
Duanmu Yawang is also refreshed, and of course she is not stupid: "If you can't achieve the trading conditions I put forward, I can mention the terms you are willing to trade so far."

"no problem."

"Since Grandpa has no objection, are we equivalent to closing a deal?"


The old man vented his nostrils and responded coldly.

"Of course, grandpa, I also need you to assure me that when I get treatment for a while, no matter how I treat it, you have to cooperate with me, okay?"

The old man stared at her intently, his muddy old eyes with fatigue.

Duanmuya hoped helplessly, and raised her hand: "I swear here that no matter what kind of cooperation I want from you during treatment, it is for the treatment of your body. There is no other evil intentions at all."

"I hope you can do it."

The old man finished speaking coldly and said, "I can promise you this request."


Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the old man’s injury is not a minor injury. An operation is almost necessary. The operation requires a lot of tools, and anesthesia is also necessary. If the old man does not cooperate, she will not be able to complete it.

"Grandpa, if you are healed, you can't sit down. Please lie down." When Duanmu Yawang said, she pointed to the stone where she often lay.

It was a stone about sixty centimeters wide and two meters long. A thin blanket was spread on the stone, and a thin quilt was neatly stacked on the blanket.

Although it is a stone bed, it looks quite comfortable.

Looking at the stone bed, the old man frowned and said, "Take your things away."


Duanmu Yawang didn't want her quilt to be put to sleep by an outsider, so she picked up all the quilts and blankets in a very well-behaved manner and put them in another place.

The old man then lay down.

When the old man lay down, he pulled the wound, and the blood oozes out from the wound. No matter how tough the old man was, he snorted in pain. Duanmu looked at it and poured three pills from a bottle: "Old Grandpa, please take this medicine."

"What medicine?"

Duanmu Yawang smiled and said, "Pain relievers."


"The effect of painkillers is naturally to relieve pain." Duanmu Yawang smiled kindly, "Didn't you have severe pain in the wound? You will lose consciousness after taking it."

The old man listened and hesitated. After all, he stretched out his shriveled hand and ate the medicine on Duanmu Yawang's wrist.

Duanmu Yawang thoughtfully handed him some water over his mouth, and then said: "Grandpa, after you take the medicine, it is estimated that you will be a little sleepy. You should rest first, and I will prepare the medicine first."


The old man responded and warned: "I tell you, I am not allowed to lift my mask."

Duanmu Yawang looked helpless, and said in a good voice: "Grandpa, what are you talking about? Your skill is so high. Even if you fall asleep, if I break the ground on your head, you must know it. How could I be like this? Do?"

"As long as you know it."

Just after taking the three medicines given by Duanmu Yawang, the old man really felt that his pain had alleviated a lot, but his consciousness began to gradually lose weight and he felt more and more sleepy.

He was so painful and tired that he wanted to sleep a long time ago.

Adding Duanmu Yawang's words, he fell asleep deeply.

This sleep seems to have passed a lot.

When he finally became conscious in his mind and opened his eyes to take a look, he suddenly realized that it was already dawn.

Its daybreak?

Why did he sleep for so long?

The old man frowned slightly, thinking of something, and suddenly lowered his head and glanced at himself. After this look, he found that the wounds on his chest and both arms were well bandaged.

Looking at the white tape wrapped around the wound, the old man moved.

This movement caused a sharp pain in my chest!

The pain is actually worse than when I was hurt yesterday!

The old man's face sank immediately, his eyes stained with anger, he was about to raise his eyes and scan the surroundings, looking for Duanmu Yawang to settle the account, Duanmu Yawang's voice sounded with a smile: "Grandpa, are you awake?"

"What the **** did you do to me?"

The old man stared at her with a gloomy look: "The wound on my body is more painful than yesterday. Do you really understand medicine or do you not know how to pretend to understand?"

Duanmu Yawang was holding a small pile of wild vegetables in her hand. When she heard the old man’s words, she did not rush, put the vegetables on a clean stone, came to the old man, and said seriously: "Grandpa, what happened to you last night, you It should be clear that the bones in your chest shattered, and one of the bones was still displaced, almost stuck in your heart and lungs."

After that, without waiting for the old man to speak, she said seriously: "Yesterday, the pain you felt should be the pain of the heart, lungs and wounds, and more directly the pain of poking your heart and lungs. Now please feel it carefully and poking your heart. Is the pain of poking the lungs gone, just the pain of the wound?"

Hearing this, the old man felt it for himself and found that it was indeed the case.

Duanmu Yawang naturally knows how to observe words and colors. At this time, he added: "Grandpa, if you want a complete cure for your wound last night, I naturally have to start with your bones and heart and lung treatment. This involves bones, which is not easy to handle. , It is inevitable that the strength will be stronger and it will aggravate your external wound."

"But don't worry, the wounds outside are all skin injuries. I have good medicines I found on this island. The wounds will heal soon."


After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he first said such a word to himself, these are all nonsense!

The old man was in a very dangerous situation last night.

Not only did the ribs penetrate into the lungs, the bone fragments also directly pierced his heart and lungs through an unknown number of holes. Duanmu Yawang directly broke his chest and used a knife to grind his bones last night.

Of course, this operation, without anyone's help, took her more than three hours in a row!

After more than three hours of knives were moved on him, how could he not hurt anymore?

Of course, she couldn't tell him anyway.

The old man obviously didn't understand medicine, but he was persuaded by Duanmu Yawang's statement, but he was suspicious and distrustful of people, making him subconsciously ask: "Are you serious?"

Duanmu Yawang looked aggrieved: "Grandpa, I don't need to lie to you. I'm still under your nose. You can kill me with one palm. How can I dare to play tricks in front of you?"

The old man snorted, "Forgive you for not having the guts!"


Duanmu Ya looked at the dog's legs and hurriedly responded, then grabbed the vegetables on the side and smiled: "Grandpa, you are injured and need to make up for it. I am annoyed by the tonic soup. I will stir-fry a few dishes for you and you can eat. NS."

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