long as she is eaten, it has the power to sleep again, and it can live for hundreds of years!

Thinking like this, he threw Duanmu Yawang into his mouth!

Yin Huiyin was still half-conscious, and Xiao Bailu came back with a bucket of spiritual water. Upon seeing it, the two of them were shocked: "Master!"

"Xiao Yawang!"

Su Hezhi also had a little awareness. Seeing the movements of the human shark, his pupils shrank: "Master Gongyu!"


What sounded at the same time as their voices was a scream!

Moreover, it is the scream of the shark!

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