The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 327: Recruit astronauts

Zhou Yu accompanied her children in the office to entertain. Chen Jin had been using plant clones to study incurable diseases.

She has no time to bring her children. Zhou Shengge and Zhou Hong are already three years old, and they are now naughty.

Just letting intelligent robots accompany them will have an adverse effect on their mental health.

After the group reform of Spark Technology, Zhou Yu's work has become easier, and only needs to be responsible for the strategic development direction of Spark Technology and the major project approval of the Institute of Science and Technology.

The figure of the artificial intelligence Xianghua appeared in front of Zhou Yu.

"Master, Lu Jinming, President of Spark Aerospace Business Group, asks to meet you."

"Let him come to my office, I have time now."

"Lu Jinming will arrive at your office in 5 minutes."

Zhou Yu ended the call with Xianghua and said gently: "Sheng Song, Xiao Honger. There will be an uncle here. You must be polite and not too naughty."

"I see. Dad looks at my performance for a while." Zhou Shengge said with a small hand.

"A good boy like me must be very popular with other people." Zhou Hong said without any weakness.

Lu Jinming quickly came to Zhou Yu's office. She had just entered the office, and Zhou Shengge and Zhou Hong greeted him immediately.

"Uncle good."

"Uncle, are you looking for Dad?"

"How are you! It's a very polite boy.

My dad and I have something to talk about, you play for a while first. "

"Brother, let's go and see the two big stupid bears. Don't disturb Dad's work."

Zhou Shengge took his brother to the virtual world to watch cartoons.

Lu Jinming lived in front of Zhou Yu and introduced to Zhou Yu the current development of Spark Aerospace Group.

"After a few months of testing, the space shuttle has completed tests in a variety of extreme situations, and it can be officially delivered, ready to launch space operations.

The country has also ordered two space shuttles from us, and as long as the space shuttle performs well in the next space mission, we will win the country's order. "

Zhou Yu calmly explained: "We must ensure the safety and reliability of space missions. We would rather spend more time preparing and investing more funds.

Do not perfunctory, as long as there is no accident in the space accident, an accident is a huge accident.

The shuttle's performance was completely in line with our expectations. It is now just a test aircraft.

According to the situation of the aerospace business, you need to provide targeted improvements to the space shuttle.

Today's aircraft are divided into fighter, transport, and passenger aircraft.

Our space shuttle cannot always use a general-purpose model, and we must also conduct research and development in subdivided fields.

Fully realize the potential of the space shuttle, so that it can better contribute to the space industry of our company. "

Zhou Yu knows the situation of the space shuttle very well. It is normal to pass the test perfectly. If some problems are to be checked out, it is worth paying attention to.

"I see the information submitted by your Spark Aerospace business group, during which time the quality projector business is very frequent.

The space shuttle has not scheduled any missions for some time to come. Zhou Yu asked.

Lu Jinming immediately said the specific reason, saying: "General Zhou, there is only one space shuttle now, and we are going to use this space shuttle to train our own astronauts.

Now our company's space missions have been given to intelligent robots, which is not a long-term plan at all.

The space shuttle is officially delivered and we also have to train our own astronaut team.

It is also more convenient to carry out some space activities in this way. "

"The training of astronauts is too difficult. The country recruits talents from the Air Force, and China Huaxia cannot find many qualified astronauts.

Do you have specific plans for training astronauts now? It is an extremely complex and systematic project. Zhou Yu asked in amazement.

Astronaut training is an extremely difficult project, and the total number of qualified astronauts in the world's major powers does not exceed one hundred.

The training of astronauts is also a very complicated systemic project, without a certain amount of experience accumulation, even if it recruits several professional coaches, it will not help.

Lu Jinming said confidently, "Zhou, because of the special nature of the space shuttle, we have reduced the physical requirements of astronauts.

In the past, it was selected according to the top elite talents, and there were not a few of them among the 100 million people. Now it only needs to reach the talent of one million miles.

Our requirements for astronauts have also changed.

Previous space activities required astronauts to handle extremely complex situations and required astronauts to be versatile.

Now that the space shuttle can easily travel to and from space, the artificial intelligence Xianghua can also provide excellent solutions.

In this way, astronauts can specialize in only one area and fulfill our requirements. "

"Now that you are ready, you have to try. Failure is the mother of success, and even this failure can accumulate enough experience." Zhou Yu encouraged.

Although he is not optimistic about astronaut training, Spark Technology really lacks relevant personnel.

But they need to take the first step if they want to be a significant company in the aerospace industry.

On May 1st, Spark Technology pushed a video through its powerful publicity channels.

The video shows a man sitting in the cockpit of a space shuttle, preparing to fly into space.

He said arrogantly: "The real man is going to conquer the universe."

Then the video went into a normal advertising state, and Spark Technology released information on recruiting astronauts.

As long as people with excellent physiques and dreams of spaceflight have passed the relevant examinations of Spark Technology, they can apply to join the Spark Technology Astronaut Training Program.

Xinghuo's advertisement for recruiting astronauts immediately detonated the entire network.

[A little lazy pig]: "What is the spacecraft in the video? It looks so cool!

Astronauts are not all recruited by the state. How does Xinghuo Technology, a private company, start recruiting astronauts. "

[Butterfly Flying]: "Respond to a little lazy pig, what's the situation with Yuanxing? Why don't you pay attention to current affairs?

The spacecraft in the video is a space shuttle developed by Spark Technology ~ ~ Media reports have long been overwhelming.

Spark Technology has a special license issued by the state, and even the space station is mainly researched and developed by Spark Technology. It is not a problem to recruit astronauts. "

[Green Vegetable Radish Soup]: "I wanted to join the Air Force that year because myopia was not selected.

Now that I have been cured of a sub-health disease by Spark Technology, now that I have such a good opportunity, I must grasp it. "

[Crossing Crab Road]: "I live in a big age and I have a sense of witnessing history.

I hope Spark Technology will continue to develop new technologies.

Now Spark Technology is already recruiting astronauts, which is a prelude to Spark Technology's forthcoming major action.

I know for myself that I can't be a qualified astronaut in my life.

I hope that in my lifetime, as a tourist, I can board our own space station. "

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