The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1105: Save her, grandpa, you need treatment

The conversation between the three of them became more and more blurred in Duanmu Yawang's ears. She only felt that her body was getting colder and weaker, and her body was light and fluttering, like floating duckweed.

The brain is completely useless.

I don't know how long has passed since the feeling of turmoil.

Suddenly, in the cold and gloomy body, there was a warm current pouring into her body from all directions, and her brows and eyes stretched out with comfort.

However, this comfort did not last long. The original warm current gradually became hot. She hesitated to be in the stove, and she became more and more painful. She had a feeling that she would be burned to ashes by these fires!

She immediately felt horrified.

She doesn't want to die!

Can't die either!

No matter what these people want to do, she can't let them succeed!


She screamed, retrieving a trace of consciousness, remembering Gong Yulanzhi, remembering the aura body protection he personally taught her before, and she started to have luck at the same time in her body, wrapping herself up with her own aura to resist attempts to invade Avoid the scorching breath!

She didn't know if it was useful, but she was confused and only thought of such a way now.

I hope that what Gong Yulan personally taught her will be useful to these people!


At this moment, she heard a muffled hum from other people, and a chuckle from someone, touched a mouthful of blood, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "What kind of monster, a blue-eyed person, has no consciousness before. Entering the beginning stage, why can he resist?"


"Brother, are you okay?" another person asked worriedly.

"No...cough cough."

Even so, the man still coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.

"Brother, shall we stop for a while?"

"No, this person's willpower is extremely strong, and her cultivation path seems a bit weird, able to purify the yin in our furnace and our true fire."

"I feel it, eldest brother, who is he? Why is the aura in his body so pure and the barrier of the body so difficult to break through?"

"No matter who he is, he is only the one who was sent in to us now!"

Some people are not so optimistic: "Brother, I feel a little wrong. This person has formed his own protective layer. We estimate that this bone will not go smoothly."


The person called the eldest brother sneered, "The more difficult it is to chew, the more effective it will be for us at that time. Rare prey, are you willing to just give up like this?"

"No, how about a few of us, we won't be overwhelmed by such a blue-eyed person! He just became active suddenly by an ant who is not afraid of it, and we can crush her to the bones when we go down!" "


Several people responded.

Since Duanmu Yawang enveloped herself with her aura and formed a body barrier protection layer, her mind became sober, and her whole person's consciousness returned, and he listened to the conversations of these people without missing a word.

She suddenly understood that she was somehow regarded as the best for furnaces and used to make furnaces!

Ya ya!

Who are these people!

She tried to struggle before the few people stopped.

In her enchantment, she could feel that the Yin Qi of the Cauldron was suppressing her, and she couldn't move at all!

"He is actually trying to resist now!"

Someone noticed the movement of Duanmu Yawang, his voice was so gloomy as if wind and rain were coming: "Brother, let's hurry up, this kid's consciousness has returned!"


The person called the eldest brother responded, and Duanmu Ya looked at his eyebrows, thinking that when the burning sensation was about to come back, there was a ‘rumble’ outside, as if some stone had been smashed.


When she heard one of them say this, she felt that she was being controlled by a puff of air, and then she was violently pulled out of the cauldron and threw her to the ground with a bang!

The cold breath disappeared instantly.

Duanmuya gasped with pain when she looked down on the ground.

"You still know the pain, don't you go away?" At the same time as the sound of fighting sounded in the ear, there was also a rough and familiar voice who hated iron and steel.


Duanmu Ya looked at the sound after hearing the sound, forgetting the pain.

I didn't see anything, I just felt that there were a few strands of Dao like ghosts, at the speed that human eyes could not keep up with soybeans, the huge basement made waves of rumblings.

The falling sand almost didn't annihilate her!

The scary thing is that Duanmu Yawang couldn't feel the slightest aura of such a big movement, but felt that the basement was getting colder and colder, as if she was in an ice cave.

"Not running yet?"

The old man's voice was furious.

Only then did Duanmu Yawang woke up, hugged his almost unconscious body, and stumbled to look for an exit.

"If you enter us, who can run!" Someone was furious, "Floating, I didn't kill you last time, do you think you can get out alive this time?"



The fighting sound became more and more violent, Duanmu Yawang just took care of running, just after crossing a long corridor, seeing an exit, she saw a figure staying in front of her like a ghost.

That is one of five people.

A pair of purple eyes stared at her coldly, and stretched out a palm towards her.

Looking at the palm of his hand, Duan Mu Yawang subconsciously remembered that she had been controlled by the person to lift her body before, and she subconsciously stepped back. Suddenly, green leaves flew straight forward, swiftly counting, and directly passed through it. Human body!


Duanmu Yawang saw the man's body with a **** muffled groan. Before he could react, he was grabbed by his wrist and left.

But in the blink of an eye, he took to the sky and flew in the air.

The sound of wind around the ear cuts through the tip of the ear like a knife.

A **** smell passed into the tip of the nose.

She suddenly returned to her senses, and when she looked to one side, she saw that the old man's body was full of fragments of scars, large and small, and the whole person seemed to be soaked in blood!

She gasped: "Grandpa! You..."

"To shut up!"

The old man’s voice was like the first time the two saw them, full of evil and ruthlessness, completely devoid of the peace and harmony of the previous few days, "Don't get out of me like you die!"


"What I said before is just like the wind in your ears, don't you let you stay there, why are you running around?"


"You want to die, don't think I will give you a back!" The old man did not give Duanmu Yawang a chance to speak at all, and the momentum in his rough voice would not be relieved even if he was seriously injured: "Also, you go now! Go back to where you were. Where to go!"

Duanmu Ya Wangren said, "Grandpa, now is not the time to talk about this, you need to be treated first."

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