The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1065: Not challenging, not interested in participating

As soon as these words came out, a flash of astonishment flashed across the eyes of many present. If this blue-eyed kid could say such a thing, wouldn't he really be able to exceed the level of a spiritualist?

Is this... fake?

He is still so young, and the spirit chain of the blue eyed is also very late. In such a short period of time, how could he have reached the level of the spirit king?

When Sect Master Feng heard her say this, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. He thought of standing in front, squinting at her condescendingly, "So, Lord Gongyu, are you really planning to participate in the Martial Arts Competition?"

"It wasn't originally."

Duanmu Yawang supported her cheek in one hand, and bit the fragrant flower cake in the other. She ate with bulging cheeks, and said slurredly: "But after listening to Sect Master Feng, I feel that this martial arts competition seems quite challenging, and I immediately felt that I would participate. It’s okay, at least it’s not boring."

Is it okay to participate?

Don't be bored?

How does this blue eyes kid say that the martial arts competition is not challenging, as if he is not interested in participating?

The people present had different faces when they heard it, but most of them stared at her with a mocking look: the frog at the bottom of the well is the frog at the bottom of the well, and what they say is really ridiculous!

Sect Master Feng mocked Mrs. Lan and said to Mrs. Lan: “It is said that Mrs. Lan’s sons of Mrs. Lan’s friends are eye-opening for what kind of people make friends. Presumably your friend is also a hero.”

When he talked about the heroes, he said in a very strange tone that no one would take it as a compliment.

Master Lan doesn't seem to want to talk too much nonsense with Sect Master Feng, his face is as cold as freezing: "How can my friend not bother Sect Master Feng bother, Sect Master Feng should think about it, how many schedules can I see this year? !"

With these words of Master Lan, I don't know what Sect Master Feng had been poked, his face suddenly became ugly, he snorted, flicked his sleeves and left.

All the disciples of Fen Tianzong also touched their noses and left in a desperate manner.

Duanmu Ya looked at him and asked in a whisper, "Master Lan, this Sect Master Feng, but he lost to you during the game?"


Master Lan nodded, but this seemed to be his bad memory, and he didn't mention it much. Instead, he said to Elder Yan: "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"Where to speak."

Elder Yan replied and looked at Duanmu Ya thoughtfully, "You, the son of a friend, seem to be very spiritual, but it's a pity that you have a pair of blue eyes."

"Deyin Blue Eyes don't have to be bad for others." The Lan family seriously emphasized. Elder Yan remembered the words of the disciples under the mountain that day, his eyes flashed, and said: "Is that right, Wulin Dabi wants to see it."

The elders here were chatting, but the juniors were not idle. Cleared and raised their beautiful chins. He hummed and looked at Duan Muya: "Hey, are you really going to participate in this year's martial arts competition?"

"It is interesting to hear what Sect Master Feng said. I think it is." After that, he tapped his chin with his fingertips and said in a funny way: "Why, are you afraid that I will win you?"

"Only you?"

Qing Zero sneered, thinking of something, and said unbearably: "It's not that I said you, can your mouth converge, don't blow it if your ability is not so great, then you will be embarrassed."

This person is really awkward.

Obviously he cares about people, but what he says is not very pleasant.

Duanmuya laughed and laughed, but she didn't hate it. Compared to some people in the Fen Tianzong and Mo Daozong before, she was a bit frank and cute. Therefore, she couldn't help being frank: "Really, should we then? Compare it and see if you have the power to embarrass me?"

"You, you really don't know good or bad!"

Cleared the appearance of being well-intentioned by thunder, he was obviously hummed, and he pulled away the easy road on one side, and said while walking: "He is out of help. I won't talk to him next time, otherwise he will be taken. stupid!"

Duanmu Yawang: "..." Now to be honest, isn't anyone listening?

Yi Dao perspired, and while being dragged away, he kept nodding to Duanmu Yawang and apologized: "I'm sorry, sometimes clearing speech doesn't sound so nice..."

"To shut up!"

Qing Zero snorted, and directly dragged him away.

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

When I got here, the food soon came up.

The moment he saw the dishes that came up, Duan Muya's face turned black, and then he remembered that he had forgotten one thing, that is-Mo Daozong has been vegetarian recently!

Be vegetarian!


Moreover, Mo Daozong’s vegetarian dishes are not ordinary vegetarians. Not only do they have very simple ingredients, but they also have a clear soup, which is hard to describe in one word...

In fact, the rice is okay. After all, it’s a martial art. The rice is white and soft and glutinous, and the quality is very good. Caitai is too widowed, and they are all unknown wild vegetables. She ate two bites. He wrinkled his face and stopped going to chopsticks, just ate the rice.

Duanmu Yawang thought this was serious enough. However, when the soup came, she saw the color turbid, and when the soup was boiled with the roots of the bitter plants, she couldn't even eat the rice.

Damn, how do people eat this!

Fortunately, Xiao Bailu didn't come, otherwise, according to his picky temperament for food, he wouldn't have to spit it out at the first bite!

However, unlike her, other people ate very well, eating and drinking with big mouthfuls, as if the taste buds were not conscious.

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

"Deyin, why don't you know chopsticks?" Gongyu Dechun asked with frowning, "Aren't you hungry?"

Duanmu Yawang hehe smiled, "I have a small appetite, plus I ate some pastries just now, and I am full now."

"Oh, I knew I wouldn't let you eat so many cakes." After that, Gong Yu Dechun persuaded: "But Deyin, although this soup is not good, it is a medicine developed by the genius doctor of Green Aralia. Soup, it’s said that it’s good for physical and mental training and breathing exercises. Every year, many people can make progress within a few days after drinking it. Eat a little when you are full."

This soup is indeed made with good medicinal materials, but eating is a kind of enjoyment. If you want to cultivate your body and mind, she can develop it at any time, and it is many times better than this!

Who wants to abuse himself and drink such a terrible thing!

She sighed, but in order not to worry Gongyu Dechun, she wrinkled her face and reluctantly drank a bowl of soup.

The bitter and strange soup slid into his throat, and the peculiar smell almost made Duanmu Yawang nauseous, and even made Duanmu Yawang suspicious of life for a time: This is simply worse than drinking a large bowl of thick Chinese medicine without sugar!

Is this genius doctor of green argentina brain dysfunctional or something, how can he develop such a wonderful soup?

Duanmu Yawang finished drinking, and as soon as he put the bowl, he squeezed the fragrant flower cake and gnawed it, trying to suppress the weird soup smell.

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