"I have this plan. I want to meet Mrs. Lan and Master Lan."

Chu Youning pouted: "What's so nice about that pair of cruel parents!"


Chu Jialan frowned and scolded in disapproval.

"Okay, I won't say anything." Chu Youning waved his hand, sat back at the table, sulking and gulping for food.

"The Lans should be quite famous in Yulindu." Chu Jialan said warmly: "As long as you go to a small town called Ruofang in Yulindu, just ask casually, someone will be able to show you the way."


Duanmu Yawan smiled: "Thank you, Your Highness."

"You are Welcome."

Several people were eating and chatting together, and the atmosphere was very good.

However, they weren't familiar at all, and they were princes, and they had a lot of things to do, so naturally they couldn't stay longer. After only two quarters of an hour, the three of them left.

Chu Youning didn't want to leave: "Brother Dahuang and Brother Emperor, you go back first, I want to stay and chat more with Deyin."


Chu Zichen refused mercilessly, "My father strictly forbids you from leaving the palace to make trouble. This time you must return to the palace within an hour. Since you have agreed, you must do it."

"Okay, okay, got it!"

Chu Youning snorted, and replied with urn sound.

After answering, he reluctantly looked at Duanmu Yawang: "Deyin, before you leave the imperial city, tell your Highness, let's meet again, otherwise you will leave this time, and I don't know when you can come again next time."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and patted his head: "Well, I will say hello to you."

"Then it's a deal!"

Only then was Chu Youning contentedly following Chu Zichen Chu Jialan away.

After they left, Duanmu Yawang went upstairs. When they went upstairs, Duanmu Yawang remembered that they didn't seem to ask Lan Chengche all the time, and she frowned.

However, her brows loosened again soon, because they learned that she had come to the imperial city through Chu Heling's mouth. It is estimated that Chu Heling must have already told them about her brother.

After she went upstairs, she continued to study drugs.

She drove out the medicine overnight. Early in the morning, she was planning to find Lu Yi, but she didn't expect that Chu Jialan would come to her first. He smiled gently: "Deyin, I want to talk to you about something. ."

Duanmu Yawang invited him into the room and said, "Your Highness, please sit down."


Chu Jialan sat down, Duan Mu Ya was looking to pour a cup of tea for him, and then said: "I wonder what the second highness wants to talk to me?"

"Clear things."

Chu Jialan raised her eyes and looked at her gently with a pair of purple eyes, "Yesterday He Ling mentioned Master Cheng Che to us, but he was not careful, and I don't know if I ask three questions, I want to ask more clearly today."

Duanmuya glanced at her eyes and smiled: "Since your Royal Highness wants to know, why didn't you ask yesterday?"

"Perhaps, it was inconvenient yesterday?" Chu Jialan took a deep look at Duanmu Yawang, which was calm and thorough, as if she could see through people at a glance.

Duanmu Yawang was stunned for a moment, her eyes deep: "Why does your Highness say so?"

"If I say it is just a feeling, do you believe Deyin?"

"Feeling?" Duanmu Yawang frowned at him, and Chu Jialan came to her and talked about her brother's affairs. To be honest, she was a little unexpected.

"That said, you really don't believe it."

Chu Jialan lowered her eyes, was silent for a moment, raised her eyes and smiled: "But if I said, I saw the picture of you together some time ago, do you believe it?"

Duanmu Yawang's heart beat: "A picture of us together?" Could it be that Chu Jialan was also in Fuyun Street at that time?

"Not reality, but in dreams."

In a dream?

Duanmu Yawang didn't think about it for a while, Chu Jialan stared at her and said, "Deyin, I actually dreamed of you when you first appeared in the imperial city."


Duanmu Yawang's eyes widened suddenly, "Did you dream of me before?"

"Yes, and more than once, but dreams are always fuzzy. The first time I saw you never confronted you with the person in your dream, plus you have blue eyes and you have black eyes and black hair in your dreams."

Duanmu Yawang was shocked. Before she could speak, Chu Jialan said again: "Do you still remember the last time I was killed?"

"Of course I remember." Even Mu Fengmu, Qingchen, Bai Tingzhi and others had no power to fight back when they were killed. However, Chu Jialan, who was far from their ability, snatched her own soul and flesh back with her bare hands!

She was also the only one who saved her own soul and flesh, she couldn't possibly forget it!

"Actually, I have dreamed of such a scene, and then I just intercepted the body and soul like a dream, but I didn't expect the other party to attack so fiercely, I still intercepted it."


Duanmu Yawang was completely speechless, staring at Chu Jialan incredulously, "Second Your Royal Highness, you... don't you have the ability to predict, right?"

Chu Jialan was startled, then waved his hand and smiled, "Of course not, I am a mortal, how could I have such abilities."

"The world is so big, there are no wonders, and everything is not impossible."

Chu Jialan smiled faintly.

Duanmu Yawang looked at his smile, as clear as water, as always, she was so comfortable that she couldn't help being close at a glance, she was about to speak, what did Chu Jialan think of, she said: "Deyin, in fact, I came to you this time, except for asking Regarding the matter of Master Clarity, I also imagine you confirming another thing."



Chu Jialan nodded, peering at her and asked, "Are you going to a place called the endless city?"

"Depend on!"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't help it anymore, she patted her thigh abruptly, and snorted Chu Jialan twice, "Second Your Majesty, if you tell me that you don't have the ability to predict, I won't believe it."

Chu Jialan curled her eyebrows: "In other words, what you said to us about going around is the endless city?"

Duanmuya saw that Chu Jialan's expression was wrong, "What's the matter, is the endless city very dangerous?"

"do not know."

Chu Jialan shook her head, "I have only dreamed of it a few times in my dreams. I heard people call it an endless city, located near a small island at the east end, but the scene I dreamed of did indeed enter that city. It's like a ray of light, it flashed by, then disappeared, and never came back."

Duanmu Yawang understood, "You are worried that if I go, I will disappear, so you came here to advise me?"

Chu Jialan didn't answer, but the answer was already obvious. He came to persuade her not to go to the endless city.

"Second Highness, thank you for your concern, but I have a reason to go to the endless city this time."

Chu Jialan frowned, "Is there any reason that is more important than my own life?"

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