The next morning, Mrs. Lan did what she said, and she made the porridge by herself early in the morning and went to have dinner with Duanmu Yawang.

When she and Master Lan came over, Duanmu Yawang had just woke up and hadn't gotten up yet.

When the two came to knock on the door, Duan Mu Yawang wore a coat and a robe and went out to open the door.

"Deyin, did you just wake up?"

When Mrs. Lan saw Duanmu Yawang come out to open the door in person, she felt distressed and hurriedly said: "You child, I thought your friends were in your room. I would not call you if I knew it. Can you stand?"


Duanmu Ya looked at her medicine. She knew too well, and her condition was much better. "Don't say standing now, even a tiger can kill her."

"You kid."

Mrs. Lan smiled and turned her head to the people behind her: "Bring everything you eat."

Duanmu Ya watched and listened, and then noticed that a group of servants followed the Lans. The servants all had food in their hands. Master Lan smiled and said, "Deyin, I may not have eaten a breakfast made by Chun'er for a long time. There are so many today, thanks to your blessing!"

Duanmuya was startled, "So many, you did all of them, Mrs. Lan?"

For breakfast, there are porridge, pastries, soup dumplings, and several other expensive supplements. There are always seven or eight kinds of supplements. They are all made by Mrs. Lan. So early, when did she get up and busy?

"Yeah, the first time I did it, I don't know what you like to eat, so I will do it all." Gong Yu Dechun said, holding Duanmu Yawang's hand to let her sit down, and instructed the servants behind him. : "Come on with the freshening things, let the Gongyu Master freshen up and eat."

"Yes Madam."

The whole group put down the breakfast, and they should all go down together.

"Mrs. Lan, this is too much trouble." Duan Muya looked at her heart and didn't know what it was like. "Actually, I just want to eat it casually. I'm in good health!"

"Where are you talking?"

Gongyu Dechun frowned in disapproval, "Deyin, don't look at you when you are young, but when you are young, children should pay special attention to their own body. If you don't pay attention now, you will regret it when you are old."

Master Lan looked helpless: "Chun'er, Deyin is still young, don't scare him by talking about such a remote thing."


Mrs. Lan stopped talking about this topic in an instant, and the freshening water came quickly. Gong Yu Dechun said: "Deyin, you are freshening up. I made enough this time. I will ask some of your friends to come and eat together. ."

In other words, she also prepared Yin Huiyin's share.

It is impossible for Duanmu Yawang not to be moved in her heart, "Mrs. Lan, thank you."

"What to say!"

Gongyu Dechun stared at Duanmu Yawang's face, with a gentle and loving expression: "Deyin, your friend is our friend, where is there any reason to neglect your friend?"

After that, I went out happily.

Master Lan didn't follow, but stayed in the room, looking at Duanmu Ya and hesitated to speak.

Duanmuya wiped her face, saw Master Lan's expression, and said, "Master Lan, do you have anything you want to say to me? I invite you but it doesn't hurt to say it."


Master Lan rubbed his hands, hesitated for a moment, and looked at Duan Muya apologetically: "Deyin, if Madam is too enthusiastic about you, you can’t stand it or even become bored. Please forgive me. Madam doesn’t mean anything else, just likes you too much. ."

Duanmu Ya looked stunned, and laughed nonchalantly: "Master Lan, what are you talking about, Mrs. Lan is very kind to me, I can't be grateful in time, so where can I get bored?"

"Mrs. Lan is gentle and considerate, and treats me like her own child. I have no father or mother since I was a child. Mrs. Lan's concern makes me feel very warm. I never say that I am bored, please rest assured."

"That's good, that's good."

Master Lan smiled suddenly, looked at the beautiful boy in front of him, and said lovingly: "I said you are a good boy, and we really like you, so I am worried that you will be disgusted with us."

"No, no."


Duanmu Yawang was ready to freshen up, and wanted to go to the table and sit down. Master Lan stretched out his hand to help her worriedly. Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but smile: "Master Lan, my injury is fine, just take a few steps, really It's okay."

Master Lan also said that Mrs. Lan loves to care, but why is he not?

"Yes, then go by yourself."

Master Lan retracted his hands, followed Duanmu Yawang, and sat down at the table with her, picked up the bowls of porridge next to each other, and put the first bowl in front of her, "Deyin, actually Madam treats you In this way, there is a reason."

Duanmu Ya looked at the porridge in front of him, and found that the cooked rice was more fragrant and beautiful than last night's. The rice was cooked just right, and the index finger was moved just by sniffing.

She thanked her, and raised her eyes upon hearing this, "The reason?"


Master Lan paused while holding the porridge, and said truthfully: "Sometimes Chun'er always dreams of scenes. In the scenes, she always thinks that she has a daughter. That day she touched your face in the Scarlet Flame Empire because of this. ."

In that scene, Duanmu Yawang is still fresh in his memory, "She... treats me as a girl?"


Master Lan nodded and said deeply: "She liked you very much when she first saw you, and always thought you were a girl and our daughter, so..."

Duanmu Yawang understood.

However, she was a little puzzled: "It seems that many people in the Scarlet Flame Empire think that you have a daughter, and you have abandoned Master Clear for the sake of your daughter..."


Master Lan was taken aback, "Where did the rumor come from?"


Duanmu Yawang said dumbly, "I found out soon after I went to the Scarlet Flame Empire, don't you know?"

Master Lan was shocked, and said in a daze: "It's no wonder Cheng Che has been reluctant to come back. We thought he blamed us for not visiting him often and deliberately alienating us..."

This Duanmu Yawang is not easy to interrupt, she is more interested in their "daughter", "Speaking of Master Lan, do you really have a daughter?"

"Deyin, I said before, we don't have a daughter." Master Lan said helplessly: "All these years, my memory has always been there, but Chuner always has such dreams for some reason."

"I have a lot of dreams like this, especially ten years ago. I can't distinguish between reality and dreams. I think about going out to find my daughter every day. Sometimes the reaction is very fierce. I can't stand the things that people say my daughter doesn't exist. , When others mentioned, she became angry. Not only outsiders, but even I thought she was crazy."

Master Lan mentioned these things with a heavy tone, "Chen Che was not good in that environment at the beginning, coupled with the guidance of an expert, for this dual reason, I reluctantly sent Cheng Che to Master Mo to apprentice."

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