The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1059: Deyin? A blue eyed person who knows medicine

Next day

Mo Daozong

In Hall Master Huang’s room, many people came in and out with water and towels, but the room was in a mess. Zuo Zun stood on the side of the bed, twisting his eyebrows and asked about a long silver shawl sitting on the bed. , A young woman in her twenties who looks slender and slender: "The genius doctor of green argens, how is Hall Master Huang?"

"Still like that."

The woman turned her head, she has a pair of purple crystal grape-like eyes, delicate and beautiful features, gentle and elegant temperament on her body, she looks like a beautiful woman like an ink painting.

"Still like that?"

"Yes." The genius doctor Qing Wei rubbed his delicate eyebrows, and calmly said: "The veins and blood vessels have been crushed too badly. I can only stop the bleeding with all my strength, so that Hall Master Huang will not be in danger for the time being. "

Zuo Zun heard the key: "For now?"


The genius doctor Qing Wei looked solemn, "Although the blood is stopped, the veins and blood vessels of one hand are equivalent to waste, blood can't flow, and one hand is equivalent to waste, so..."

Having said that, she hesitated and did not speak again.

Zuo Zun said with a sullen face: "It doesn't matter if the genius doctor Qingwei has something to say straight."

"So, if you want to save your life, Hall Master Huang will probably give up one arm."


Zuo Zun was calm again, his face changed at this moment, "Hall Master Huang has been in retreat some time ago, and he has practiced very well. Recently, he plans to continue to retreat. This time it is estimated that he will be able to directly upgrade if he gives up one arm. If he can't reach the order, he has fewer blood vessels and tendons, and cultivation will be a problem, right?"

"It's true."

The genius doctor Qing Wei did not conceal it, and sighed, with an exquisite face admonishing: "However, life is the most important thing if you stay in the green mountains without worrying about firewood. I also hope that Zuo Zun will make a decision as soon as possible. One day later, I The medicine is estimated to have no effect."

"Okay, the deity understands." Zuo Zun sighed.

The genius doctor Qing Wei looked at him with deep and beautiful eyes. After one day of treatment yesterday, the lines on the left zun's forehead were obviously much deeper.

As for the reason, she still understands.

For one thing, Zuo Zun attaches great importance to Hall Master Huang. Secondly, Hall Master Huang is the master of Mo Daozong's twelfth hall.

"However, in fact, it is best for Hall Master Huang to decide on this matter." Zuo Zun was actually really hesitant.

"will not."

In this way, she took a lot of effort to barely hang him, and now it’s good to be able to breathe. How could she still wake up?

Thinking about this, she couldn't help but look at Huang Qian's arm a few more times and asked, "Zuo Zun, in fact, Qing Wei has always wanted to ask, is he a master doctor?"

Zuo Zun was taken aback, "Why ask?"

"Because hall master Huang has such an injury on his arm, not everyone can get it. The broken tendons are all in the key acupuncture points. In this way, even if the wound is the same, it won't be more serious, and it will be severed. The possibility of curing the hand of Hall Master Huang."

Such seemingly random wounds, in fact, are extremely delicate wounds, if the other party doesn't understand medicine, they can't do it at all.

Even if it was her, she couldn't do it.

"An intruder, unfamiliar, don't know whether he understands medicine." Zuo Zun remembered Duanmu Yawang's blue eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "However, it feels unlikely to know medicine."

"Is it?"

Qing Wei genius doctor frowned: "Why does Zuo Zun say that?"

Zuo Zun said deeply: "The other party is a blue-eyed person."

"Blue Eyed One?"

The genius doctor Qing Wei was stunned. She had always been only responsible for the treatment, and never asked more. Even if he treated Hall Master Huang for a day and saved his life, she still didn't know what kind of person hurt him.


Qing Wei curled his eyebrows thoughtfully.

"Zuo Zun!"

At this time, a voice rang outside the main door of the Yellow Hall. Qing Wei and Zuo Zun heard it, looked at the door, and stood up, "Is the leader back?"


Three people came in, talking to a tall and arrogant middle-aged man. He walked over as he talked and saw Huang Qian on the bed curling his eyebrows and said: "As soon as I came back, I heard several hall masters say that Hall Master Huang was injured. Life is dying, what is going on?"

Zuo Zun didn't speak for a while, looked behind the leader, and faintly called: "Master Lan, Madam Lan."

That's right, the two people who came in were the Lans.

Zuo Zun's greeting was a little cold. The Lans felt it, but they didn't say anything. They replied, "Zuo Zun."

"Zuo Zun, what is going on?"

The leader still respects Zuo Zun very much. Although he is impatient, he is still polite and polite: "It will be the martial arts competition in a few days, and there is something wrong with Hall Master Huang at this time, which is not good for us."

"Zuo Zun understands."

When Zuo Zun said, he briefly said the matter.

After hearing this, the lord moved his eyelids and glanced at the Lans and his wife: "A blue-eyed person who claims to be the son of a typhoon friend?"

"Blue Eyed One?"

The Lans murmured, and Gongyu Dechun's expression was happy: "Could it be Deyin?"

"Ahem, it should be."

Lan Yongfeng felt that Gongyu Dechun was so happy in front of the leader and the others, something was wrong, but he didn't say anything. After all, he hadn't seen Deyin for a long time, and he always missed him very much.

Zuo Zun stared at the Lans and his wife: "Mrs. Lan, Master Lan, in other words, is that blue-eyed person really the son of your friend?"


In fact, they didn't understand why Duanmu Yawang said she was the son of a friend. She should be their friend.

After that, the two couples felt a little sorry when they saw Hall Master Huang's appearance, and said to their leader: "Brother Mo, in fact, this boy Deyin has a good heart. I guess you have any misunderstandings..."

Before Mo Mengzhu spoke, Zuo Zun snorted: "Mrs. Lan, Master Lan, forgive the old man for speaking bluntly, just casually hurt a person to the point of destroying an arm, the old man really can't see his heart is good."

Gongyu Dechun doesn't like what others say about Duanmu Yawang. He pursed his lips and wanted to refute. Master Lan secretly took her hand and said to Zuo Zun: "Deyin is indeed a little heavier, but Deyin's medical skills are also very good. I don't know where he is now? Why don't you let him try to save Hall Master Huang?"


That blue eyed person actually knows medicine?

Zuo Zun's eyelids twitched twice, feeling that all this is really too weird. When did a blue-eyed person actually have such an ability?

And Qing Wei smiled faintly, she guessed it was right.

Mengzhu Mo was very surprised and asked the Lan couple: "Brother Lan, sister-in-law Lan, why haven't you mentioned to me that you know such a powerful blue-eyed person?"

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