Chapter 276 Partial truth ≠ truth!

Although Kanzaki Yui is a 19-year-old child, she will never believe that Higashino Takeshi is a hero who saves the world so easily.

However, Higashino Takeshi appeared at the right time, and Yui Kanzaki even felt a very strange feeling from Higashino Takeshi.

It's like...finding the same kind.

This feeling is partly because Kanzaki Yui herself, like Higashino Takeshi, was born after the fusion of the main body and the body of the mirror world.

This is related to Yui Kanzaki’s experience as a child.

Yui Kanzaki's life is closely related to the mirror world.

She came into contact with the mirror world when she was young and created a mirror monster from her crayon drawings.

But she herself also died when she was seven years old due to accidentally entering the mirror world.

In order to save Yui, Kagami Yui of the Mirror World gave her life so that she could continue to live until she was 20 years old.

This is why Kanzaki Shirou created the Knight System.

Give your sister another life!

Therefore, Kanzaki Yui and Higashino Takeshi who merged with Mirror World's Mirror Kanzaki Yui are both humans who merged with Mirror World itself.

But there is another reason, that is, Yui Kanzaki and Takeshi Higashino both have the ability to destroy the world.

They are all destroyers of worlds!

This also has to do with the special talent Kanzaki Yui had when he was born: Mirror Image Master.

With this talent, Yui Kanzaki can create mirror monsters, and can also open channels to the mirror world at will. He is born to be the master of the mirror world.

···Why was the ruler of the mirror world killed by the mirror world?

It is said that humans who awaken superpowers in the Knights' Pen will more or less have these debuffs.

For example, Xiao Ming’s Aurora Curtain couldn’t find its way home and got lost.

For example, when Feng Gu Zhenyu awakens the power of light, he often predicts terrible things happening.

Another example is Ryotaro, who is a singularity but has an unlucky constitution.

But no matter how fucked up this ability is. But in terms of setting, this is the same as Xiao Ming's Aurora Curtain, which has the power to destroy the world!

Is it just Yui Kanzaki? /childhood? He died young and did not fully develop this powerful skill.

Now that Higashino Takeshi is here, this ability will naturally not be completely eliminated.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Kanzaki Yui controlled her strange feeling, and then said seriously, "It is impolite to eavesdrop on other people's conversations!"

"First of all, let me make it clear that this is not eavesdropping, it is listening openly." Takeshi Higashino walked towards Kanzaki Yui and continued, "My name is Takeshi Higashikata, and of course I am here to end the Mirror World as your aunt said. The knights fight you!"

"Save me? What do I need you to save?" Miraculous Yui was a little confused, and suddenly thought of a key question, "How do you know about the Mirror World? Are you also a Kamen Rider?"

"Are you curious baby or a hundred thousand whys? Why are there so many questions!" Takeshi Higashino continued to explain after complaining, "Let me answer your second question first. I am a Kamen Rider, but I am not a Mask from the Mirror World. knight."

"As for the first question, I think your aunt is more suitable to explain it than me."

After hearing this, Kanzaki Sanako looked at Higashino Takeshi.

Although I don’t know who you are, I just served as your wingman and you actually betrayed me!

Although Kanzaki Sanako doesn't know why Higashino Takeshi knows that she knows the past of Kanzaki Shirou's brother and sister.

But Kanzaki Sanako does know the past of Kanzaki Shirou's brother and sister, and even knows the truth about Yui's resurrection.

Therefore, facing Yui's plea, Kanzaki Sanako had no choice but to tell everything she knew.

After hearing all this, Yui Kanzaki became very lost. His brother did not want to become a god, but to resurrect himself.

The price for resurrecting himself is to let Shinji, Ren Akiyama and others die one after another in the knight war!

Rather than seeing something like this happen, it would be better to die yourself!

Thinking of this, Yui was no longer confused, stood up, and went to find her brother to play the confession game.

However, Yui wanted to leave, but was blocked by Higashino Takeshi.

"Let me guess, you want to force your brother to give up the knight war at the risk of death?"

"So what?"

"Let's not talk about whether your plan can succeed. After all, your brother has countless ways to make a comeback." Takeshi Higashi approached Yui Kanzaki and said, "Have you forgotten one thing? I said, I want to save you."

Facing the serious Higashino Takeshi, Kanzaki Yui finally asked her last question.

"who are you?"

And Takeshi Higashino rarely responded to Kanzaki Yui's question seriously. He stepped forward slowly and said with great sincerity and passion: "I am the one who traveled across the world to save you in order to resurrect you and give you a perfect future." hero!"

What Higashino Takeru said is really true:

1. He did travel to this world through the Aurora Curtain!

2. He originally wanted to resurrect Kanzaki Yui, although the purpose was not very simple.

3. As for giving Kanzaki Yui a perfect future? Isn't it her perfect future to be with Higashino and Meimei?

So Yui Kanzaki can feel that Takeshi Higashino's words are true!

But facing Higashino Takeshi's fiery eyes, handsome appearance and extremely sincere heart, Kanzaki Yui's heart was moved!

Yui Kanzaki’s lesson tells us: partial truth ≠ truth!

On the other side, the battle between Negitaros and Odin is coming to an end.

The battle between Talos and Odin is like King and Bronze having a solo with almost the same heroes.

Although the values ​​​​seem to be similar, when they actually fight, they realize how disparate the strength is!

In a head-on battle, a swordsmanship competition, in just two or three rounds, the golden swords in Odin's hands were thrown away by Talos' Negative Electric Cleaver.

The huge shield, the golden shield, which is said to be able to neutralize all knight attacks, was also split in half by Negative Talos using the Negative Electric Cleaver and Holy Ax mode as a wooden stake.

In critical moments, Odin can only summon his contracted beast.

The strongest monster in the mirror world, wrapped in golden energy, with fire on its left wing and strong wind on its right wing!

Golden Phoenix!

However, Negitaros said, you have a contracted beast, and I also have a good brother!

In Higashino Takeshi's soul space, the ace weapon spirit Elizabeth has a transcendent status because she is the only one favored by Higashino Takeshi.

The remaining soul bodies are basically classified as pets.

Among them, the little piggy devil ate and slept all day long, and even after he woke up, the three brothers were quarreling.

Three dinosaur core coins seem to have no brains, they know how to kill every day!

Therefore, over time, the boring negative Talos and Higashino Takeshi's phantom black dragon Nidhogg became good brothers.

After all, Nidhogg's biggest hobby is to be a fat man who eats the world tree.

They are very similar to Moyu's Negitaros, and they can be called the two Moyu brothers in Higashino Takeshi's soul space.

Therefore, if our brother is in trouble, how can Nidhogg not lend a helping hand!

Of course, help only comes from extending a hand. Nidhogg's body is too big and he can only be used as a target after entering the mirror world!

So behind Talos, a huge black hole suddenly appeared, and a giant dragon's claw protruded from the black hole!

As soon as the dragon claw appeared, it held the golden phoenix in its hand.

Just call me the golden phoenix!

I think you are a rotten chicken!

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