An Zexi glanced at Wanfang Mountain and followed Duanmu Yawang's footsteps.

In his heart, he was deeply impressed by Duanmu Yawang at this moment.

In fact, the person Mr. Wan most offends is the son of Gongyu. However, he satisfies a few words indifferently from the beginning to the end, but he has always followed his leader's eagerness, and no matter how angry he is, he will not leave anyone behind.

Moreover, she still called Mr. Wan Yisheng and Gongzi Wanzi.

There is no shortage of rituals and figures, and he retains the qualities he should have.

If you don't eat the losses you shouldn't eat, you just carry the responsibilities that you should bear, and you don't get angry because of this, and you can't hear any resentment from the son's tone, at most it's just unhappy.

An Zexi felt that following Duanmu Yawang this trip, she really learned a lot.

I feel that something in my heart has been completely affected.


An Xiaowen coldly snorted at the two fathers and sons of Wanfang Mountain, and followed with her arms folded.

The seventh princess was closed by Duanmu Yawang's spells because of her mouth, unable to speak, she stared at the two with her big eyes.

The two of them trembled because the other was a princess, and bowed their heads properly, not daring to make trouble.

The seventh princess was still satisfied, took a look at them, and then turned to follow Duanmu Yawang.

Wan Lingke looked at Wanfang Mountain and hesitated: "Father, do we really want to follow them?"

"You don't want to follow?"

Wan Lingke didn't answer directly, pursing her lips: "He said that to us. If we really follow him, wouldn't it be equivalent to surrendering defeat? It is estimated that we will be even more disrespectful to you and Grandpa in the future."

Wanfangshan is silent.

To be honest, in such a situation, he is definitely not willing to follow Duanmu Yawang.

He is older than Wan Lingke, and he cares more about face.

The two father and son faced each other, and they were a little uncertain for a while.


"Kacha Kacha..."

At this time, a familiar and frightening voice came from all around.

Could it be that the dark is back again?

Both father and son saw fear in each other's eyes.

Wan Lingke gritted his teeth: "What the **** is going on, haven't those little monsters gone?"

Wanfangshan remembered what Duanmu Yawang had said before, “They should have something that little monsters are afraid of, so little monsters dare not approach them. But if we get closer, they will”


Wanfangshan bit his gums and said a word.

Wan Lingke did not refute this moment, nodded, and the two of them endured the wounds on their bodies, looking at Duanmu Yawan's figure that they were about to disappear into the mist, and quickly chased after him!

Face is important, but compared with face, fate is more important!

Keeping the green hills without worrying about no firewood, in the future they will work hard to pick up the lost face!

Duanmu Yawang had long expected that the two would catch up, so even if he heard the footsteps following them, he never looked back, adjusted his direction with Siming, and walked forward silently.

Wanfangshan and Wan Lingke thought that Duanmu Yawang hadn't noticed them. They were worried that Duanmu Yawang would open their mouths to ridicule them.

Because they obviously felt that the little monsters that were going to catch up, after they got closer to Gongyu Deyin and them, they didn't dare to approach anymore.

An Xiaowen and the seventh princess Ling Xiaopeng naturally knew that Ling Xiaopeng had said before, no longer, An Xiaowen did not speak any more, but the seventh princess was so arrogant and indulgent, not reconciled, ran to Duanmu Yawang, constantly Pointing to his mouth.

Duanmu Yawang naturally saw it, and said lightly: "His Royal Highness is better to be quiet, I will untie the princess before going down the mountain."

The seventh princess stomped her feet and kept dancing with anxiety.

Duanmu Yawang still said the same thing: "The princess must not waste my energy, I have made up my mind."

Princess Seven's eyes widened, her teeth tickling with anger.

However, she couldn't speak now, so naturally she couldn't talk about danger or anything, so she could only walk back behind Duanmu Yawang in anger, and followed with dullness.

When the Wanjia father and son watched, their eyes widened.

They couldn't believe that Duanmu Yawang, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, even dared to provoke her like this, and seeing the appearance of the seventh princess, they felt that although the princess was angry, she was not really angry.

On the contrary, it is a bit of a little girl's grievance...

This puzzled the two fathers and sons.

But in a day's time, this Gongyu Deyin actually tamed even the seventh princess?

The two fathers and sons kept their heads down and followed Duanmu Yawang. On the way, they had been watching the surroundings carefully, for fear that some evil beasts that they could not repel would come out on the way.

I don't know how long I have been walking like this. The journey is actually very safe. They haven't encountered any dangerous things, but the two of them still dare not relax their vigilance.

Although the dark beasts are afraid of them, it is impossible for so many evil beasts to be afraid of them.

In terms of cultivation strength, Wanfangshan feels that his spiritual power is the best among a few people, so he must guard against this. As long as there is a disturbance along the way, both of them can change their colors.

At this time, Duanmu Ya waited for a while and waved to the seventh princess: "Come here."

The seventh princess blushed and moved over: "For what?"

Duanmu Ya didn't answer, and waved her sleeve to her face.


The seventh princess suddenly felt that the two lips that were glued together were separated like this. She touched her aching lips and was overjoyed: "You still have some conscience!"

Duanmu Yawang withdrew his steps and continued to move forward, and said lightly as he walked: "I just keep my promise."


Seven princesses didn't react for a while.

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer any more, but An Zexi was clever, and asked: "The son of the boy means that we have reached the foot of the mountain?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present brightened up, staring at Duanmu Yawang expectantly.

Duanmu Yawang nodded, and as they wished, he responded: "Yes."


The seventh princess jumped up with joy, "This princess is finally back!"

An Xiaowen, Ling Xiaopeng and An Zexi also laughed.

The Wanjia father and son were more excited than them, patted his chest for a while, and let out a long breath of relief. The nerves that had been tense all the time finally relaxed.

Wan Lingke said: "Father, we are still very lucky, we didn't see anything when we came back."


Wanfangshan stretched out his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his face, with a smile on his face, "God treats us not thinly, and it really made us come back alive."


Wan Lingke nodded, not knowing what he thought of, and then said: "Father, maybe the rumors are wrong, the mountain within five miles, the night should not be considered dangerous, otherwise we can't encounter everything."


Wanfangshan pondered for a while and felt that his son was right when he said virtue. Thinking of something, he said again: "I don't know how Dad and Lingbang are now."

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