Ning Ming answered, "Yes, and we didn't expect that the beasts would be so big when we came here. If we had known it earlier, we would have walked a little longer where there were five or six levels of beasts before."

He was obviously frightened by the evil beasts and snakes just now.

Duanmu Ya looked and listened, and continued to inquire: "Are there many kinds of plants in the south?"


Yi Dao shook his head, "We don't understand plants. We will pay attention to these. However, the grass and trees in the south are not so lush, and there is a plain, which is a little bit fragrant compared to here."

Duan Muya looked and listened. She had a rough idea of ​​the south, and felt that she wouldn't have to go south for a while. However, she remembered one thing: "However, do you think we encountered too many beasts? Do you say that the number of beasts on this ratio is specific?"


Yi Dao nodded, raised his eyes in confusion and asked her: "These beasts are all put in, they should be specific, what's wrong?"


Yi Dao no longer asked.

After the four of them finished eating the roasted meat, it was already more than two quarters of an hour.

Ning Ming and Qingling had a good meal, leaning back against their images several times, sitting paralyzed and reluctant to move, touching their belly while sighing: "It's so full, so refreshing, it's been a long time since I ate so refreshing."

Seeing them like this, Duan Muya suddenly felt that they were a little pitiful.

After eating, Duanmu Ya looked to rest for a while, drank half of the bamboo tube of water, and said to them: "Time is not going, you can go back when you are full, I also want to go."


Ning Minghe Qingling heard Duanmu Yawang's words, remembered this, and immediately straightened up from the tree, looking at her eagerly.

"Look at what I do, no matter how you look at it, you can only give you beast crystals of level fifteen, not more."

"We don't want to be greedy for your spirit crystal!"

Cleared and murmured.

Duanmu Yawang didn't want to waste time on this, picked up the two straw bags, and urged: "Okay, don't linger, take Lingjing."

The three of them hesitated, and finally reached out and took the number of spirit crystals they needed.

Duanmu Yawang put the bag back in the back basket, then picked up the basket and stood up again, saying, "You know better than me. You can go back now. I'm leaving."

"Master Gongyu!"

Yi Dao stopped her, and Duanmu Ya looked back: "What's the matter?"

"Are you sure you don't want us to go with us?" Yi Dao said seriously: "You gave us food, and you gave us the spirit crystals. You have never taken care of it alone. You have something on your waist. We can help you carry something. OK."

"I'm interested."

Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "But, I don't need it." After that, he raised his steps and left without looking back.

The three of them looked at her slender back further and further away, and they were all overwhelmed.

Until Duanmu Yawang's figure finally disappeared, Ning Ming scratched his head and said seriously: "In fact, Lord Gongyu is a very good person. Why did so many people dislike him in Mo Daozong's time?"

Qing Zing recalled Duanmu Yawang’s blue eyes, and remembered how badly he looked when he first met Duanmu Yawang, his handsome face turned red: "What else, isn’t it because people have blue eyes and dogs look down on people!"

In the last half of the sentence, I didn't know whether it was cursing others or myself.

Yi Dao sighed and said warmly: "When Lord Gongyu returns to Mo Daozong tonight, let's thank others no matter what."


Ning Ming and Qing Zero both responded.

After the three of Duanmu Yawang and Ning Ming were separated, they walked a little farther to make sure that there was no one. They found a dense bush, took out the medicine from the medical system, and opened his robe to apply the medicine to himself.

Her waist hurts too much, and taking one step is a torture for her, and she can't help it anymore.

After getting the medicine, she opened her robe and found out that her waist was black by two pieces as big as the mouth of a bowl!

Moreover, the black lump is so swollen!

Duanmu Yawang didn't look at it tightly, so he applied the medicine lightly.

No matter how light she moved, she still hissed with pain when she applied it.

After all, it was the medicine that I had researched. Not long after the application, Duanmu Yawang felt much better.

She rested on the spot, and after the pain in her waist eased a lot, she continued to walk east.

The more you go to the east, the denser the trees. However, unlike the beasts you always encountered before, the more you go in, the fewer the beasts.

Duanmu Yawang originally walked forward step by step. Seeing that the remaining time is getting less and less, she uses aura and swift steps to walk, so that the speed will be two or three times faster than the original walking.

It's like running fast.

She can still clearly observe the plant species on the roadside with her naked eyes, and will collect them when she encounters good ones.

It felt like I walked for a long time, and the basket was so full that I couldn't put it down. Duanmu Yawang secretly put the things in the medical system, and then continued walking.

I don't know how long I have been walking, Duanmu Yawang looked at the sky: "Why is it still dark?" Duanmu Yawang always felt that she had been walking for more than one afternoon.

"It doesn't matter, I will continue walking, and talk about it when it gets dark."

Duanmu Yawang was reluctant to bear such a rich species, and continued to move forward. After walking for more than an hour, the sky finally slowly reached dusk.

Duan Mu Ya looked at the sky, then looked at the contents of her basket, then stopped, put the basket down, and rearranged her own things.

When it was almost done, Duanmu Yawang suddenly thought of a very serious question, that is-how should I go back!

She remembered that when everyone set out, Meng Mo talked about the role of the life stone, and there were miscellaneous life stones that could go back.

But doesn't it mean that once the life stone is smashed, it is equivalent to giving up the big competition?

So, if you smash the life stone in enough time for three days, doesn't it mean to give up the big competition?

Duanmu Yawang thought so, and was about to take out her life stone from her arms, suddenly, her eyes went dark!

Is she blind?

Duanmuya's heart trembled as she looked, but she quickly stabilized her mind and looked up to the sky, and she saw a starry sky with sparse moon and dark but beautiful starry sky.

Starry sky?

it's dark?

Wasn't it just dusk? How come the sky is completely dark so fast, and there are so many stars!

Duanmu Yawang felt that she must be dazzled, rubbed her eyes, and continued to look up. In this look, she saw a full moon that had moved westward in the dark sky...

Duanmu Ya looked at this time, his eyes widened, and the moon that had moved westward proved that it was already early in the morning!

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