The masked old man obviously didn't mean to laugh with Duanmu Yawang. His muddy old eyes stared at her for a moment, then took a look at the soup in her pot, then turned and left.


Duanmu Yawang smiled and shouted to him: "I have a lot of broth here, and I can't finish it all by myself. Why don't we?"

Without stopping for a moment, the old man went back to his cave.

Duanmu Yawang looked at his back and curled his lips, "Obviously, I was attracted by the smell of my broth. I still pretend that I don't want to eat it here. Next time you want to eat it, it won't be so easy."

After finally encountering a living person on the peninsula this month, Duanmu Yawang did not intend to move on.

She always felt that she could find a breakthrough in this masked old man.

So she stayed in place.

In the evening, she would practice by herself, refining medicine, and go to bed when she was busy.

During the day, she walked around on her own. If sometimes she walked too far and couldn't go back for a while, she would spend the night in other places. After all, no matter where she stayed overnight, she would almost be seated on the ground, no difference.

Although this place is gray and not popular yet, and she doesn't know how to remove it, but the species is surprisingly rich, whether it is animals or plants, many of them have never been seen before.

She collected the ones she hadn’t seen before.

The collection was so large that the cabinet in the medical system quickly filled a cabinet.

Occasionally, she also encountered a small beast of the same kind as the three powerful evil beasts.

It was just a small beast with casualties.

Duanmu Yawang remembered how fast the wound healed when the evil beast was injured that day, and carried the little beast that had been dead for more than a day, found a secret place, took out chemical tools, and studied the substances in its body.

Duanmu Ya looked stunned for a moment when the results of the research came out.

Because she hadn't found the substance that would heal the wound quickly, but she found a substance from the body of this beast that she had never seen before!

Since it is unknown, I don't know what it does.

Duanmu Yawang extracted a large amount of the material and preserved it well.

Days, just like this for several days.

The weird thing is that these days, she doesn't know if the time is staggered with the old man or what, she has never seen the old man again.

Duanmu Yawang was actually a little anxious, because if he stayed in this place for a long time, the Feifei Xiaobailu Yin Huiyin Lan and his wife would be more worried.

Therefore, in the following days, Duanmu Yawang decided not to go out, and just sat in her secret place, while processing the things she collected, while staring at Shimen.

However, the old man seemed to have disappeared, and after staring at him for a few days, no one was seen!

Duanmu Yawang thought of the old man's old-fashioned body, curled her eyebrows and muttered: "Could it be that you die in it?"

Thinking about this, she couldn't sit still, got up and walked to the stone gate cautiously.

The stone gate was very close. Duanmu Ya looked around, but couldn't find the mechanism to enter, but she didn't dare to break the door and trespass, so she had to walk around the vegetable garden in every possible way.

The vegetables in the vegetable garden are very luxuriant, and the traces are that no one has picked them for several days, and the leaves of the vegetables have turned dark green, and they are too old to eat.

Duan Mu Yawang looked at the dishes, and the more she looked at them, the more they felt wrong. "Didn't he come out and pick vegetables every day before? Could something really happen?"

She has to rely on him to get out, he can't die!

Thinking about this, Duanmu Yawang ran to Shimen and kept tapping the door: "Grandpa, are you there?"


No one answered.

"Grandpa? Grandpa..."


At this time, an old and dumb voice rang behind Duanmu Yawang, that voice was bloodthirsty, and a strong spiritual pressure that Duanmu Yawang could not bear was coming straight from behind. She lacked two medicines. The lungs that hadn't been fully recovered instantly burst into sweetness again, the hairs suddenly fell to their feet, his body stiffened, and the hands that slapped the door also came down.

"Do you want me to say the same thing twice?"

"Yes, I'm going."

"Don't look back."


Duanmu Yawang held back the pain in his lungs, covered his chest, did not dare to glance at the person behind him, turned and left.

However, Duanmu Yawang was never an obedient person. After walking for a few steps, she looked back with the courage, but saw that there was no figure of the old man at the Shimen, and she had not heard the sound of Shimen opening.

"...Where is the person?"

She froze for a moment.

"Want to die?" The voice of Yincece came from above the sky.

Duanmu Ya looked at the pupil shrinking!

Good deed, what's going on?

Duanmu Yawang felt that she was stunned, and she didn't dare to look back at all, especially the murderous intent contained in the overcast sound, which made her look back and didn't dare to look around again.

Even more afraid to look up to the sky.

Quickly ran back to his secret place to nest.

Of course, where she stayed, she could actually observe the old man's stone cave well. It was already night, and Duanmu Ya looked at her eyes, and she was living barbecue and cooking meat.

Observe while working.

Of course, she changed her own meat to another way.

The smell comes as it is.

Unfortunately, the masked old man did not come out.

Duanmu Yawang was not discouraged. In the next few days, he continued to do so, and even changed the way to do it. However, the old man was really tolerant and never came out to beg her for meat.

Duanmu Yawang is desperate to cook meat several times a day.

She was about to give up. That night, she was only half of the meat. Suddenly, a panting person appeared in front of her. His breath was extremely panting, and the tail sound was long and weak. It sounded like the breath of a dying person.

Duanmu Yawang was thinking about what was going on, the sound instantly approached, and a rickety figure appeared in front of Duanmu Yawang, and at the same time he was ashamed to a strong smell of blood.

A face wearing a mask, with a pair of gloomy old eyes, just appeared in front of her.

However, he just gasped at her and didn't say a word.

"Grandpa, are you hurt?"

The gloom in his eyes makes it impossible to look directly at him. At first glance, he knows that this person is unattractive. Duanmu Yawang, if not seeing him, smiled on his face and said: "Junior knows a little medicine, why don't you give you a pulse?"


The old man still stared at her.

Duanmu Yawang's smile stiffened.

For a moment, the old man stretched out his wrinkled, shriveled hand toward her.

Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out **** to put his wrists, but before he could signal his pulse, the old man actually retracted his hand again and said coldly: "Just look at it, don't use your hands."


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