"Well, here again."

Little Bailu sighed helplessly, and spoke with Duanmu Ya Wang Xinyu: "Master, I knew that this way, you should wear purple contact lenses."

"I think blue looks better."

Little Bailu: "..." He couldn't refute this willful reason?

However, when did she become the one who judges her beauty?

Duanmu Yawang didn't care whether Xiao Bailu believed it or not. Her blue eyes were underestimated, and Huo Fei gave a wink. Huo Fei knew it, and the stunning boy immediately stepped forward: "I'm looking for Mrs. Lan and Master Lan."

Huo Fei's looks are beautiful, coupled with a noble and arrogant temperament, you can see that it is rich or noble at a glance. The people who stopped them looked at him, glanced at Duanmu elegantly, and asked slightly hesitantly: "You are looking for Mrs. Lan, Master Lan? "

Huo Fei gave a cold hmm.

The interceptor asked carefully: "Who are they?"

"Son of a friend."

The interceptor glanced at each other, and did not speak for a moment.

"Why, disagree with what I said?"

"Don't dare."

The attitude of the few people towards Huo Fei could not be better, and respectfully said: "Yesterday, Mrs. Lan, the two distinguished guests, went down the mountain with our leader. They have not yet come back. According to the rules, we can’t just let the unknown people go. To enter, you must personally ask Mrs. Lan, Master Lan, and verify your identities before you can let you in. I am very sorry for any negligence."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, "So, what do you mean..."

Several people didn't have a better idea, and only said: "Except for a few people who can't be put into the inner boundary of our Mo Daozongzong, how many people do activities, just let them be happy."

"Inside the sect?" Duanmu Yawang narrowed her eyes dangerously.

A few people touched their noses and said, "Of course, the mountains here are the boundaries of our Mor Dao Sect. It is difficult for a few of them to go down and leave immediately, so let's not enter the Zong Mansion."

That is, I can't enter the door?

Can't enter, then where do they go to rest tonight, or just let them be bedded?

Xiao Bailu's eyes straightened, and Duanmu Yawang and the others said in their hearts: "Master, how can this be the slightest, shouldn't we really want to go back down the mountain?"

Oh, he doesn't want it, he finally climbed up, he didn't want to go down, and climb up again!

"Okay, don't worry about it."

Duanmu Yawang patted his head to make him quiet, a pair of eyes rolled around, and said lightly to a few people: "If this is the case, let's wait for Mrs. Lan, Master Lan to come back."


Several people glanced at Duanmu Yawang's blue eyes, and responded with weird sounds.

In fact, they really want to say that even if you are also the son of a friend of the Lans, you can’t enter the palace where Mo Daozong has been won with your blue eyes!

However, this person obviously has a very good relationship with the purple-eyed boy and the purple-eyed child, and they can't tell if it is such a blow.

When Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, they turned and left. Xiao Bailu was held by Duanmu Yawang, pouting at Duanmu Yawang: "Master, what do you do then?"

He, Huo Fei, and even Yin Huiyin are very easy to handle. They can go directly into the medical system to rest, but she can't. Could she just leave her alone outside?

"Let's go one step at a time."

When Duanmu Yawang said, she smiled and looked in one direction, and asked, "Are you hungry?"


"Want to eat grilled fish?"

"Where is the grilled fish?" Xiao Bailu looked at her suspiciously: "Master, you shouldn't forget that the more than ten miles of roads that come by carriage are all mountain roads and there is no small shop, right?"

"Of course I did not forget, but this does not prevent us from eating fish!"

After that, he said to Yin Huiyin: "Little Yin'er, let's go and help me catch the fish!"

Yin Huiyin’s few people were unknown. So, I saw Duanmu Yawang walked down the mountain in one direction for a while, then went to one side to play, and then bypassed several small canyons. Moyue walked for two quarters of an hour and came to a small By the stream.

The stream is clear and there are a lot of fish and shrimps. As soon as they approached the stream, they saw fish leaping out of the water. The little white deer stayed for a while: "Good fish!"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't laugh or cry to knock his head: "It's only two catties, how big is it?" No common sense!

"Two catties are too big!"

Little Bailu swept away depressed, and immediately smiled, "Two little masters are enough to eat, don't eat too much."

Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes when she heard it, you are a little kid, and think you don't eat much after eating four catties of fish? If it's other children, they must scare the parents!

"Master, this fish swims so fast. We don't have any tools. How can we catch it!" Little Bailu excitedly lifted up his sleeves and trousers, wiped it off and jumped into the stream in a hurry.

"There are Xiaoyin'er and Fei, what are you worried about?" When Duanmu Yawang said, he looked at them with a smile: "Fei Fei, am I right?"

Yin Huiyin and Huo Fei suddenly became a little confused, "I, I don't know how to catch fish..."

They haven't done these things!

They don’t need to eat them at ordinary times. They have never been worried about the food, and they have never caught animals to eat. This is really a troublesome thing for them.

"Then you will gather wood, right?"

"Dry wood?"

Duanmu Yawang was angrily laughed: "Does it produce firewood?"

Yin Huiyin and Huo Fei also thought Duanmu Yawang's question was funny, so they touched their noses and went to collect firewood.

This is a mountain range. There are dry firewood everywhere. It is not difficult to find firewood. However, Duanmu Yawang caught more than 20 fish in the stream by herself, some of which were large and small, which added up to more than 20 jin.

After catching the fish, she took out a scalpel to deal with the internal organs, and also took out an iron frame to serve as a grill. Everything was ready, but waited and waited until Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin came back.

Duanmuya saw that they hadn't come back, and thought of the fishy smell of eating, so some people might not be able to bear the fishy smell just like this.

So, she walked along the creek for a while, and she found mountain **** and two flavorful wild vegetables. She looked at these wild vegetables and couldn't eat them like this, so she took out chemical tools and processed them. .

"Master, what kind of grass is this? After you handle it like this, it becomes so fragrant!" Little Bailu came over and said incredulously, "This is the first time I have seen someone eat a meal and used so many tools. ."

Duanmu Yawang didn't blush at all and said: "No way, whoever makes me more skilled, follow me to eat meat."

Little Bailu: "..." I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people like myself!

After processing the spices, a while later, Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin have not yet returned. Little Bailu almost drooled while looking at the pile of raw fish and spices, and couldn’t help asking: “Master, should Fei and the others? Will you get lost?"

"Do you think God will get lost?"

"That's right."

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