As the black blood stains flowed out a little bit, everyone found that the purple-black skin on the skin outside the robe of Village Master Gu was getting lighter at a speed that one could see with the naked eye.

Duanmu Yawang has been observing the patient's pulse and other conditions.

When there was red blood flowing out, she said: "Well, you help to hold down their wounds. They have lost too much blood. Don't let these clean blood be lost."


Everyone worked together to do what she said.

They were holding down the wound for the patient, and Duanmu Yawang quickly sutured the wound and bandaged the wound. Most of the hour had passed since they were busy.

She gave the patient a little painkiller, and both patients fell asleep.

She then walked to the leaping creek next to her to clean her tools.

Someone looked at her back, and then secretly reached out and took a sniff of the two patients.

The breath is weak, but stable.

"Really saved."

All kinds of emotions such as shock, astonishment, and inconceivability filled everyone's hearts.

"Master Gongyu."

When Duanmu Yawang was cleaning the tools, someone called her. She looked back and saw that she was a young man of twenty-three or four-year-old, with a square face, a tall stature, and a simple look.

Duanmu Yawan raised her eyebrows, "Why does this gentleman want me?"

"My name is Pan Xiangan."

The young man scratched his head, embarrassed, but sincerely said: "Also, I really thank you this time."


"You saved us." Pan Xiangan said solemnly: "Also, you saved my cousin."

"Of those two people just now, one of them is your cousin?"

"The first one you saved was." Pan Xiangan hesitated for a moment, and said in a slightly embarrassing way: "However, we have a lot of contradictions, and we have never known each other externally, so..."

"So that's it." Duanmu Yawang shrugged.

"My son, in this weather, the water in this creek should be very cold. Your hands are red. Why should I wash so many things for you?" Pan Xiangan said, raising his sleeves and squatting over.

"no need."

Duanmu Yawang frowned and stopped, "I can only rest assured that I wash these things by myself. Thank you Master Pan for your kindness."

"Yes, I was reckless." Pan Xiangan heard that Duanmu Yawang didn't want others to touch her, so he stopped begging, but he didn't want to go. It’s an eye-opener for us."

"you flatter me."

Duanmuya was not happy or angry, and Pan Xiangan was obviously not a person who knew how to talk to people. When the words came to this, he was quiet again.

Duanmu Yawang didn't care about him either.

After being quiet for a while, Pan Xiangan spoke again. He said, "Master Gongyu, are you from a medical family?"

"It's not."

"But I feel that your medical skills are very good, and the treatment methods are also very special." What did Pan Xiangan say, "To be honest, my cousin and the owner of Gu Shao are in very serious conditions. I encountered such patients temporarily. Generally speaking, there is no alternative but to give up."

Duanmu Yawang cleaned things quietly without commenting.

Pan Xiangan was embarrassed again.

He bit his last tooth and plopped, and suddenly knelt down to Duanmu Yawang, "Gongyu Young Master, Pan has something to ask!"

Duanmuya looked back and saw the man kneeling on her face, her face turned dark, "What are you doing?"

Pan Xiangan's dark face flushed, and he said nervously, "My son, please save my second brother! As long as you are willing to save, we can pay any price!"

"You get up first."

Pan Xiangan was reluctant to start, "Master Gongyu, please save my second brother. My second brother is talented, but he has been tortured by strange diseases and can only become a useless person. He..."

"stand up!"

She gritted her teeth, "I'm only sixteen years old, don't you feel unlucky when you kneel on me like this?"


Pan Xiangan was startled, he bounced it up, and waved his hand: "You don't want to think too much, son, I didn't mean that, son has a long life..."

"alright, alright."

Duanmu Ya looked at the things that were almost cleaned, put the medical tools back into the Qiankun bag, stood up and walked back: "Tell me, what is the strange disease of your brother?"

When Pan Xiangan heard it, his eyes lit up.

He quickly told Duanmu Yawang about the situation.

He said: "My second brother is twenty this year. The strange disease was acquired six years ago. His abdomen is swollen like a parturient, and his hair is all lost. No matter what he eats, he will vomit out, only draught or porridge. In order to barely vomit."

"My second brother has asked countless doctors for help, but there has been no results, or even no improvement at all. My second brother has difficulty getting out of bed now, and his belly is as thin as a ball that can be broken with a single jab, terrible and terrifying. Sad."

The man is like pregnant...

Duanmu Yawang pondered for a moment and asked, "Did his abdomen swell day by day, or did it swell for a short time?"

"Day by day."

Pan Xiangan smiled bitterly and said: "It took a full ten months when it was almost the same as that of a parturient. If the second brother is not a man, plus all the physical similarities of the second brother, we all think that the second brother is a big man who is pregnant."

Duanmu Yawang nodded and said nothing thoughtfully.

Pan Xiangan was a little anxious: "My son, I don't know if you listened, what do you think about the second brother's illness?"

"No idea for the time being."

Duanmu Yawang said directly: "I have never personally seen the patient's condition, just relying on your dictation from Mr. Pan, I cannot confirm what kind of disease this is."

Since it is a disease, it is impossible to make a judgment easily without sufficient medical evidence.

Pan Xiangan asked eagerly: "Will the son go to our Pan's house after leaving Donggong Mountain to see for my brother?"

"Master Pan, I also have a lot of things to do." Duanmu Yawang calmly said: "I might not..."

"What about the son after finishing the work?" Pan Xiangan said anxiously: "Don't force son Xiang'an, as long as the son is free, we are willing to wait, and ask the son to help us!"

Duanmu Yawang suddenly had a headache.

She sighed, "Where is your home?"

Pan Xiangan looked around and didn't speak for a while.

"What's the matter? I can't say this?"

"No." Pan Xiangan looked around, walked a few steps towards Duanmu Yawang, and said three words in a very soft voice: "Yunsu Qianyu."

"Yunsu Thousand Regions?"

Very special name.

Almost once said, Duanmu Yawang has the impression that he has seen the name.

She was taken aback for a moment, and immediately took out the geography from the Qiankun bag, and after searching for it for a while, she finally saw Yunsu Qianyu's introduction, "Is that a city of rivers?"

Moreover, this city is very special, like an endless city, and it is not clearly stated whether it will be included in a certain empire.

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