Duanmu Yawang slept for a long time, and it was impossible to be able to sleep at this time. After returning to the room, she sorted out the condition that Zhong Qishan had given her and started looking again.

After studying for a while, she saw one of the contents that she had ignored, and then remembered the appearance of Zhong Qishan that was burning red, her brain flashed, and she quickly took out the previously extracted substances and entered the research again.

So, the next morning, Xiao Bailu, Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin came to ask her to eat, but no one answered them.

Yin Huiyin frowned and wanted to go in, Xiao Bailu stopped him, and sighed: "Don't go in, the master must be still studying, otherwise you interrupt her thinking, she can be anxious with you."


Huo Fei nodded in agreement.

Yin Huiyin was helpless: "Well, I won't go in anymore. I'll bring breakfast later and put it at the door. If she wants to eat, let her take it in?"

"It can only be this way."

So the three of them went to breakfast.

After breakfast, they packed the breakfast in a food box and brought it to the door of Duanmu Yawang, asking her to remember to come out for breakfast. Without hearing a response, they shook their heads and sighed and left.

During lunch, they came, but Duanmu Yawang still did not come out.

The three of them evacuated the breakfast, and after having lunch, they brought her lunch.

During dinner, the three of them wanted to come here to see if Duanmu Yawang had lunch, just like breakfast and lunch. If not, they would take her lunch away.

However, when I came over, I saw that the food box at her door was gone!

Yin Huiyin, Xiao Bailu and Huo Fei looked at each other, both of them were happy, and they continued to shoot the door.

"Xiao Yawang!"


A light and fluttering voice came from inside: "The door is almost knocked down by you. If you want to come in, come in. The door pats your arms and pays for it!"

Little Bailu quickly took out the key to open the door when he heard it.

There are two keys to this room, one is Duanmu Yawang, and the other is Duanmu Yawang for his safekeeping.

After entering, they saw Duanmu Yawang sitting at the table in the room. On the table were the meals they had prepared for her, and there was a notebook. While she was eating, she looked down at the notebook on the table.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

Little Bailu was curious, and ran over to Barra, pulled a chair beside her and sat down, curiously staring at her notebook.

Duanmu Yawang looked at his big, bone-like eyes like purple grapes, stretched out his hand and flicked his head, "I want to know if I don't understand it, if I don't understand it, you won't understand it after I said it."


Little Bailu pouted and hurriedly leaned over to watch with Duanmu Yawang.

At this glance, he was surprised to find that there were English and Arabic numerals on it, as well as a bunch of inexplicable symbols, which he couldn't understand at all!

He wilted: "It's all medical jargon?"

He Su Rian spent so many years in the sea of ​​Duanmu Ya Wang, but he only knew that they were English and Arabic numerals. He didn't know the others at all, okay?

How can you understand it?


Duanmu Yawang squeezed his face as a reward.

"What English, what Arabic numerals?" Yin Huiyin listened, took off the cape and hat on his head, and walked over and looked at it curiously.

At a glance, his eyebrows moved, "What kind of words are these, like chicken intestines."


Duanmu Yawang smiled, "Yes, it's very vivid, it's chicken intestines."

Yin Huiyin: "..." What about playing him?

Duanmu Yawang didn't care about his face, she had almost eaten, then took the notebook to another desk, took out the four books in the study, and began to carefully study the notebook she had written.

Others watched and wanted to talk to her. Seeing her serious appearance, it wouldn't bother her. Yin Huiyin still couldn't help asking: "Xiao Yawang, are you going to have dinner with us?"

"You're full, go ahead."

So the three of them went to dinner.

After dinner, they came to Duanmu Yawang again. As soon as they walked in, they saw Duanmu Yawang’s lips curling up with a satisfied smile, placing the brush in his hand on the table casually, and then stretched out.

Seeing her appearance, Xiao Bailu and Huo Fei looked at each other, and Xiao Bailu happily asked, "Master, have you done your research?"

"Yo, how do you know?"

Duan Muya raised her eyebrows and asked him curiously.

Little Bailu hugged his chest and said proudly: "Huh, how can I say that I have been by your side for so long. You will only show such a relaxed expression when you solve a big problem."

"Yes, you know me well!"

Duanmu Yawang reached out and nodded his head appreciatively.

Yin Huiyin's eyes widened, and said incredibly: "Xiao Yawang, you, have you really developed an antidote?"


Duanmu Yawang was very satisfied with the reaction of his mansion and squinted his eyes: "Why, do you suddenly admire me?"

Yin Huiyin: "I admire very much!"

Duanmu Yawang yawned, looked at what she was holding, and narrowed her eyes: "Now everything is ready, only the east wind is left."

Yin Huiyin: "You mean Zhong Qishan?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, looked at the sky outside, and asked, "How long is it until midnight?"

"There are about two hours left!"

"Then wait."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he cleaned up the paper in his hand and the notebook he had previously recorded, put it back into the medical system, stood up and stretched out and said, "I have been holding back in the room these days and staying with me. Go out and catch your breath."

Yin Huiyin thought it was funny: "Xiao Yawang, what do you say makes you breathless in the room?"

When Duanmu Yawang was about to answer, she saw Luo Jiuchen hurriedly approaching the door of her room and saw that the door of her room was open. When she looked inside, she met Duanmu Yawang's eyes.

"Mr. Luo?" Duanmu Yawang watched him walk over, and his expression was wrong: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

Luo Jiuchen looked anxious: "Deyin, the prescription you gave me is gone."

Duanmu Yawang didn't react for a while: "What prescription?"

"Before you gave two prescriptions to relieve Zhong Qishan's pain, and two prescriptions for him to bathe."

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback: "The two prescriptions?"


Luo Jiuchen frowned, "I have kept the two prescriptions in the most secret part of my room, and they have been receiving them well. I just ran out of dinner. I wanted to take them out and study them, but I found that the prescriptions were gone! "

Little Bailu stared: "Could it be that a thief came from the shop?"

"The thief who came to steal things is undoubtedly a thief." Luo Jiuchen smiled bitterly at Xiao Bailu's statement. "It's just that this thief is also weird. I have my own secret books and medical books in Luochenfang, as well as various medical treatments. I didn't take away the best products, but I only took away the two prescriptions!"

After that, he said: "Moreover, the most important thing is that the room is not messy at all, obviously there is no trace of rummaging!"

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