The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1377: Reborn flowers, how to see how to penetrate people!

In addition to observing these cruel and bloodthirsty little monsters, when Duanmu Yawang passed by, she also observed other weak ones, such as elk, little milk sheep, and little white rabbits.

She found that they didn't even panic when they saw her.

Even one by one, they stared at her with big innocent eyes.

No matter how close she gets, she is not afraid.

Even when she reached out to touch them, they never dodge.

"so amazing."

Duanmu Yawang reached out and touched the horns of the little elk beside him, and said with a smile: "In vain, they are cuter than you, their horns are much longer than you, and their shapes are also beautiful."


Little Bailu curled his lips, with a look of disdain: "How cute is he, Xiaoye is a god!"

He won!


Duanmu Yawang sneered, reached in and slapped the little white deer directly.

"No one..."

The little white deer pouted and felt wronged, "Obviously you are slandering people."

Duanmuya rolled her eyes, and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

When she left, the little elk rubbed her palm gently with his head.

Duanmu Ya looked at a heart suddenly softened, rubbed its belly, feeling something in the palm of her palm, and she was taken aback: "Its spirit crystal is so high-level."


Little Bailu stared, "It looks so young, it should be just two or three years old, how tall can the spirit crystal be?"

Duanmu Yawang has solemn eyes: "At least seven or eight."

"How can it be!"

The little white deer took a breath and denied: "Such a small elk, it is impossible to have such a high-level spirit crystal. Master, do you feel that something is wrong with the belly of someone else?"

"You just feel wrong!"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't hold back, and knocked on his head again, "I found that you are really getting more and more beating now, and your words are really getting worse and worse?"

"All right."

The little white deer was lying on the small bed, grievingly: "Then people just don't talk."


Duanmuya flicked his forehead, not to kill him.

She originally thought it was a coincidence, she reached out and touched the little white rabbit, and felt that the little white rabbit's spirit crystal was also at the rank of six or seven!

She couldn't believe it!

If she didn't feel wrong, she remembered those huge three-headed snakes, whose spirit crystals were only level seven or eight. How could the spirit crystals on these immature animals be taller than them?

"These should be spirit beasts." Yin Huiyin suddenly said.


Duanmu Yawang couldn't react to what he said about it.

Yin Huiyin said: "Most of the things we encountered before were evil beasts."

" do you divide this?" Duanmu Yawang has always heard about spirit beasts and evil beasts, but has never known how to distinguish between them. Now that she heard him say this, she suddenly remembered that she really didn't have any distinction between spirit beasts and evil beasts.

"Spirit beasts are spiritual and have no offensive power, but they are highly talented. Such a small thing can generally be repaired..." Yin Huiyin suddenly cried out painfully when he said this.

"Xiaoyin'er? What's the matter with you?" Duanmu Yawang was the first time he heard such a painful voice.


Even so, Yin Huiyin's voice seemed to suddenly become tired.

Duanmu Yawang wanted him to reach out and show her, but remembered that he was just a skeleton, no pulse or heartbeat.

She can't detect it.

Her heart sank.

However, Yin Huiyin soon became more energetic and raised his eyes and said: "By the way, where did I just say?"

"It's the characteristics of spirit beasts."

Duanmu Yawang listened to his voice relaxed, and stopped asking him, saying: "You also said that they can generally repair something, and then they broke."


Yin Huiyin was puzzled, and he said, "I said that?"


Duanmu Yawang was stunned, "Are you the memory of a fish?"

Yin Huiyin shook his head, "But I don't know the characteristics of spirit beasts."

"..." He must be teasing her.

"Uncle Yin is so weird, why did you forget it all at once?" Little Bailu frowned, and said with no anger: "Master, I know what Uncle Yin is going to say."


"Spirit beasts can cultivate as adults, and can even ascend." Little Bailu patted his chest and said proudly: "My little master, I was thrown by the source of Linghu because I didn't know it, drinking spiritual water and lying on my pillow. The aura of the master's cultivation suddenly became conscious and quickly transformed into shape."

After that, without waiting for Duanmu Yawang's reaction, he said again: "Of course, these little creatures are not as lucky as the little master. They estimate that they will have to cultivate for hundreds of thousands of years before they can soar... Ah!"

When he said this, he patted his head abruptly, "That's not right!"

"What's wrong?"

"The immortal realms are gone, I can't fly up long ago!" Xiao Bailu stamped his feet. "The spiritual energy of this world is so weak and the turbid energy is so much that human beings are unwilling to cultivate."

When Xiao Bailu said, he sighed and said: "It has been a long time since no one has been able to ascend. These little spirit creatures have such a talent at such a small size. Now it seems that it is a pity."

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids moved, but did not answer.

Little Bailu continued: "It's no wonder that in such an environment, there are so many evil beasts, and these little things can survive for so long. It turns out that they are such spiritual beasts!"

After that, he thought of something, and then said: "But, fortunately, they look harmless. Otherwise, if people who come here to hunt know that these little things have such good spirit crystals on them, it is estimated that they will be killed one by one. clean!"


Duan Muya looked down. Such a small thing looked like a bully.

Small in size, it is even easier to bully compared to the evil beasts that are lower than them.

Xiao Bailu sighed. It is estimated that he saw similar people, and felt a little bit empathetic: "I hope they can be lucky too, or not soar, and live a little longer."

Duanmu Yawang stroked the ears of the little white rabbit twice, and said softly, "Be alive, I'm leaving now."

The little white rabbit's two lovely white ears trembled twice, and his big round eyes stared at her.

Duan Muya looked at her lips and smiled, stood up and turned away.

The more you go in the other direction, the fewer such small animals. Duanmu Yawang didn't try to verify whether they all have a high-level spirit crystal one by one, and continued her mission, looking for her own things.

Suddenly, when she saw a blood-red flower the size of a plate, she was taken aback for a moment: "Departure flower?"

When I said, I walked over.

A rotten breath instantly penetrated into the tip of the nose.

When the little white deer saw it, he twisted his eyebrows: "This flower looks so oozing." I have seen red flowers, and I have never seen even the leaves and branches all red!

Also, the drops of water dripping from the leaves are all red!

How to look at it, how to penetrate!

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