As soon as Huo Fei's words fell, I saw a group of people in Mo Daozong's robes flying into the sky!

As Huo Fei said, three more people came this time.

Moreover, it is not a young man.

Of these three people, one is a wrinkled and mottled old man with a snow-white beard, and the other two are middle-aged men in their 40s or 50s with a thick waist.

These people, without exception, are all purple-eyed people.

Moreover, when they vacated the air, they did not deliberately release their spiritual power, but there was also a strong spiritual pressure coming towards Duanmu Yawang and the others!

If the average person with blue eyes and green eyes is dizzy by such a surge of spiritual pressure, however, Duanmu Yawang and others have no feeling and can bear it.

Obviously, those people also observed Duanmu Yawang's reaction. Seeing that her face was normal, without any discomfort, she hadn't spoken to communicate yet, and her eyes had been stained with deep thought.

It seems that these disciples are not exaggerating, and this blue-eyed person is indeed a little emboldened.

It's just, but only relying on his blue-eyed kid, who has no full hair, is really capable of wounding their most valued apprentice into this appearance?

The three of them were still a little suspicious, squinting at her: "It was you who hurt our disciple of Mo Daozong?"


Duanmu Yawang looked at these people without guessing, and knew that these people had some status in Mo Daozong, and said lightly: "However, in order to avoid misunderstandings, I need to explain, I am a legitimate defense."

"justifiable defense?"

The eldest old man twisted his eyebrows and his face was dissatisfied with the frost, like wind and rain, "You hurt our disciple in our Mor Daozong land boundary, you still claim to be a legitimate defense?"

"This old gentleman, I would also like to ask, is it because this is the boundary of Mor Daozong, so you can kill at will?"

"You have not sent or been invited to enter our Mor Dao Sect, just trespassing in our Mor Dao Sect. If you don't listen to persuasion, according to the rules, we have the right to expel you or even kill you!"

After that, without waiting for Duanmu Yawang to speak, he glanced at the pair of fish remains beside Duanmu Yawang. An old face almost turned into a dry fish color, a bit older than before!

"Also, you openly killed in our Mor Dao Sect's realm, and you are even more disrespectful to our Mor Dao Sect. To you such an intruder who disrespects our Mor Dao Sect, why should we be polite to you?"

"This old gentleman, I admit that you make a lot of sense. I was wrong in this matter."

Duanmu Yawang looked at the old man earnestly and calmly said: "But, one, I don’t know your rules, and two, if you offend, we can have a good chat. Why should we just get angry? Your people want to kill me, should we just Can't defend it?"

She wasn't stupid. That Shou Li had already put the tip of the sword against her back and had to pierce her throat with a sword. Could she just let him kill her like this!

His fate is fate, isn't her fate?

Duanmu Yawang's response was a shame, and he personally confessed his mistake. One of the middle-aged men sneered after hearing this. Kill you, kill you, you are not allowed to talk nonsense at all!"

Duanmu Yawang smiled, smiling ironically: "Although I have no sect, but when did I say that I was trespassing?" From beginning to end, they never gave her the opportunity to explain.

Seeing her eyes one by one, she vetoed her after hearing that she had no sect, thinking that she was an intruder.

"It's impossible for you to enter our realm without a denomination or sect. Isn't it what trespassing is?"

"I'm here to find someone, and I have the consent of your guards. Except entering the Mor Daozong gate, you can walk around at will. If you don't believe me, you can ask your guard to ask for more details."

When those young people heard this, they looked at Duanmu Yawang mockingly: "You actually use a guard to prevaricate us? A guard doesn't have the guts to make such a decision at all, you lie!"

"Well, don't argue first!"

The old man with white beard kept staring at Duanmu Ya with old eyes, seeing that she was calm from beginning to end, and there was no panic when seeing them coming, and every word he said was serious, not like a lie.

He stared at her: "You said just now that you are looking for someone? Whom?"

"Master Lan Yongfenglan, and Mrs. Lan."

When the other people heard this, they were stunned for a while, and the old man with white beard also had a meal and looked at her unexpectedly: "Who are you from Mrs. Lan Lan?"

"Son of a friend."

After Mo Daozong's people listened, the young man looked at me, while the two middle-aged men and the old man with white beard looked at Huo Fei Little White Deer and Yin Huiyin.

Yin Huiyin was covered all over, and they couldn't see his appearance at all. They didn't know how he was capable, but Huo Fei and Xiao Bailu both had purple eyes, and they knew that they were talented.

Huo Fei is even worse, with a noble and lonely temperament, and his own awe-inspiring aura, which is extraordinary at a glance.

If a blue eyed person claimed to be the son of a friend of the Lan Yongfeng couple, they would not believe it, but there are these two such outstanding Dao Zi eyed children, although they can't fully believe it, but they dare not easily doubt it.

So, now, they can also understand why the guard made such a decision.

Failed to fully confirm their identities, they couldn't be put in, but they didn't dare to be expelled, so they could only let them roam around in the realm of Mor Daozong.

Several elders of Mo Daozong thought about it. After thinking about this, they looked at Duanmu Yawang and the others with a milder gaze. The old man said: "This little brother, we misunderstood you for trespassing. It was our fault. , However, you have indeed broken our Mor Daozong rules."

"So, I confessed it wrong."

Duanmu Yawang blinked, "So, can you write off it all, right?"

"What's the write-off?"

At the beginning, the young man who quietly walked away from Shou Li stared, "Don't forget, you injured Shou Li and killed us here. We said that we can't kill you and you satirized us. You still can't eat these fish!"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged and didn't feel that he was wrong at all: "First of all, you said that I will bring you some bad luck if I eat fish and make you lose Dabi. Don’t you think that is nonsense? Dabibi It’s strength, not these non-existent external factors. Also, I’ve killed the fish and cooked it, so I’m just wasting it if I don’t eat it when I’m hungry?"

When the young man choked, he didn't know how to refute it.

But even more angry, he looked at the old man with white beard and said, "Zuo Zun, killing is always..."


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