"May I help? Can't you do it yourself?"

An Zexi smiled: "My son, we don't even know how the spirit stone inside this stone is. How can we open it? If you accidentally cut too much or less, it's easy to ruin such a good piece of spiritual water. "

"Then don't open it for the time being." Duanmu Yawang frowned: "I will at least select more than ten stones in this large area. I have no time to open it for you now."

An Zexi thought about it and thought so, he pondered for a moment, and said, "Master, or else we should put it in the Qiankun bag first, and then we can open it after we go back?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded and waved: "Then you can do it yourself."


Duanmuya glanced at the others, pointed to an area next to him, and asked, "Who chooses this area?"


An Xiaowen immediately raised her hand.

Duanmu Yawang nodded and waved to her: "Come here."


An Xiaowen ran over with a smile.

Duanmu Yawang ignored her. She lowered her head, scanning the stones while walking around this area, and from time to time reached out to touch the stones that looked good.

Feeling very good, her palm will stay on the stone a little longer, staying for a while, not knowing what she feels, she beckoned to An Xiaowen and said, "This one."


An Xiaowen quickly put Duanmu Yawang's selected spirit stone into the Qiankun bag, and then followed Duanmu Yawang, watching her picking around, and asked: "My son, what is the level of that piece of spirit stone just now?"

Duanmu Yawang's voice was cold: "Don't you know when you go back and drive?"

"People are curious!"

An Xiaowen was very excited when she thought about coming this time and having such a harvest.

No matter whether she can get along with this Gongyu Deyin, she won't be in vain with just three spiritual stones!


Duanmu Yawang did not answer, and walked while touching the stones.

An Xiaowen was anxious, "My son, it's just a sentence, can't you say it, I..."

"To shut up!"

Duanmu Yawang twisted her head and stared at her coldly: "I'm picking the Lingshi stone, can you please stop disturbing me?"


An Xiaowen, a beautiful princess, and the descendants of Ziyun City's family were kind to her, and for the first time a man spoke coldly to her, his face turned pale, and he bit his lip in aggrieved and uncomfortable manner.

An Zexi sighed and comforted his glass-hearted sister: "Xiaowen, when the son chooses the stone, he must analyze what he needs to think about. If you are so noisy, it will definitely affect the son's judgment. The stone that will come out is not good. You regret it too."

"I see."

Concerning her own interests, An Xiaowen didn't pretend to be too long, and obediently stopped talking.

Duanmu Yawang didn't care about their two brothers and sisters. She walked around in this area. It took a while before she found another piece. After touching it several times, she said, "This piece."

An Xiaowen walked over quietly and put the stone in her universe bag.

Before long, she picked another piece, and An Xiaowen's three pieces were enough.

Next, select the Seven Princess and Ling Xiaopeng.

Duanmu Yawang took about half an hour to choose the stones of the two.

There is no fog on the side of the stone mountain, so the light and sunset can be felt. After selecting the stones of the two, she found that the light projected on the stone mountain has become softer.

"It's dusk."

Duanmu Yawang frowned.

"Twilight?" An Zexi listened, pondered, and said: "We have walked more than ten miles, and the road at night is even more difficult to walk. We must go back before midnight. So son, we can't delay here too much. It's been a long time."

"Ok, I know."

Duanmu Yawang sighed secretly, "However, to be fair, I still have to choose a stone for the other four people."

An Zexi remembered something and asked: "My son, what about you?"

"My words, I'll take care of it." Duanmu Yawang shrugged indifferently, and began to walk around, continuing to choose a stone for the other four who hadn't come together.

She chose very carefully. It took Mo Yue half an hour, and it was almost dark before she picked the corpse.

"My son, it's four dollars, have you already selected it?" An Zexi asked.


"You still have to choose for yourself, right?"

"I don't know, I'll take a look first." Duanmu Yawang responded and put the stones in the Qiankun bag. After loading, because there was a steep **** here, she planned to make a bend and go down from another place.

However, when she passed a stone, she didn't know what she felt, so she stopped abruptly, touched a tall stone next to her, and a bright light burst out of her eyes.

"What's wrong with the son?" An Zexi asked when she saw that she hadn't left.

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer, and asked him: "An Shizi, when we are teaming up this time, do we have to choose the best from our prey and give it to the sage?"


Duanmu Yawang said: "An Shizi, this is a waste rock. There is a spiritual stone of at least Grade 7 or 8 not far away, but I choose this one. In other words, if I choose this one, I don't have it. Good things are given to the holy, I guess you will lose the face of An Ding Wangfu."

An Zexi's eyes were deep, and he was puzzled: "Since the son knows that this stone is a waste rock, why do he want it? Besides, the son should also be able to hunt three treasures. In addition to this one, you can choose two more. Woolen cloth!"

"No, I only have one chance."

Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "You forgot, I collected the soil before, are there any more grasses?"


After she said so, other people remembered that she did collect dirt.

However, several people are more surprised and suspicious, "Three opportunities are inherently scarce. Obviously you can have a better choice. Why should you choose... Mud?" No one comes up to this Donggong Mountain, don't want it, baby, I want to collect mud. of?

It's a waste of opportunity!

"For me, soil also has the effect of soil." Duanmu Yawang said lightly.

An Xiaowen couldn't agree, frowned and said softly: "My son, it's about the reputation of the Prince's Mansion. If the things handed over to the sage are too ugly, my uncle Wang will have no face, and I hope that the son can think twice."

"I know that these three things of mine are really difficult to be elegant, so I want to discuss it with An Shizi."

"Discussion?" An Zexi said sternly: "How does the son want to discuss?"

"Of the three spiritual stones in your hand, two of them have reached level 8. I want to choose one from you and give it to the sage. For the one you lost, I will compensate you with something else later."

Two eight-level spirit stones?

The other three people listened and looked at An Zexi with envy and envy.

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