"Okay, thank you the emperor for looking up to it. The courtiers are grateful."

Nangong Bufan nodded his head, he didn't stay too much, and after chatting with Duanmu Yawang for a few words, he returned to the palace.

Not long after he left, the palace sent a lot of rewards such as gold and silver jewelry, and Duanmu Liguang also returned. He also heard Steward Liu talk about the emperor's visit, and looked at these rewards and curled his eyebrows: "Yah. , The emperor will not be hired directly this time, right?"

"Grandpa, what are you thinking about!"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't laugh or cry, and briefly explained Nangong's extraordinary intentions to him. Duanmu was surprised: "The emperor actually wants to recruit you as a courtier?"


Duanmu Liguang thoughtfully, "It seems that the emperor is still afraid of the current state prison and prime minister."

Duanmu Yawang did not understand the affairs of the court: "Huh? How to say?"

"Today's State Supervisor and Prime Minister used to support Nangong Youran. Although the two of them did not have too obvious anti-new emperor intentions, the emperor is also dominated by Lixians, and they have never done anything to the officials who previously supported Nangong Youran. The killings will only take place where they were enthroned, and several courtiers who opposed fiercely will be dismissed from their posts."

"As a result, all of us thought that the emperor didn't mind this matter, but he was still jealous of such courtiers in his heart."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "The State Supervisor and the Prime Minister are both ministers, and he has great power. He can't be afraid of him, but he can give you the illusion that he doesn't mind, but he is really calm."

"Yes, Xinhuang's mind is really deep."

After that, he stared at Duanmu Yawang, and asked quite puzzledly: "But ya ya, these things should be said to be a secret in his heart, why would he tell you?"

"How would I know?"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, and said uninterestedly: "I guess we know that we don't have the heart to betray, so please trust Grandpa you too."

"Now the new emperor really doesn't have any suspicions for me." Duanmu said with a faint smile.

"That's good."

A loyal courtier, the emperor's suspicion is undoubtedly the most condemning.

Duanmu Liguang touched her head and smiled and sighed: "We are amazing. Even the first-order female stream, even with black eyes, don't need any difference. To be honest, the current new emperor is careful in thinking and has new plans for doing things. The policies are also very bold, and they are sympathetic to the people, but he is a monarch worthy of support."

Before knowing the state prison and the prime minister, they all supported Nangong Youran, but did not have the intent to kill. It was indeed not a person who killed indiscriminately.

"He is really smart."

If he is not smart, he will not be able to keep a low profile and become the new emperor. Although Duanmu Ya looked the best at the beginning, he was able to gain a foothold within a few months, which is considered powerful.

However, Duanmu Yawang didn't want to talk about it anymore. She had more important things to tell Duanmu Liguang: "Grandpa, let's go to your room. I have something to tell you."

Duanmu Liguang couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw that Duanmu Yawang was going to his room to talk alone. After all, he couldn't think of anything that needs to be avoided.

Even so, he trusts his granddaughter extremely and is extremely proud, and naturally listens to her.

The two went to his room together and locked the doors and windows.

"Grandpa, I want to ask about my parents."

"Your parents?"


"Why do you want to talk about them all of a sudden?" Speaking of his son and daughter-in-law, Duanmu Liguang's smile faded a little, but this was the first time Duanmu Yawang asked in so long, "You want to hear from your grandpa about their lives. Deeds?"


Duanmu Yawang and Duanmu Liguang sat down at the table and said sternly: "I want to ask how my parents died."

"This grandfather said that he fought and died at that time."

"Grandpa, did you open the coffin and saw their remains with your own eyes?"

"This is naturally true." Duanmu sighed as Liguang said: "Unfortunately, the frontier is far away and the weather is hot. When the corpses were transported back, they were completely unrecognizable."

"Unrecognizable, that is, Grandpa you didn't see their faces with your own eyes?"

Duanmu Liguang was not angry: "The meat on their bodies has rotted, it is impossible to recognize them."

"Who sent the corpse back?"

"Your parents' subordinates."


Duanmu Liguang thought about it for a moment, "I have forgotten who your father's adjutant was at that time, but my grandfather remembered that he seemed to have something wrong soon."

"Something happened to him too? How did he die?"

"It seems that the war offended the enemy and was assassinated and killed by people with hatred."

"Then no one else knows except him?"

"This grandfather is not very clear, you need to check the situation at that time to know."

"Well, grandpa, go check it out."

At the end of the conversation, Duanmu Liguang didn't think that abnormality was impossible. He said solemnly, "Ya, why are you asking about this?"

"Because, I suspect that the two buried in Lihua Mountain are not my parents at all."


Duanmu Liguang stood up abruptly from the chair, his eyes widened: "Ya, why do you think so."

"I detected it."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he didn't wait for Duanmu to open his mouth, and took the lead: "Grandpa, you don't need to ask how I did the test, I just have a way, and it's a very accurate way."

"This method can detect whether I am the child of my father and mother, and can also detect whether my father and you are father and son. At that time, I tested that the two people buried in Lihua Mountain were not related to me, and the so-called ' "Daddy" is also not related to your grandfather. Unless Daddy is not yours and I am not Daddy's own. Otherwise, the two people in Lihuashan are definitely not my parents."

"Your father must be my own person!" Duanmu said sternly: "And you must also be your father and mother's birth. You look a bit similar to your father and mother."

"Then grandpa, do you believe me?"

"Grandpa naturally believes in you."

Duanmu Liguang did not hesitate, but he was still very confused now, "But ya..."

Duanmu Yawang interrupted him, "Grandpa, do you know why I did such a test suddenly?"

Duanmu Liguang shook his head.

"Because, when the two corpses were buried together in Lihua Mountain that day, I found that they died by suicide, not by the war. There was only a fatal wound on the neck."

To die in war, it is impossible that only the neck was injured, and the wound also showed a wound that only appeared in suicide!

Duanmu Liguang was shocked: "Your parents will never commit suicide!"

"Then grandpa, do you believe me?"

"Of course I believe."

Duanmu Liguang still didn't hesitate, but he still didn't understand: "Yah, if the two Lihuashan are not your parents, then where are your parents now? Is it life or death?"

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