The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1041: Master Lu, shall we go to Yulin Ferry together?

Lan Chengche shook his head, "It's a dream. Some details are still not very clear. I thought the dream I had was bizarre at first. However, when I woke up the next day, it was a bit too far from reality, but when I checked it, I found that Lu Young Master Yi really came back, was seriously injured and recuperating, and refused to let anyone visit him."

The patient is seriously ill, and it is understandable that he refuses to be visited.

What Duanmu Yawang didn't understand was why Lu Yi used the sword to point at Master Mo, "Lu Yi is also from the imperial city?"

"No, it's said to be an orphan. When he was a child, he was wandering around and begging. Master Mo saw that he was poor and even more rare as a purple-eyed person with excellent talent, so he was admitted to the mansion as a closed disciple, and he was also the first closed disciple of Master Mo."

"In this case, it is even more confusing."

He was adopted by Master Mo since he was a child, and was educated by him. As long as his character is okay, Lu Yi will respect Master Mo very much. Why would he do such a disrespectful act of pointing a sword at him?

"Yes, but Young Master Lu Yi's character is beyond doubt." Chu Jialan said affirmatively: "He can do for Rong Zining what his biological father could not do. If there is no reason, he will not do it. ."

Duanmu Yawang nodded.

However, there is one thing she doesn't quite understand: "How many purple-eyed people in your country?"

"Regardless of whether it is a strong country or a medium-sized empire or a small country, the number of purple-eyed people will not be large, and the largest number of empire purple-eyed people will not reach 10%." Chu Jialan puzzled: "Why do you ask this for Deyin?"

"No, I'm just curious." Duanmu Yawang sighed: "A purple-eyed person, no matter where he is, will be regarded as a treasure, not to mention that Lu Gongzi has such an excellent talent. According to reason, it is impossible to be embarrassed because of an orphan. Begging."

If you have been a neighbor or distant relative for hundreds of years, you will be willing to raise him. After all, the person with the purple eyes is a potential stock!

Chu Jialan was startled, obviously not thinking of what Duanmu Yawang said.

After what she said, it seemed that the matter of Master Mo's adoption of Lu Yi at the beginning was also very suspicious.

"This matter, Jia Lan thinks it can be checked."

In any case, Chu Jialan could not forget the picture of Lu Yi pointing his sword at Master Mo, plus Lu Yi was seriously injured, he wanted to make things clear.

Duanmu Yawang nodded: "If you can check it, it would be great."

"Yeah." Chu Jialan sighed. He looked at the time, stood up, and said: "Deyin, it's not good for me to leave the palace for too long. I'll go back first."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and said: "Second Your Highness, I am just going to find Young Master Lu Yi, since it happens, why don't we go see it together?"

Chu Jialan groaned and nodded: "It's okay."

So the two set out together to find Lu Yi.

"His Royal Highness, Master Gongyu."

Knowing that they are coming, the butler personally led them in, and asked respectfully: "I wonder if two distinguished guests are coming here, who are you looking for?"

"Is Mr. Lu Yi here?"

"Here I am."

The steward nodded and said with a smile: "It should be Gongyu, your medicine is good, Lu Yi woke up early this morning, and his energy is much better than before."

"That's good."

The butler called in a servant and said: "Your Highness and Lord Gongyu are here, I want to see Lord Lu Yi, let Lord Lu Yi go to the hall."

After giving orders to Bi, he respectfully said: "Your Majesty, please, Master Gongyu."

The three of them arrived in the hall. Just after sitting down, before Lu Yi came, there was a gentle laughter at the door: "It turns out that it is really the second majesty and the gongyu man. When the door guard just walked in, he didn't believe it! "

Duanmu Ya looked at the sound, and saw Master Mo and Master Rong wearing Zhou Zheng's official robes, crossing the threshold and entering the hall together.

"Master Song, Master Rong."

Duanmu Yawang stood up and held a fist to the two of them.

"You don't have to be polite, Lord Gongyu."

With a smile on his face, Master Mo and Master Song bowed to Chu Jialan, and then sat down and curiously said: "How did Master Gongyu get up with the Second Royal Highness?"

"Today I talked about something with Deyin. I heard that she was going to see Gongzi Lu, so I wanted to take a look. Gongzi Lu was seriously ill for more than a month and only visited once, which is really rude."

Lord Song and Lord Mo hadn't spoken yet, and there was a loud laugh from the door: "Whatever you say, your Highness, you are already interested in coming."

It was Lu Yi. He swept away yesterday's tired and pale expression, and strode in with great vigor, and one by one asked Duanmu Yawang and Song Master Mo's question marks, and his demeanor was quite generous.

"Yier's complexion is indeed much better than yesterday."

Master Mo looked at Lu Yi and said, holding up the tea cup on the table, and looking at Duan Muya: "Miss Duanmu, Mo Mou uses tea instead of wine. Thank you for giving Tuer's magic medicine."

"I dare not dare, it's just a common medicine, Master Mo is serious."

Master Mo called Duanmu Yawang's own surname, and he personally offered tea. There was no trace of acting on her face and behavior. Duanmu Yawang's thoughts were complicated, and she looked down and raised her tea in return to Master Mo.

"This time it is indeed thanks to Deyin."

Lu Yi sighed, not afraid of offending people and said: "It is not an exaggeration to say that a meal of Deyin's medicine is better than the one month's medicine that Lu Yi drank before."

That's because my medicine is the right medicine. You used to drink chronic poison.

Duanmu Yawang secretly said such a sentence in her heart, but said: "Lu Gongzi, you are polite. Seeing that you are more energetic, I am also relieved."

Several people chatted with some kind words again, and Master Song suddenly asked, "Master Gongyu, did you go home before, how is your grandfather's health?"

"Very well, Master Lao Song is worried."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he stood up with a smile, and said, "Last time I came to your country, I had Master Song's help. This time I come, my grandfather wants me to thank him."

Master Song's eyes flashed, and he heard that Duanmu Yawang was a polite remark, and said lightly: "Well, I haven't helped you. You have always been very independent."

Duanmu Yawang smiled faintly, and stopped continuing the topic. Looking at Lu Yi who was chatting with Chu Jialan, her eyes rolled and said, "Master Lu, haven't you been out for a long time to relax?"


Lu Yi smiled bitterly: "I had a problem with walking before."

"Master Lu Yi is familiar with Yulin Ferry?"

"Naturally! Senior Brother Cheng Che is from there. We have played several times."

"I'm going to Yulindu to see Mrs. Lan and Master Lan in a few days. I just don't know the way. Can Master Lu take me there, and you can also take a walk to soothe your mind and body?"

The people present were stunned when they heard it. Obviously, they didn't expect Duanmu Yawang to make this request.

Duanmu Yawang didn't seem to feel that her request was abrupt, with a slight smile on her lips.

Master Mo took the lead to speak: "Master Gongyu, Lu Yi's body is just a little better, so he will walk around, I'm afraid it's not appropriate?"

Duanmu Yawang asked back: "Is it possible that Master Mo can't worry about Young Master Lu Yi's health problems with me?"

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