"The medicine you gave us must have been developed by you?" Mr. Mao asked mockingly. "Also, the way you save people is weird. It doesn't look like healing people, but more like some spells. Surgery."

Duanmu Yawang understood that no matter what she said, Lord Mao would not treat him like a normal person.

Thinking like this, her eyes sank.

At this time, Master Mao stared at her and asked, "How are you thinking about it?"


Duan Muya raised her eyebrows, "Master Mao, what should I consider?"

Master Mao was a little annoyed, "Are you going to stay alive, drag your loved ones and drag the world?"

"I don't think I'm a drag on my relatives."

Duanmu Ya looked at her arms around her chest, staring at him with squinting eyes: "On the contrary, I feel that Master Mao's intentions are sinister, killing so many people, and living a life is a hazard."

"What did you say?"

Master Mao's expression changed quickly when he heard this. For a moment, a dark smile came out from the corners of his mouth: "You know, how did those people who don't listen to persuasion and don't know what to do in the end died?"

"Oh? How did you die?" She really wanted to hear it!

Master Mao's eyes flashed scarlet, making him look very hideous!

He said: "Some of them were caught in the street by me, who were slashing adult sticks alive, watching their flesh and skin separate, threatening to death. Others were thrown into the frying pan by me...Um!"

Before he finished speaking, he was tightly pinched around his neck by a slender hand. He widened his eyes and saw a beautiful face, "You...um!"

Duanmu Yawang squeezed his neck forcefully, not giving him a chance to speak at all, her hands were strong, but her lips smiled like a spring breeze: "Mao, I don’t care about how other people died, but I do. I really want to know, how does Lord Mao want to die?"

After that, I added a sentence: "I am more merciful. Compared with you, I will give people the right to choose how to die. As long as the adults say, I will fulfill you."

"Fart, fart!"

An angry light burst from the eyes of Lord Mao, his hands clenched into fists, brewing aura, and he attacked Duanmu Yawang with his hands!


All his auras were intercepted by Duanmu Yawang in one fell swoop, and the two auras merged into one with a single sound, and they were instantly used by her!

She pinched Master Mao's neck with one hand, and controlled the aura with the other. In his incredible eyes, she curled her lips and smiled, "Master Mao, how does it feel to be controlled by a black-eyed person?"

Mr. Mao's eyes were raised, and his face was instantly unwilling.

"Oh, I forgot, my lord, you can't speak at all now." Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, smiling again, and said happily: "You didn't say before that people like us or suffering are also embarrassed. Isn't it better to die? And if you are under the control of someone like me with no power to fight back, shouldn't you die...death?"

For the last dead word, Duanmu Yawang increased his voice, and at the same time, the strength in his hand followed fiercely.

Master Mao could still breathe, but now he only feels that the oxygen in his throat has been evacuated instantly.

He panicked instantly and made a begging sound of "Uhhhhhhhh".

Duanmuya turned a blind eye, and lowered her head to see that some of the three-headed snakes who had moved because of their scent, were stretching their heads and arching upwards, trying to swallow them into their abdomen.

Duanmu Yawang sighed, "Originally I was thinking about how to deal with you. They came just right, so I don't need to dirty my hands anymore."

There were three-headed snakes underneath, and Master Mao naturally knew about it. Hearing what she said, the hairs were erected immediately, and the eyes were round!

Duanmu Yawang was about to do it when she suddenly sensed that the original moving sky sword in the Qiankun bag suddenly became restless.

The inside of Qiankun's bag was whirring.

She looked down, and the mouth of the Qiankun bag on the waist was exuding golden light.

Xiao Bailu had been watching the show all the time, but he was actually too lazy to deal with such scum, and he agreed that Duanmu Yawang had dealt with the disgusting man Mao.

He also noticed the situation of Qiankun Bag for the first time, and asked in amazement: "Is the original moving sky sword trying to get out of its sheath?"

"Out of the sheath?"

Duanmu Yawang frowned, and Xiao Bailu curled his lips and said out of breath: "You don't want to think about how long you have put them in the Qiankun bag. I guess you can't hold it back anymore, you want to come out and breathe."

"Do not."

Yin Huiyin, who was cultivating, suddenly opened his eyes and denied Xiao Bailu's answer.

"Huh?" Duanmu Yawang remembered that she had obtained the original moving heaven sword not far from Yin Huiyin, and her eyes moved, "What do you think it should be?"

"It's excited." Yin Huiyin said calmly.

"Excited?" Duanmu Yawang was stunned, and suddenly a flash of inspiration, "You mean, it knew that I was going to kill Lord Mao, so it was excited?" She remembered that after the original Moving Heavenly Sword drank blood, it seemed to connect immediately. Together, she became stronger...


Yin Huiyin nodded and said without hesitation: "It should want to drink blood."

After that, I added a sentence: "Especially this person's blood."

Duanmu Ya looked and listened, glanced at the hairy eggs, and saw that his face was so pale that he was about to die of anger, and he let go of his hands when he moved his eyes.

Master Mao softened and leaned on the tree trunk weakly and coughed vigorously.

Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand into the Qiankun bag and took out the original moving sky sword.

After touching her hand, the restless Primordial Moving Heavenly Sword instantly became docile.

Duanmu Yawang's complexion was soft, and he was about to take it out. Master Mao coughed a few times, and after slowing down a little bit, seeing Duanmu Yawang ignored him, his eyes turned, and he was about to flee!

Duanmu Yawang sneered, grasped the original moving sky sword, took it out, and flicked it, coldly said: "Chasing him!"

‘Om! ’

The original moving sky sword uttered a cold cry, and the sword flew out like a rocket!

‘Chang! ’

It was almost instantaneous, right in front of Mr. Mao's neck, blocking his path for life!


Master Mao was taken aback by the sword that suddenly came out in front of him, except for a cold sweat, if he couldn't stop in time, his head would probably be cut off immediately!

The more he thinks about it, the more afraid he will be!

But why is there only one sword?

He was thinking like this, Duanmu Yawang suddenly appeared in front of him, the original moving sky sword buzzed, and the sword shook.

Duanmu Yawang felt that it was just acting like a baby.

She stretched out her hand to cover the hilt of the sword, and the original moving sky sword immediately calmed down.

Master Mao was shocked by her actions, and when he looked at the sword in her hand, he only felt that the spirituality was incredible, "You..."

He had just uttered a word, a sword, before his neck was crossed again.

His hair is erect!

Duanmu Yawang didn't do it right away, she curled her lips and stared at Yuan Dongtian Jiandao: "How do you want to kill him? You choose for yourself, and I'm up to you."

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