The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1318: Proficient, go in different directions

The emperor watched everyone walking away and smiled at Duanmu Yawang: "My son, I look forward to your three prey today."

three item……

Speaking of this, Duanmu Yawang was a little curious: "We really can only hunt three?"



The emperor's eyes moved, without saying a word, but he glanced at King Anding meaningfully.

King Anding's forehead was sweating, and he really forgot to tell Master Gongyu about this.

At this time, a man with the appearance of a father-in-law came, and Fu Er said something softly to the emperor. The emperor nodded blankly, and said to Duanmu Yawang and others: "You have to be careful when you go up the mountain. I have something to do, so I will go back to the palace first. NS."

After that, he turned around and left.

After he left, Duanmu Yawang asked King Anding, "What are the three rules?"

"A curse."

The mother who took the call, blinked her eyes and smiled and said: "This mountain is not an ordinary mountain at first glance. I heard that it is very dark inside. It seems that there is something inside, supervising everything on the mountain. Very serious."

"Each person can only pick up three things inside. If anyone thinks that the emperor is far away, no one knows that if he hides a lot of things secretly, he will end up violently killed on the mountain for no reason."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "So amazing?"


King Anding answered with a solemn face: "For so many years, anyone who is greedy and accidentally wants to secretly ask for more things is the same. No one can escape."

After speaking, he glanced at the junior in front of him, and said with a serious face: "Everyone must remember, don't be greedy for things that go up the mountain, do you know?"


Everyone obediently responded.

As we spoke, a quarter of an hour would arrive soon, and Duanmu Yawang was about to leave.

Like other teams, they were led by a few officers and soldiers, leading them to the north.

When he walked to the mountain, Moyo walked like that for a quarter of an hour, and walked around the mountain from the north. Moyo walked for another quarter of an hour. One of the officers and soldiers said: "Everyone, we will send you here, everyone. You can go up the mountain from here."

Duanmu Yawang nodded: "You have work."

Several officers and soldiers nodded and turned to leave.

When one of the officers and soldiers lowered their heads and turned their heads, Duanmu Yawang saw his face clearly and moved her brows. She felt that face was a bit familiar, but before she spoke, she listened to An Zexi's words: "My son, we Go up the mountain."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, looked up at the officer and soldier, and found that he had gone far.

Duanmu Yawang stopped paying attention and went up the mountain with them.

The mountains were shrouded in mist, and the line of sight could see things within a radius of ten meters at most. Duanmu Yawang looked at the situation, took out an object from Qiankun's bag, and asked others: "Who wants it?"

Ling Xiaopeng first blurted out: "What is this?"


Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath, "Si Nan."

Ling Xiaopeng looked embarrassed and stopped answering. An Zexi took a bit from his arms and smiled: "Because of what the son said yesterday, I also prepared one, so I don't need it anymore."

Duanmuya looked at the others.

No one spoke for a while, and the mother covered her lips and smiled: "My son, since other people don't need it, just give it to me. Me and Mei Shi are just missing."


Duanmu Yawang handed Sinan to the mother. Mother played with Sinan. Duanmu Yawang watched her movements and raised her eyelids. "The mother is very proficient with Sinan."

Her movement can adjust the direction in one step. Only people who are particularly sensitive to the direction and who are particularly concerned about the guide will do this.

It is generally impossible.

The mother laughed: "I used to like to play everywhere."

Duan Muya took a deep look at her, not wanting to explore anything further, then took out a few small things made of bamboo strips from the Qiankun bag, and asked, "Who wants it?"

Wan Lingke was a little impatient: "What are these?"

"Bamboo whistle."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he put one end of the little thing into his mouth, blew on both cheeks, and a loud sound rang through the forest.

"It's definitely impossible for everyone to walk together all the time. If everyone is in danger or loses their way and doesn't know how to walk, and blow this bamboo whistle, I will find a way to find someone."

After speaking, he asked: "Who wants it?"

This time, everyone reached out and took one each.

Duanmuya saw that they all took them, and said, "If there is a danger, everyone will blow three times in rapid succession. If I want to gather here, they will blow three times in a row. When the time comes, everyone will gather according to the instructions. good."

The others took things, their eyes began to look around, absent-mindedly replied: "Understood."

Duanmu Ya looked at everyone and couldn’t control herself anymore. A pair of eyes started to look around. She probably wanted to be ready to hunt the baby at any time, so she didn’t bother them, and said lightly: “Everyone can go wherever they want. Go, but don’t go too far, and I suggest that you should start with two or more people, and don’t walk alone."

"Then I and my dad are two." Wan Lingke finished speaking, pointing her finger to the right, "We have to go in this direction." After finishing speaking, he swept to other people and added: "I hope there are only two of us. Personally go in this direction."

An Zexi said lightly: "Yes."

Wan Lingke listened and looked at Wanfang Mountain. The two were about to leave immediately. Duanmu Yawang said coldly, "Stop, I haven't finished speaking yet."

The two looked back impatiently: "What else do you have?"

"This group, you should know that you must respect me." Duanmu Yawang glanced at the two, but she opened the rules for everyone: "Each of us can only hunt three prey. I hope everyone will abide by this. ."

"We know that this is the rule, and we will not break it casually." Wan Lingke and Wanfangshan said: "You are finished? We are going to leave."

"not yet."

Duanmu Yawang said coldly: "What I want to say here is that in order to control the quality of the prey of the entire group, plus the three prey of each person, one of them must be presented to the sage, so you three prey, You can only choose two at most, and I will arrange the remaining one for you."


Wan Lingke was immediately unhappy, "Our prey, why do you arrange for us? Also, we are going in different directions, so we are not allowed to meet better prey than you?"

"Respect me with this team."

Duanmu Yawang calmly said: "I will collect one prey for you here. If you don't want to die suddenly on this mountain, it's best not to collect more than two."


Wan Lingke was angry, but he didn't believe that Duanmu Yawang could find something better than them.

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