The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1091: Why are you more hypocritical than a girl?

There are a lot of medicines she collected in the basket. Compared to animal crystals, she actually feels more distressed about those medicines. She has gone so long and finally collected the medicines, so I really don't want to just disappear.

She has to find a way to get it back.

Thinking of this, my eyes caught a glimpse of red powder on the tree.

Seeing these powders, Duanmu Ya looked at her eyes and reached out to touch her, but Yi Dao grabbed her wrists: "Master Gongyu, these powders are probably poisonous. When we accidentally touched them, our hands were all red and hot. Stinging, if it weren't for the stagnant water underneath, we would wash it off, probably our palms would have rotted, so don't touch it directly."

"It's ok."

Duanmu Yawang withdrew her hand, stared at the powder and saw that there was also the powder on one of the leaves, so she reached out and took off the leaf and sniffed the smell lightly.

A sulphur-like, irritating and unpleasant smell came over.

Duanmu Yawang twisted her eyebrows and moved her head away.

In fact, when she first came to this tree, she smelled a strong sulphur smell. However, she thought there was some evil beast's urine on this tree, which made it so smelly.

It turned out to be the smell of these powders.

However, what kind of powder is this, it will have such a breath?

And it shouldn’t be sulfur that contains the most powder, right?

Her mind flashed, in order to confirm her thoughts, she moved her nose to the leaf again and continued to sniff.

Cleared and laughed: "Don't tell us, you actually like smelling urine, do you? Your hobby is also weird. Wouldn't you still like the smell of toileting? Hahaha..."


No one answered him.

No one responds to the joke, so it's not funny.

The laughter stopped, and she glanced at Duanmu Ya, and saw that after she finished smelling the smell, she was still staring at the red powder on the leaves. Her eyes were shining, and the appearance was even brighter than they saw the spirit crystal!

He had a sudden heart attack. Seeing this picture, it was almost as if he saw someone eating shit. He got goose bumps all over his body. He shook his body and said to the fellow next to him: "Ning Ming, this person shouldn't really have a brain. Is there a problem?"

How can someone look at something that smells like urine as if a hungry wolf sees a sheep?

Ning Ming didn't clear zero boldly, and nodded secretly: "It feels like something is wrong."

As soon as he left his words, he saw Duanmu Yawang found a few semi-dry, oversized leaves from the bottom of the basket, and then took out his scissors and scraped the powder from the branches onto the leaves.

Look, she wants to collect these poisonous powders!

The other three were dumbfounded, and they twisted their eyebrows, "Master Gongyu, what are you doing?"

"As you can see, collect the powder."

Duanmu Yawang carefully scraped the powder. After the powder on a leaf was almost the same, she wrapped the leaves into a strong medicine bag like a Chinese medicine bag, and then put the medicine bag back in her basket.


The corners of their mouths twitched, and they reminded: "Master Gongyu, this is poison."

"I advise you, don't entangle the relationship between poison and medicine with a person who knows medicine." Duanmu Yawang scratched the second pack of powder, and said without looking back: "You don't know me clearly."

After listening, the three looked at each other.

Cleared: "No matter, not listening to good people will suffer."

Yi Daobai glanced at him, cleared his tongue, and dared not speak.

Yi Dao feels that Duanmu Yawang is serious about doing something and forgetting the pain in her body for the time being, it's better than sitting and shouting for it all the time.

Duanmu Yawang collected several large packets of powder in succession. For the last packet, she did not put the finished medicine packet back into the basket, but held it in her hand and jumped down into the tree in one fell swoop.

Yi Dao was shocked to see: "Gongyu, what are you doing!"

"Just leave it alone."

After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he looked at the three evil beasts and the group of snakes and found that they were all staring at him fiercely, as if they were about to rush to eat her at any time.

However, in the end, her eyes fell on the medicine in her hand, and the fierce light in her eyes was replaced by hesitation.

Duanmu Yawang's lips twitched. Sure enough, no matter what era or place, every species has natural enemies, and every species has something to fear.

And for these three evil beasts and these snakes, what she feared was the powder on her hands.

This is why they dare not approach that tree!

If she guessed correctly, it contains sulfuric acid, and it is sulfuric acid with a special substance. The harder the skin and flesh, the easier it will penetrate and dissolve.

If the powder on her hand touches the skin of evil beasts and snakes, it is estimated that they will lose a layer of skin directly, completely unrecognizable!

Thinking about this, as she approached step by step, she really saw the evil beasts starting to straighten up and step by step back, and the nest of snakes also vigilantly slipped their huge bodies into the bushes behind her.

The other three people looked at them, dumbfounded, and asked: "What the **** happened? Why are the evil beasts and snakes afraid of Gongyu Gongzi?"

The other two shook their heads.

They also don't understand.

Duan Muya saw the evil beasts and snakes receding, not daring to get closer to herself, so she hurriedly walked to the tree, gathered up her fallen spirit crystals and herbs one by one, and put them back in her basket.

After finishing the packing, seeing the other three people still lying in the tree and not daring to get down, they waved: "Don't you shrink down."

The evil beast and the snake were gone. The three Sang Chu were chased by a snake and a evil beast. The shadow of almost losing their lives was still there. He hesitated: "You, aren't you afraid that they will come back again?"

What if they walked away on purpose?

"will not."

Duanmu Yawang replied, picking up the branches under the tree, and using the fire folds to light the fire, saying, "What they are afraid of is the red powder on the tree. You will also scrape a little later to save your life."


The three were surprised, "They are afraid of powder? Are you sure?"

"Believe it or not."

Duanmu Yawang was not interested and could not explain some chemical principles to them. He set up the fire and then took out the meat wrapped in leaves and roasted. Seeing that everything was done, they still refused to come down. He said with a smile but a smile: "Who just gave it back? Saying that I'm as hypocritical as a girl? Are you cowering so much, is it what a man should be?"

The three big men nestled in the tree were instantly embarrassed.

However, I have to admit that Duanmu Yawang is right. Compared with Duanmu Yawang's boldness, they are indeed a little bit decent to nest in a tree like this.

Touching the tips of their noses, the three of them looked into the distance, and after confirming that the three evil beasts and the nest of snakes had not returned, they cautiously jumped off the tree.

Blushing, embarrassedly paced to Duanmu Yawang's side.

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