The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 351: Space tourism

International Children's Day, June 1, 2027.

Zhou Yu and Chen Jin took Zhou Shengge and Zhou Hong brothers and sisters to the Spark Technology Aerospace Command Center.

The space station opened, Zhou Yu and Chen Jin discussed and took their children to the space station to experience life.

When they were young, they developed their interest in spaceflight.

Zhou Yu ’s family, as ordinary tourists, boarded a large passenger space shuttle waiting in the square today.

The guide of the Oriental Space Travel Agency first introduced itself: "Hello everyone, my name is Gao Miaomiao. As a tour guide of the Oriental Space Travel Agency, I will show you the beauty of space.

There are many dangerous factors in space, and you are not trained professionals. You must obey my command. "

Oriental Space Travel's space tourism project, this time transported 235 tourists to space.

Not that they don't want to carry more people, but the Spark Technology passenger shuttle, with a maximum capacity of 250 people.

Gao Miaomiao said with a smile: "The three-day tour of the space station launched by our Oriental Space Travel Agency is about to start.

We live in the space station most of the time, we can experience the life of astronauts, we can also experience space walking, and observe the beauty of the universe.

Now the space shuttle is about to depart, please enter the protective cockpit.

There are multifunctional protective cockpits such as mother and infant cockpits, couple cockpits on the shuttle. Passengers in need please contact me in advance to coordinate. "

Gao Miao Miao's tour guide began to coordinate passengers' seats, and the shuttle's new generation of protective cockpits could change their shape.

It can meet the special needs of passengers. Two or more protective cockpits can be combined together to meet people's sense of security and special needs.

The voice of the shuttle pilot sounded in the shuttle cockpit.

"Passengers, please note that the space shuttle is about to start. If you feel uncomfortable during the flight, please press the red emergency button next to the seat."

The passenger shuttle is equipped with several transparent windows, and the protective cover of the protective cockpit is also transparent.

Passengers participating in the space tourism project can see the space shuttle take off.

Seeing the scene outside the shuttle, Zhou Hong danced excitedly and said, "Clouds, lots of clouds, the scenery in the sky is beautiful."

Zhou Shengge said with a pale face, "Mom, I'm a little uncomfortable. We won't go, OK?"

Chen Jin hugged Zhou Shengge and comforted her: "Ge Erbei, mother is with you, this is a normal physiological phenomenon during the space shuttle take-off.

After you adapt for a few minutes, your body will be much better. "

When Chen Jin said, she used traditional Chinese medicine knowledge to massage Zhou Shengge according to the meridian trend, and relieved Zhou Shengge's pain through medical massage.

During the shuttle flight, a small number of passengers also pressed the emergency button.

The intelligent medical robot on duty on the shuttle immediately rushed over to deal with the unwell passengers.

Physical examinations before space tourism can screen down most travelers who are not fit.

Those who can participate in space tourism have physical fitness above the qualifying line, and the symptoms of passengers who are unwell are not serious.

The space shuttle flew steadily all the way, and before it completely flew out of the atmosphere, the space shuttle began to slow down.

"Passengers, we are about to arrive at the space station. Please follow the instructions of the staff and go to the space station in an orderly manner."

The shuttle pilot is very skilled in operation and easily docks with the space station.

Guided by the guide Gao Miaomiao and the shuttle staff, tourists entered the space station one after another.

A beautiful woman taking a selfie with a smart device said excitedly: "The space station here can be connected to the ground, and the network latency is still very low.

I can broadcast live on the space station and let my fans experience the space station in the cloud. "

Wearing a t-shirt, a young man with acne on his face, and a fat man, he probed the situation inside the space station with a probe.

"In the space station, there is no need to wear special equipment, and the gravity is similar to that on Earth.

This is no different from the scenes on Earth. I hope there are some special scenes, otherwise this time it will come to nothing. "

Here at the space station, employees of the Space Tourism Company and some of the left-behind staff come to guide tourists.

The real astronauts and scientists have all left the space station and headed to the more technically advanced Kunpeng-1 space station.

The space station has been opened, and the advanced equipment in it has been transferred, leaving only some basic work.

Tourists check their physical condition in the space station's standard cabin to prevent hidden dangers caused by the space shuttle.

After tourists have eaten a hearty lunch here, staff members organize them to put on space suits and visit other cabins of the space station.

They came to the agricultural cabin, which contained ordinary hydroponic plants, and each area was covered with a glass cover.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Shengge asked in wonder: "Why cover these plants?"

Zhou Yu explained: "Of course this is to provide plants with viable oxygen, as if you are wearing a space suit.

Animals and plants on the earth do not have oxygen, so they cannot survive in space. "

They continued to move forward to the space station pigsty.

"The space station actually raised pigs. The pork we ate at noon turned out to be pigs raised here.

I think this kind of pork tastes different. I thought it was a special aerospace pig. It turned out that their growing environment was different. "

"The pig's living environment here on the space station is very clean, and looking at it makes people appetite."

Zhou Hong stared at the pigs with wide eyes, he said excitedly: "Pigs, the pigs here are so cute, I'm going to feed the pigs."

Zhou Yu took them to feed the pigs, and their children would have no trouble living in food and clothing in the future, but they must also have some knowledge of agriculture.

You can't eat pork, but you can't tell the difference between pigs and sheep. Eating rice, but could not recognize whether the field was rice or wheat.

The voice of the guide Gao Miaomiao sounded in the communication channels of all tourists.

"We are about to visit a special cabin, please don't be too surprised."

They came to a special cabin, and when someone saw what was inside, they were scared to move forward.

This is a completely hollowed out place ~ ~ It can't be regarded as a normal cabin, just a barbed wire surrounding an area outside the space station.

This area is mainly for tourists to experience the space walk and observe the environment outside the universe.

Tourists are untrained, and they can easily endanger their lives if they are not restricted during spacewalks.

Some tourists are so daring that they attach ropes to space suits and they jump like the universe outside.

From here you can see the scenes in the universe.

The sun appears in the universe with all the stars, and the stars look brighter from here than when they are on Earth.

Looking at the earth from here, he is a azure planet, and some places are covered by clouds, which is hard to see at all.

The naked eye can only distinguish such huge areas as the Pacific Ocean, Antarctica, and the Arctic Ocean. Even the rivers on the earth can't see clearly, let alone artificial buildings.

"This is the beauty in the universe. This space tour is worth it." Tourists said with emotion.

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