After finishing lunch with King Zhongyong, Duanmu Yawang went back to the room.

Back in the room, she looked at the scattered incense burner still a little tangled, pulled the little white deer out of the medical system, held it in her arms and pinched the left and right like a plush doll, "Xiao Baibai, tomorrow Qingchen still has to teach us. I took a look when I used the incense burner to refine, and noticed that he seems to use this incense burner frequently. Do you think I should send this thing back to Mu Qingchen in person?"

After all, he seemed to have said before that she asked her to pick up the incense burner and go out with him.

This is what it means to ask her to return the things to him, right?

She did not pinch it hard, and the little white deer nest was quite comfortable in her arms. Hearing this, she lazily said, "The little master thinks it is necessary. It's the husband's thing, you hold it in your hand. It’s not so good either."

Duanmu Yawang thinks so, although it is not what she wants to hold in her hand.

Duanmu Yawang read too many books last night and lacked sleep. He originally planned to make up an afternoon nap. After thinking about it, it is better to go out to Lingyue Pavilion after putting on shoes and clothes.

However, as soon as she opened the door, she saw Butler Liu reaching out to knock on the door. Seeing her door opened, she smiled and said, "Miss, Mu Feng Shizi is here."

"Mu Feng?" Duan Muya's eyes lit up, "Where is it?" Haha, Mu Feng came just right, isn't he the second shopkeeper of Lingyue Pavilion, and Mu Qingchen should have met all day long, let him take it. Go back and give it to Mu Qingchen, and she doesn't bother to take another trip.

"It's in the front hall!"

"Okay, I'm going to see him now." As he said, Duan Mu Yawang held the incense burner and went to see Mu Feng fiercely.

Looking at Duanmu Yawang who couldn't wait to see Mu Feng's back, Mr. Liu smiled deeply, "Ms. Mu Feng is so happy when he came here..." There are some things, maybe they should be mentioned to the old prince.

Duanmuya didn't know what Mr. Liu was thinking. If he knew, the incense burner in his hand would be frightened.

She rushed to the door in a hurry, and before she spoke, Mu Feng turned her head and smiled like a spring breeze when she saw her, she was about to speak, and she caught a glimpse of the incense burner she was holding in her arms, and her shining peach blossom eyes narrowed, "Little Yawang, what are you holding in your hand are scattered incense burners?"

"Yeah, you can see it at a glance?" Duanmuya walked over with a stride and set the incense burner in front of him. "Mu Qingchen didn't have time to take it away. You came just in time. Bring me back to him."

Mu Feng took a sip before picking up the tea on the table, and asked without a trace: "Why is the dusty scattered incense burner here with you?"

Duanmu Yawang said the matter in twos or twos.

Before she finished her words, Mu Feng squirted out the tea in her mouth with a'poof', glaring at Duanmu Yawang, "What did you say? Qingchen became your husband?"

What is her husband?

In the previous life, who said who is whose husband, is that equivalent to a husband, okay?

He always felt weird when he heard Duanmu Yawang's ears, and glanced at him eagerly, "Aren't you good friends? He is now in the Royal Academy to teach and educate people. You don't even know? "

"Of course I don't...maybe I don't know." When Mu Feng said, his peachy eyes darkened, and his gums were grinding and grinding.

He knew it!

He said, how could Mu Qingchen disappear inexplicably for almost an hour this morning, no matter how he looked for someone who couldn't find him, who knew that he didn't say a word, and went to be a husband at the Royal Academy!

When did he have such leisurely feelings? He is usually someone who adds one more sentence!

Moreover, it's nothing more than going. What I teach is still medicine refining, and even things like scattered incense burners are also brought over!

The more Mu Feng thought about it, the more he felt incredible, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "Xiao Yawang, how about your former teacher who taught this course?"

"I went to the Royal Academy for class on the first day of today!" Duanmu Yawang took a fruit from the table and gnawed a bit.

Is also the first day?

Mu Feng's eyes narrowed, and she stared at Duanmu Yawang, not knowing what he thought of.

His peach blossom eyes were more serious than ever, and he looked at her for half a minute without moving away. Duanmu Yawang only felt that his scalp was numb, and the fruit could not be eaten anymore. He couldn't bear it: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Mu Feng said nothing, after a while, Peach Blossom eyes smiled and said: "Xiao Yawang, I have decided, or I will go back and clean up now. How about letting someone come to Zhongyong Palace today to hire him?"

"Why are you crazy? Do you dare to hire and try!" Duan Muya glanced at him, snapped a bite of the flesh, and warned: "Mu Feng, you can joke, but don't go too far."

"Xiao Yawang, although I am laughing, I am not joking." The smile on Mu Feng's face narrowed, and he said solemnly: "I mean it."

Duanmu Yawang looked at his face and saw his seriousness. She frowned and was about to speak. Mu Feng said: "Xiao Yawang, don't you ask me why the queen deliberately did it when I was in the palace. Support me?"

"One of the reasons is definitely that you don't want you to help me. As for the other..." Duanmu Yawang shook his head, "I can't guess, but it's probably related to soliciting you."

"Soliciting is soliciting, but there are many ways to solicit." Mu Feng sighed.

Duanmu Yawang smelled something incredible, and his eyes lit up, "Quickly, how did she recruit you? Is it possible...I want to point you to the Seventh Princess?"

"Xiao Yawang, don't you be too smart?" Mu Feng frowned, with a look of displeasure: "I said before that I wanted to point the Seventh Princess to me, but when I thought of the Seventh Princess, I pointed to another one."

Duanmu Yawang was full of interest: "Who? Is it done?"

"Do you think I will agree at will?" Mu Feng saw her look, and when she thought that she heard him say that Nangong Duo'er loves Qingchen, she didn't react at all, and her heart was a little complicated.

"Then how did you refuse?"

Mu Feng looked at him and smiled crookedly: "I just said, I have already entered into a marriage contract with a younger sister under the testimony of Master Xuanlong."

"Then you still said that you want to come to my house to hire?" Duanmu Yawang gave him an angry look.

"What's the matter? Anyway, I don't have that junior sister. It's a big deal. I will let the master accept you as an apprentice." Mu Feng raised Erlang's legs, supported his chin and looked at Duanmu Yawang, saying: "However, Xiao Yawang , I have a master as a shield for me, everything is done well. But you don’t have your identity, but a fiance will come out at any time."

"Fiance?" Duanmu Yawang sneered: "I'm not a soft persimmon, but I don't want to round it with others."

"Xiao Yawang, you are not strong enough now. Some things are not what you want." Mu Qingchen said, with a bright smile: "So, do you want me to give you a conscience suggestion?" "

Duanmu Yawang put the pit in his hand on another plate and squinted at him defensively, "What's the suggestion?"

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