At the foot of the mountain, everyone began to go up the mountain one after another.

Everyone entered the third together. They had never separated. Duanmu Yawang was suddenly crowded with people. Many people wanted to talk to her, but no one dared to speak for a while.

Or Jing Caixing came up and asked, "Gongyu Young Master, are you really going to take a trip to the northwest?"


Duanmu Yawang shook his head.


Jing Tiexing said with a pity: "I thought I had a chance to walk with the son."

Duanmuya smiled without saying a word.

At this time, a voice sounded from one side: "Master Gongyu, are you going to the south?"

Duanmu Ya looked at the sound, and it was Master Mao.

Duanmu Yawang's impression of him can be said to be a little bad, and his voice suddenly faded: "Yes."

Master Mao walked towards her step by step, and said unexpectedly: "Mou is also very interested in the south, why don't we go together?"

Duanmuya narrowed her eyes, "Mao is going to the south too?"


Mr. Mao estimated that he was well rested and energetic. He raised his chin slightly and suggested: "However, the road to the south is not easy to walk, and there are many small bastards. It is particularly troublesome to walk. How about we go around from the west?"

"Little bastard?" Duanmu Yawang blinked.

Master Mao twisted his eyebrows and said with disgust: "Since I entered Wuli, there were a lot of weird and disgusting little monsters, and most of them didn't know them, so I called them little bastards."

Duanmu Yawang was a little speechless, and remembered another suggestion from Master Mao: "Your Excellency just said that you want to go around from the west to the south?"


Mr. Mao's energetic suggestion: "Anyway, don't we have three days. We can go to the northwest for one day, then take a detour from the northwest, and enter the land boundary about ten miles to the south in a straight line, so that we can avoid the little **** in the south. NS."

After all, he still wants her to go northwest.

Duanmu Yawang was very clear about Master Mao's intentions, and said firmly: "No, I have already been to the northwest. I am not very interested. It will take a long time to make a detour. Forgive me for not accompanying me."

Master Mao raised his eyelids, and he was a little uncomfortable, "Gongyu, almost every year of expeditions, Mao walks to the south. No one knows the situation in the south better than me. If you don't have an acquaintance with you, go. It's hard to get up. It's very difficult."

Duanmu Yawang understood, "In other words, Lord Mao knows a shortcut?"

"If I go directly to the south from here, I have a shortcut."

Master Mao said meaningfully: "My son, when we go to the south, we will come back sooner or later. If we detour from the northwest to the south, and then return directly from the south when we return, this will save a lot of time and be safe."

Duanmu Yawang smiled.

She clearly understood that Master Mao was throwing an olive branch with her, hoping she could cooperate with him.

If she could take him directly to the northwest, he would take her detour to the south, and when returning from the south, he would lead her back from the safest shortcut he knew.

Everyone walked together, everyone could hear their conversation, and they all stretched their ears to listen to their conversation.

On this trip, more than 80 to 90% of the people went straight to Lingshi Mountain in the northwest. Therefore, if Duanmu Yawang went to the northwest again this trip, they would not have to be afraid of getting lost as long as they followed. .

Of course, these are not the main points.

The most important thing is that Gongyu Deyin knows how to read stones.

If you go to Lingshi Mountain and ask him to help you look for a stone or two, you can avoid finding waste rocks and find good ones.

Duanmu Yawang didn’t answer for a while, but everyone had already climbed a hundred or two hundred meters, and encountered many forks in the middle. Seeing that everyone was going to part ways, Master Mao couldn’t hide his breath and asked, "Master Gongyu, yours. Answer?"

"Feel sorry."

Duanmu Yawang said calmly and flatly: "I still choose to go to the south."

Master Mao did not expect that Duanmu Yawang would be so stubborn, his heart sank, and he said warningly: "Master Gongyu, you should know that more than a dozen of us were killed in the hunting activity yesterday."

"I know."

When Duanmu Yawang said it, he asked in his spare time: "What does your lord mean by saying this?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Master Mao twitched, "I just wanted to tell the son that nine of the dozen or so people are going to the south."

Is he scaring her?

Duanmu Yawang smiled softly, "Thank you, my lord, for letting me know, but the things I decided won't change."

Master Mao is about to vomit blood. He has seen someone with a hard-mouthed temper, but he has never seen such an oily salt. He gritted his teeth and said, "My son, it's a matter of life, you can't be willful."

"I know."

Duan Muya smiled and said calmly and clearly: "However, I like challenges."


Since people are not afraid of death, if you listen to her, Lord Mao will know that Duanmu Yawang is unlikely to change his mind.

He pursed his lips, stared at Duanmu Ya for a moment, and suddenly blessed his soul: "My son, you are so determined to go south, but because there is something you particularly want in the south?"

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched without saying a word.

Silence is sometimes an answer.

Master Mao knew that he was probably right, his eyes lit up, and he said: "My son, you can talk about what you want, and we can find you together..."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand to calmly interrupt Master Mao's words, pointing in a direction and said, "I see there is a small road south of here, and seeing that there may be people walking by, I don't need to open the way, I will go in this direction first, adults take care ."

After that, she turned and left.

"The son!"

Lord Mao didn't give up and called her again: "We can make a deal. You first follow us to the northwest, and then we go to the south. How about we find what you want together?"

After that, he swept to everyone and asked, "What do you think?"

"That's great."

Everyone thinks that Lord Mao’s proposal is very good. They nodded their heads and looked at Duanmu Yawang expectantly: "Master Gongyu, what you can find is definitely precious and extremely rare. In that case, one more person. Just one more effort. With so many of us helping you, it will definitely be easier than you alone..."


Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand lightly to interrupt the other party, still the same sentence: "I said, I like challenges, if I really can't find it, it is my own life."

After that, she nodded to everyone: "Thank you for your concern, the south is sinister, then I will take a step first, please feel free to everyone." When the words fell, she took the lead and walked towards the small road to the south.

Everyone looked at her back slightly hidden in the thick fog, angry and helpless.

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