The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1081: Those who follow the blue eyes are so happy

Duanmuya looked at her eyes and turned: "In other words, if I kill a Tier 3 evil beast and take its spirit crystal, then I will be promoted to Tier 3?"


"Then if I want to reach the fifteenth level, do I have to kill five third-level evil beasts?"


The girl shook her head, "Evil beasts of the same level cannot be superimposed with the same number of levels, this can only increase by one level."

After that, I was worried that Duanmu Yawang would not understand, and for example: "Join you to kill two third-tier spirit crystals in a row, and you have two third-tier spirit crystals. Then, the number of levels you get is only fourth-level. If you kill a third-level evil beast, and then kill a fifth-level evil beast, you will add two levels to the third level, for a total of five levels, and continue to calculate in this order."

"I see."

"Also, the lowest level of the fierce beasts killed by the Big Bi is level three, and the low-level guards of the first and second levels are not counted. The calculation starts from the third level."


Duanmu Yawang nodded and said to the girl: "Thank you for telling me this."

The girl looked at her, her face flushed: "You are welcome."

"Is it the first time you have come to participate in this martial arts competition? Why is there only one person?"

"This has nothing to do with the first participation or the second participation. Almost each of us is separated, and the locations are randomly distributed by the magic mirror."

It turned out to be so, and I didn't expect those two mirrors to be quite magical.

Duanmu Yawang thought so. She looked at the remaining meat and asked faintly: "You really don't eat it?"

The girl was already greedy, watching the big piece of meat licking her mouth, "Yes, can you?"

"It's just a piece of meat, I'm not so stingy yet."


The girl felt that Duanmu Yawang had a weird temper, but he was really good. Hearing this, she picked up the scissors that Duanmu Yawang had placed aside, and carefully cut the meat to eat.

When she picked up the scissors, she found that they were very light. She had never seen any other scissors that were so light. They were all silver in color and very sharp. With a light cut, a large piece of meat fell off.

Carefully put down the scissors, she took a bite of the meat and found that the taste was more delicious than she thought. She remembered something while eating, and said: "By the way, your name is Gongyu Deyin, right?"


The girl whispered: "My name is Sun Lili."

Duanmu Yawang nodded lightly.

Sun Lili saw that Duanmu Yawang was not interested in reporting her fame, her face was a bit embarrassed, her eyes glanced wildly, she scanned the fallen beast on one side, took a closer look, and was taken aback: "Master Gongyu, kill this Evil beast, you only eat meat, but haven't taken its spirit crystal yet?"

"I didn't know before."

Duanmu Ya Wangjing reminded her of the need to gouge the spirit crystal. She touched her chin and looked at the evil beast, and asked, "Is this level three?"

Level three?

After listening to Duanmu Yawang's words, the girl was a little bit dumbfounded, "This is at least a level 5 evil beast!"

Level five?

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "In other words, if I gouge out this spirit crystal, then I am equivalent to having level five?"


"Well, it's good."

The surprise came too suddenly, and it was level five at once, which is really a beautiful thing.

Duanmu Yawang used the original moving sky sword to take out the spirit crystal from the evil beast, put the spar randomly into the basket, and then looked at the sky, it was almost completely dark, put the rest of the meat away, and frowned on his back. To the basket.

After eating the meat, Sun Lili, who was drinking water, saw that she was leaving, and quickly stood up, "You, are you leaving?"

"It's getting dark, three days have passed and one day has passed, and now I have harvested a spiritual crystal. If I still don't go now and continue to look for the evil beast, when will I look for it again?"


Sun Lili felt that Duanmu Yawang was right. She bit her lip and looked at Duanmu Yawang expectantly: "I, can I walk with you?" She has injuries on her arm and shoulder, and she may jump out of a monster at any time. Place, her life is in danger at any time.

Besides, she really didn't want to just pierce the stone of life and go back.

Duanmuya didn't look back and said, "The feet are on you."


Sun Lili's eyes lit up and quickly followed.

With this, Sun Lili discovered how lucky she was.

After walking all night, she witnessed that she easily killed several level 5 or above beasts, and she was alone, even if she dared to approach the beast.

Of course, evil beasts have five or more levels, and there are two, three, three and four.

The third and fourth-level spirit crystal came out, and the blue-eyed young man was too low, so he threw it to her casually.

But after walking with him all night, he seems to have reached level ten or above, and she also has level five or six.

She is about to cry happily!

Moreover, the longer she spends with the blue-eyed boy in front of her, the more she finds that he is not easy, he is different from all of them. Before, the seniors and sisters only knew about killing evil beasts when they came to Banyuedao. Lingjing.

However, this blue-eyed person, he walked and looked around, seeing some plants brighten up in front of his eyes, then went to pick them, and stopped.

What is even more amazing is that he had brought out three things. However, he felt that there were countless things in her basket. When her arm and shoulder hurt and became inflamed, he would know when she frowned. , And then just take it out, you can take out different herbs and put them on the wound.

At night, he not only has a torch, but also a torch. He wants to light up and illuminate everything at any time.

The most important thing is that when she meets some small animals that can be eaten, she can grab it easily. She hangs it around her waist with a rope she doesn't know where to find, and roasts it when she is hungry.

Speaking of grilling meat, in such an environment, the blue-eyed person can still say that the first meal has no spices, no taste, but not addictive, so he sprinkled some plants on the meat that he ate in the second night. Broken leaves.

Adding the meat from the broken leaves of plants, Sun Lili found that it was so delicious that she almost swallowed her tongue, and then she understood why this blue-eyed person would say that the first stew was not delicious.

There is something to eat, to drink and to drink, and to continue to upgrade. Sun Lili never thought that on this Banyue Island, following a blue eyed person would have such a comfortable life!

One night later, at dawn the next day, they took a break and went on walking.

Continued to gain, but still did not meet other people.

Until noon, they walked towards the east. Not long after they had walked, they heard a very strong movement from the front, screaming and crying, accompanied by the roar of evil beasts that made the scalp numb!

"Someone ahead!"

Sun Lili said immediately.

However, when her words fell, she saw that the figure of the teenager next to her was erratic, like a dragon, and there was no shadow in an instant.

Sun Lili quickly followed.

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