After speaking, he did not hear Duanmu Yawang's response. He looked down and saw that Duanmu Yawang ran to the other side somehow, took out a small shovel from Qiankun's bag, and dug a few strange plants.

The seventh princess whispered: "His Universe Bag is so amazing, how come he has everything?"

This was unanimously nodded by everyone.

Duanmu Yawang also didn't expect that she would see bone-removing incense on this mountain. She had only seen this medicinal material in the types of medicines Gong Yulan showed her, and it seemed to have the effect of bone-removing and muscle-generating.

When she saw these grasses, her heart throbbed.

I don’t know if it’s suitable for Yin Huiyin?

She thought of the peculiar smell, and the fragrance was poisonous, but it was very shallow and shallow, and disappeared after drifting away. She felt that the other four people were going to come over and turned around to stop: "It's poisonous, don't come over!"


When the four of them heard it, they stopped quickly.

Duanmu Yawang continued to dig out the bone-removing incense until the memorization of the bone-removing incense was dug out, and she stood up and looked around.

It's a pity that I have never seen a figure of boneless incense again.

She sighed regretfully, and took out a very long round glass jar from the Qiankun bag. She put the boneless incense in the glass jar, closed the lid and sealed it, and put it back in the Qiankun bag again.

After placing the things, she turned her head and said to the four: "Let's continue walking."

When An Zexi heard it, she knew that Duanmu Yawang hadn't heard what he had just said in her ears, but she couldn't mention it anymore, sighed, and could only follow her footsteps.

"Hey, what did you dug just now?"

Naturally, only the Seventh Princess was able to ask questions like this. Duanmuya glanced at her lightly, without answering.

"What do you mean, why don't you answer this princess?"

"I don't want to answer."


Seven princesses were so angry, but they looked at Duanmu Ya. After all, the four of them were on this mountain and could live safely. They all depended on him. Without him, they didn't know what would happen!

Duanmu Yawang led them to continue walking in, and went on for an hour.

As they walked, Duanmu Yawang was always in the front, and the other four followed. At this time, An Zexi followed and walked side by side with Duanmu Yawang, frowning and sternly saying "Gongyu". Son, if I guessed correctly, it has reached ten miles now, and it is not suitable for us to go in anymore."

"How about Ten Mile Road?"

Duanmu Yawang took Si Ming, scanned the surrounding soil with his eyes, and walked forward.

"In the area more than ten miles, few people dare to set foot easily." An Zexi said sternly: "Even if it is an adventurous activity, it is only within the sphere of influence, and it cannot exceed ten miles."


Duanmu Yawang shrugged, disapproving.

Continue to go.

The other four people are from Ziyun City, and they have heard a lot about Donggong Mountain's various things, and they also know its precariousness. When everyone hears An Zexi said that the distance has reached ten miles, they are already worried.

Following the footsteps of Duanmu Yawang, he suddenly became hesitant.

An Xiaowen paused and said loudly, "My son, for the sake of our lives, we can't go anymore, it's really dangerous."

Duanmu Yawang sensed that they were some distance away from him, and when he heard the words, he turned around and said lightly: "If you believe me, you can walk half a mile. If you don't believe me, you can stay where you are or choose to go down the mountain."

They did not expect that Duanmu Yawang would not listen to persuasion so much, and was anxious: "My son, let's be serious, you..."

"I mean it too."

Duanmu Yawang calmly interrupted them, "Whatever you want, you choose."

After speaking, she took a step, originally wanted to go, and looked at the white mist around her, she pursed her lips and said: "I will give you half an hour to make a decision. After half an hour, no matter what decision you make, I will be gone. The fog is shrouded, you can't catch up with me, so don't blame me."

When she said that, she was born, scanned the surrounding plants to pass the time, leaving time for the other four people.

The other four people didn't know how to choose for a while, and looked at each other with apprehension.

After looking at each other quietly for a moment, An Zexi raised her eyes and said, "Let's keep up with Lord Gongyu."

"I want to follow you!"

Ling Xiaopeng objected with a black face: "Who did you see who entered the ten-mile range in the past can get a life?"

"We are now ten miles away." An Zexi asked coldly: "This is also a dangerous zone. Now that there is no son by the side, you dare to stay in place like this?"

Ling Xiaopeng opened his mouth to refute, An Zexi said again: "Yes, we can choose the same way back, but who of us can be sure of the direction? Who of us can be sure to go back with our own strength?"

Ling Xiaopeng choked.

"In the final analysis, it is all his fault!" Ling Xiaopeng's heart burned and angrily said: "He said to take us to find a high-level spirit stone, we will follow him. But think about it, we will follow him After ten miles, what have we gained? We have got nothing, we have got nothing so far!"

When these words came out, everyone woke up like a dream!

Yes, they stupidly followed people for ten miles in this dangerous place, but they got nothing!

In previous years, many people who participated in the hunting, even if they were in five miles of activities, they were able to hunt good treasures and bring them home!

When everyone thinks about it this way, the more they think about it, the cooler they become.

An Zexi was still the calmest. He retorted: "If we encounter good things along the way, how could we not collect them, but we didn't encounter anything along the way. Why do you blame the son?"

"When did you become Gongyu Deyin's pug? How come you are facing him in every sentence?" Ling Xiaopeng said sarcastically, "Don't forget, which direction we are going in has always been led by him, if not for his bad luck , Let us avoid the good prey perfectly, will we hunt for nothing?"

"Don't be too ungrateful."

An Zexi said coldly: "On this road, the son assured us that we are safe. Without the son, we would have become piranha food!"

"That's the piranha that he only met when he took us here. If we go to the other side, can we meet it?"

"Can you be sure that if you follow another direction, there will be no danger? Which hunting activity has been without casualties over the years?"

Ling Xiaopeng had nothing to say. At this time, Duanmu Yawang, who was squatting not far away, spoke and said lightly, "Half a quarter of an hour has come, I wonder how you are thinking about it?"

An Zexi said: "My son, I choose to go with you."

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