"Young Master Gongyu?" Seeing Duanmu Yawang kept silent, Master Governor squinted slightly.

"No problem at all."

Duanmuya smiled while curling her lips.


An Zexi and others were stunned.

They thought that she had had such a stalemate with the Wan Family at the beginning, and it was impossible that she would be willing to give them a stone in any case...

What she said was beyond their expectation.

Many onlookers frowned directly, and their faces were stained with disdain: "It is said that Gongyu Deyin is very cold and arrogant. It seems that this is just a rumor."

"That's, in front of the power, doesn't he have to behave respectfully?"

These words can be said to be difficult to hear, of course they are not loud, and no one dared to say them loudly in front of the Governor and Duanmu Yawang, but Duanmu Yawang still heard them.

She has pointed ears!

Little Bailu heard it too, and hummed: "Look, master, these people think of you so much now!"

"What do others think of me, what do they do to me?" She didn't live for these people.

Besides, in life, everything is impossible, and it is nothing to be aggrieved by the things she values.

She Duanmu Yawang can afford to feel wronged.

The people around him were surprised, even the governor-sama was taken aback, and then a bright light flashed across his eyes, and he smirked and said, "Then there will be Lord Lao Gongyu."

"Deyin has said that it's just a matter of effort." Duanmu Yawang approached them and said with a smile: "Deyin is a foreigner to Ziyun City, and I hope that the governor will take care of it in the future."

The governor's eyes reflected a dim light.

Duanmu Yawang's words seem to many people to take the sleek beard and the horse to the extreme. However, he feels that Gongyu Deyin is negotiating with him!

In other words, she helped him this time, and next time she asked, he had to help him back.

Or is it that Gongyu Deyin had already had some unsolvable things in his mind, so he took the opportunity to propose such a condition?

Thinking of this, he hesitated secretly in his heart.

He originally thought that he could follow Duanmu Yawang through his position to please him a little bit, but he didn't expect that such a young man would be secretly put off by such a young man.

Moreover, this set is still a pit he dug by himself...

The pit has been dug out, and it is impossible to fill it without a trace under the eyes of everyone.

Besides, he couldn't lose face at the banquet tonight, and indeed only Gongyu Deyin could help with this favor. Even if he was not happy, there was no room for change.

He looked down, making people unable to see the emotions in his eyes, "Master Gongyu is a foreigner, and he became famous overnight in Wushangge. I don't know how many people want to make friends with Gongzi. Gongyu Gongzi gives face to a certain, and Ying certain will naturally. Take good care of the son."

He is a wise person, she understands as soon as she says, Duanmu Yawang is very satisfied: "Then it's a deal."

The governor nodded and laughed: "Then, then, there will be son Lao who will break the stone."


Duanmu Yawang was also refreshed, and while talking, walked over to the two stones and started to open the stones.

A stone came out. The size and color are very good. You can see that it is not bad. The four members of Wanjia breathed a sigh of relief. When they were guessing the level, Duanmu Yawang said to the governor: "Sixth-level high-level."

"Sixth-level high-end?"

Wan Lingke was a little unhappy when he heard that, Wan Lingke immediately asked, "Why are everyone at level seven, but ours is at level six?"

Duanmu Yawang put her arms around her chest, and reminded with a chuckle: "Master Wan, the two spiritual stones of Miss Meishi and Sister-in-law at the beginning, I put them in front of you first, and you don't want them."

Wanjia made people listen to it, and only then did they think of this, and suddenly regretted that their intestines were blue.

Thinking of something, the Wan Family glanced at the governor, and saw that the governor’s face was calm and gentle, and he was not angry because of it, and he was relieved.

The governor was very calm, as if he hadn't noticed the sight of the Wan Family, he pointed to another piece and said, "Master Gongyu, what about this piece of spiritual stone? What's the level?"

The last stone, Duanmu Yawang hasn't opened yet, and he bluntly said: "It is also a sixth-level high-end."

"I disagree!"

When Wan Lingke heard this answer, the whole person was about to explode, "Why are you a member of the group? The two actors you gave them are both level 7 and ours are indeed level 6? This is not fair!"

After that, before Duanmu Yawang could speak, he sneered slightly, "Don’t tell me what we gave to them when we didn’t choose. They are good things."

"Therefore, I have reason to suspect that you are actually deliberately angering us, let us doubt and abandon your stones, and then give them the good stones logically!"


As soon as this was said, everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to react.

Duanmu Yawang was angrily laughed, and asked in his spare time: "The question of Wan Gongzi is really good. I have said that this is not a waste stone, and you don't believe it."

"Also, it's also that you are suspicious of yourself first, and you don't trust me at all. That's why you have doubts about these stones of me, and discard them like shoes. Everyone is watching this."

In other words, it would be their own fault if they hadn't questioned her first and made them lose the watermelon and reluctantly choose sesame.

After that, I didn’t know what I thought of, and smiled lightly, “Actually, Master Wan, if it were me, I would never raise such a question. Putting it in front of you, I believe you may not be able to pick the best piece."

In other words, blame yourself for lack of strength!

Duanmu Yawang's words can be said very harshly, Wan Lingke immediately changed his face, but many people present felt that Duanmu Yawang made sense.

At the beginning, it was indeed the son of Gongyu who took out the stones to distribute. It was because the tens of thousands of people didn't know how to distinguish good things.

Besides, there are two sixth-level high-level spirit stones that are already very good. They are brought back to you so far. You don’t know how grateful they are. You are still questioning, questioning, insulting, etc., indeed... I don’t know what is good or bad. !

For a moment, everyone looked at the Wan Family's gaze, as if looking at a white-eyed wolf.

The Wan family was irritated by such gaze, their complexion changed and they almost trembled with anger, "Gongyu, if you can open the stone early and then take it out, wouldn't there be no such misunderstanding?"

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