Thinking of something, she took out a Sinan from Qiankun's bag, looked at Yudu, her brows frowned, An Zexi glanced at the environment and asked, "Master Gongyu, did you teleport with us? "


Duanmu Ya looked at the time and put Sinan back into Qiankun's bag.

Although there is a big gap between the direction here and before, she feels that she doesn't know how to go down the mountain.

An Xiaowen looked at Duanmu Yawang, her eyes were shining, her cheeks flushed: "Can you take so many of us to teleport alone?"

Generally speaking, teleportation can only be achieved by reaching a certain level of spiritual power. However, the number of people teleporting at the same time needs internal support. It can take three people to teleport at once. This alone can be done by An Xiaowen. Zhi Duanmu Yawang's strength must be extraordinary.

"You take us to teleport?"

Different from An Xiaowen's surprise, Ling Xiaopeng was so startled that he almost jumped up and said angrily: "Princess Seventh, you just leave her alone?"

"Do you want to take her?" A noisy, self-righteous cumbersome.

"It's not a question of wanting or thinking."

Ling Xiaopeng said coldly: "She is the seventh princess of our empire, and we are courtiers. In case something happens to her, we can't eat it!"

"Nothing can happen." Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "It wasn't long before we went up the mountain. The journey back is only a hundred meters away. She should be able to go back by herself."

"What if she doesn't go back?" Ling Xiaopeng looked anxious, "If she has to find us, then what happened?"

Duanmu Yawang wanted to say that she did it herself, An Zexi sighed, and said to Duanmu Ya: "Gongyu Young Master, Ling Shizi makes sense."

"We know that you are from another country. There is no need to bear with our princess. What happened to her has nothing to do with you, nor can we blame you, but the son, we are different."

An Zexi is a good person. Duanmu Ya looked at what he said and pinched her eyebrows: "So, you mean, we must go back to pick her up?"

An Zexi clasped his fists and arched his hands, "My son, please."

Duanmu Yawang felt a pain in the brain.

Ah, how could this task be more troublesome than she thought!

She sighed secretly, "Close her eyes."

The other three quickly closed their eyes.

Duan Muya was thinking about the direction of the former commander, and then thinking about her previous movement speed, and she teleported again.

This time the teleportation was just a blink of an eye, and I heard it again.

Everyone opened their eyes and saw that it was the original place.

However, the seventh princess has disappeared.

An Zexi and Ling Xiaopeng's hearts sank. When they were thinking about what to do, Duanmu Yawang took out a bamboo whistle from his arms and blew it.

"What are you doing about this?"

Ling Xiaopeng complained about Duanmu Yawang: "His Royal Highness does not have this thing in his hands, and I don't know what you mean by blowing this."

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to pay attention to him. She blew the bamboo whistle tightly. After a while, the seventh princess called with some panic: "Yes, are you guys? Where are you? Come and save Ben. Princess!"

"The voice of your Royal Highness!" Ling Xiaopeng said anxiously: "Listening to the voice, she seems to be injured?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer, recalling the voice of the Seventh Princess, she estimated the distance, and felt that Moyue came from a distance of forty to fifty meters.

She pointed to a sense of direction, "Let's follow this direction to find her."


An Zexi nodded, thinking of something, and said with all his strength: "His Royal Highness, please wait a while on the spot, we will go to you!"

As he said, everyone walked in the direction Duanmu Yawang had said before.

Moyo walked forty to fifty meters, and on the side covered by the mist, a cautious voice really came out, "Who, who?"

"your Highness?"

The group walked a few meters to the left side, and they saw Princess Seven sitting on the ground with a pale face.

An Zexi and Ling Xiaopeng hurriedly walked over and asked, "His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"

No matter how tough the 14-year-old girl is, she is just a child. When she heard someone cares, her eyes blushed, "Ben, my left foot..."

Everyone moved their eyes to her left foot, but they couldn't see anything.

An Zexi and Ling Xiaopeng are men, so they can’t squat down and check something. Duanmu clearly understands, and said to An Xiaowen: “Help to see how the feet of His Highness Seven are?”


An Xiaowen squatted down and said respectfully: "Princess, where are your feet uncomfortable?"

The seventh princess stared at Duanmu Yawang from just now, but her feet hurt too much. The most important thing is to solve this now. She immediately replied to An Xiaowen: "Ankle hurts."

An Xiaowen hadn't spoken yet, Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "I didn't smell the **** smell, I should have twisted my ankle."

An Xiaowen was taken aback, "Master, what should I do?"

Duanmuya did not answer, and knelt down, reaching out to touch Princess Seven's ankle, but she exclaimed, "You, what do you villain want to do to this princess?"

When she said that, she didn't wait for Duanmu Yawang's reaction at all, so she kicked her other foot to Duanmu Yawang. Duanmu Yawang couldn't dodge, and she was kicked and sat on the ground.

At the same time, there was a muddy footprint on the back of Xue Bai's hand.

"The son!"

An Zexi was shocked, and went behind to help her.

"I will do it myself."

She said four words in a flat tone, then stood up from the ground with her hands on her hands, and then patted her clothes, as if she was not angry.

But somehow, the seventh princess shrank and shook her lips and said, "Yes, you wanted to be rude to this princess first. You can't blame this princess..."

Duanmu Yawang ignored her and asked the other three: "Do you know medicine?"

The other three shook their heads in confusion.

"In that case, any one or two of you three will send her down the mountain."


When the three of them heard it, their hearts became cold, "I, I..."

When they ‘I’ didn’t come out, the seventh princess became unhappy first, "This princess finally came up the mountain, who said that I am going down now?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and chuckled softly, and she asked in a leisurely way: "If you don't go down the mountain, don't you just sit on the spot, waiting for the beast or poison on this mountain to give you a bite?"

The seventh princess choked, but was not reconciled, and said stiffly: "This princess won't!"

"I care if you will."

Duanmu Ya looked at him: "I came up the mountain to find good prey, but I don't have time to spend all of my time on you, coaxing someone who only knows to make trouble, please feel free to do what you want."

When she said, she turned and left.

Now, not only the Seventh Princess, but the other three panicked, "My son, are you leaving now?"

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