"Sister, let me ask you, does master have three armed monsters like Garuru?"

"Yeah, what next?"

"As Master's contracted beasts, not only are they not dead, they are still alive and well!"

As Higashino Takeshi's contracted beasts, Garuru and the others also received certain enhancements after Higashino Takeshi became a god.

Garuru can transform into a giant blue ice wolf. Because he absorbed part of the power of the phantom, he is now evolving into the legendary giant wolf Fenrir.

Degas, on the other hand, obtained a golden biological armor. It was extremely hard and at the same time, he also relied on this armor to completely master the power of golden thunder.

As for Bashar... Fengdu Radio recently reported a news about Mermaid Coast, a famous scenic spot on the Zenon Coast. The originally pleasant sounds of mermaids are now mixed with screams from time to time!

Good guy! Kidney strengthening

After hearing Niuniu's words, Natsume Mika's eyes lit up and he immediately asked: "You mean, the master is not dead?"

"Of course he's not dead. If Master died, why didn't the dark wave that he stayed in your body help you master the ultimate state dissipate?" Niu Niu complained helplessly, "Women are really emotional animals!"

Natsume Mika is not an idiot, but her past experiences made her temporarily absent-minded, and she felt that Higashino Takeshi had left her just like her father!

But now, after being reminded by Niuniu's external brain, Natsume Shika is also sure that his master is not dead, and he can't help but feel very good!

Natsume Mika, who was in a better mood, soon discovered a problem...did his junior brother just complain about him?

"Did you just complain about me! Have you forgotten the second rule of our sect?" Natsume Shika ordered: "Don't offend, don't look down on the teacher and senior sister!"

Niu Niu is very helpless, this sect rule is just made up by you and the master at will! In the future, after I have junior brothers and junior sisters, I will also talk nonsense!

"If you break the rules for the first time, go buy two curry bags for senior sister, and I will spare you!"

At this moment, Niuniu looked at Natsume Shika and suddenly felt a very familiar feeling.

Senior sister is like an NPC in the game!

As long as you get close to her, you will automatically be given a task!


In the night sky of Fengdu, the April wind is neither cold nor dry, and very refreshing.

Shotaro and Phillip walked to the remains of Fudu Tower.

It is also an interesting thing to say that after being cut off by Katsuki Daidai, the Fudu Tower was finally successfully built under the auspices of Mayor Masaru Kusuhara.

As a result, we encountered another natural disaster called a world-destroying black hole.

Fengdu's landmark buildings were destroyed again.

However, because the second Fengdu Tower built by Masaru Kusuhara was not damaged, the normal life of the people of Fengdu was not a problem.

This also gave Kusuhara Masaru, who had just become the mayor of Fengdu, the limelight.

Standing on the ruins, Shotaro looked into the distance. The most eye-catching thing was the Gaia Company building.

All of a sudden, there were so many thoughts. I couldn't help but shout loudly to the Gaia company building in front of me:

"Takeshi Higashino has done many evil things. He has sold the immature technology of Gaia memory as a commodity, which has led to the death of many families and the tragedy of wives and children being separated!"

"But it was you who sacrificed yourself and saved the world! Saved countless lives!"

"I can't tell you on behalf of the victim or the survivors that the merits and demerits are equal to each other, but I hope you can become a fighter for justice in your next life!"

Shotaro wanted to continue talking, but Phillip next to him changed his expression and said, "Shotaro, stop talking!"


"What's wrong, Philip, do you think I'm childish again?"

"No, it's not!" Philip's face looked a little ugly, "It seems that the scourge Higashino Takeshi is not dead. Not only is he not dead, he is even stronger!"

One thing to say, although Philip felt good about Higashino Takeshi, a cheap brother-in-law, Philip still felt that for this world, his brother-in-law dying like this should be the best solution.

Anyway, relying on the authority of the Earth Library, Higashino Takeshi can be resurrected in it.

In this way, the world will be peaceful and my brother-in-law will have a good reputation.

But just when Philip wanted to enter the Earth Library to check out Higashino Takeshi's information, he found that Higashino Takeshi not only did not return to the Earth Library, but the book that recorded him exuded a sacred light. Philip felt that he would be attracted even if he came close. burns.

Therefore, there is only one explanation for this. Higashino Takeshi is not dead. Not only is he not dead, he has become stronger! Silk

Good people don't live long, but disasters last for thousands of years!

The scourge Higashino Takeshi not only lives for more than a thousand years, but also has his sights on another Kamen Rider.

Hino Eiji!

As if it was fate, after General Higashino recovered the world-destroying black hole,

After Eiji released his transformation, the core coin Eagle that housed Anku's consciousness completely cracked.

And Hino Eiji also left Kusukuchi and continued on his own journey, but this time his journey had a new goal: to repair Anku's core coin!

And Higashino Takeshi also said: I like to fulfill other people’s wishes the most.

I guarantee that Hino Eiji, Anku and Kazumi will be beautiful!

So, in the vast desert, Hino Eiji, who was traveling with his trousers lifted, saw Higashino Takeshi dressed in simple black clothes.

Huano Eiji rubbed his eyes, I'm going to go to hell!

Then Eiji also figured it out, Higashino Takeshi must not be dead!

"Long time no see! Hino Eiji!" Higashino took care of himself and came to Hino Eiji and took Anku's core coin from his hand, "This is the core coin that was broken by the greedy man named Anku. Bar!"

Hino Eiji didn't know how Higashino took Anku's coins away from him, but he knew one thing very well, that is, he couldn't let Anku's coins fall into the hands of this man!

Thinking of this, Hino Eiji said angrily: "Give it back to me!"

After saying that, he punched Higashikata.

In a sense, this is a punch to the gods.

It's just that Huano Eiji's punch hit the air.

"Don't be anxious, Hino Eiji." Takeshi Tono played with Anku's broken coins and said with a smile, "I want to resurrect the guy named Anku."

Hey, hey, you are talking about resurrecting Anku. Why are you playing with his body?

After hearing Higashino Takeshi's words, Hino Eiji said excitedly: "Can you really resurrect Anku?"

Higashino Takeru checked Anku's core coins and said with a smirk on his face: "Of course, but Eiji Hino, do you know where Anku and those greedy people come from?"

Hino Eiji said with some uncertainty: "Alchemy 800 years ago?"

"Yes, it's alchemy 800 years ago." Takeshi Higashino continued, "Then do you know what the most important basic principles of alchemy are?"

After saying this, Higashino Takeshi gave the answer without waiting for Hino Eiji to answer.

"It's an exchange of equal value. If you want to get something, you have to pay something of equal value."

"In other words, to resurrect Anku, you must sacrifice yourself!"

"So, are you willing?"

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