The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 318: Sky train

On October 1st, 2025, the National Day, the Spark Technology Company was very lively.

A train consisting of more than 10 cars is suspended in the air. This is the sky train produced by Spark Technology.

It uses more advanced anti-gravity technology to allow sky trains to fly freely at altitudes of 5,000 to 20,000 meters.

Sky trains are safer than airplanes. Even if the sky train loses power, it will just hover in the air instead of falling like an airplane.

Zhou Yu was holding Zhou Shengge, Chen Jin was holding Zhou Hong, and they were also preparing to board the train at the sky train station.

This sky train is a trial operation line, it travels between Xiong'an New District and Yanjing, it only takes 5 minutes to complete the journey.

"Welcome to take the Sky Train under Eastern Airlines. This train is from Xiong'an New District to Yanjing. It does not stop at any station."

"Passengers are required to purchase tickets and ride on buses. Our company introduces weekly, monthly and seasonal cards. Passengers in need are welcome to purchase on our website.

Most of the passengers who boarded this sky train were employees of Spark Technology, and a few were tourists who visited Spark Technology and were preparing to return to Yanjing.

As long as tourists bring smart devices into the sky train and activate the secret-free payment function, they will directly deduct the fare.

Zhou Yu and Chen Jin also boarded the sky train. This was their first time on the sky train, but it was not the first time that the sky train operated.

After nearly a month of trial operation, Sky Train has already proven its safety. Zhou Yu has seen test data reported internally, and he believes in the safety performance of Sky Train.

The interior of the Sky Train is simple, and each seat above is equipped with a protective cockpit.

A special parent-child couple seat is also provided in the compartment, which allows a protective cockpit to cover two or more people together.

Zhou Yu and Chen Jin hugged the children and sat in their own position. He first put Zhou Shengge and Zhou Hong on the child seat and fixed it.

After they fastened their seat belts, they closed the protective cover of the protective cockpit.

Before Zhou Yu closed the protective cover, he stood a dollar coin on the ground.

"Passengers, please fasten your seat belts and close the protective cover of the protective cockpit. Our attendants will check you."

The protective cockpit was suspended in the carriage, and the Sky Train started quickly. There was no vibration during the entire startup process, and Zhou Yuli's one-yuan coin did not fall.

"Husband, why don't our company operate sky trains by ourselves, but choose to sell sky trains." Chen Jin said curiously.

Zhou Yu explained with a smile: "Now the social division of labor is clear, each company has its own positioning, Spark Technology has never been a service company.

Running Sky Train by myself, I need to learn business management from the beginning, and there is no considerable profit.

For the foreseeable future, Sky Train will become a public transportation service.

I didn't choose to do such laborious things, how easy it was to sell sky trains.

The price of each car is 100 million yuan, and the profit from selling cars is high, which is also in line with our company's positioning. "

Sky Train is a fully competitive service industry and a powerful complement to ground transportation.

Sky train can be regarded as a high-speed rail train in the air. It is like a high-speed rail. It not only has operational attributes, but also undertakes certain public services.

The state certainly does not allow a certain company to monopolize such services, and it must introduce policies to allow the industry to fully compete.

In a fully competitive industry, service and business management are the fight.

Spark Technology has always used technology to monopolize the market, and it simply does not adapt to this service industry.

Five minutes passed quickly, and the protective cockpit began to land on the train of the Sky Train.

"You have arrived at Yanjing Station, please get off the bus in an orderly manner, and don't forget your valuables."

Zhou Yu and Chen Jin picked up their children and got out of the car.

Zhou Shengge waved his little hand and said milkily, "It's fun! I have to fly, I have to fly."

Zhou Hong stared with small eyes and said, "I'm going to see grandparents and grandma. They all like me, a good boy, and don't like some crazy girl."

Zhou Shengge held out his hand from his father's arms, pinching Zhou Hong's small face: "Who are you talking about?"

"Sheng Ge, don't always bully your brother." Chen Jin sternly educated.

They stepped down from the sky train and saw that it was a huge sky train station. From the time they walked out of the station, there were more than ten sky trains to and from the station.

Chen Jin's mother's house was not far from this station, so they chose to take the Sky Train.

They walked to Chen Jin's mother's house and chatted on the road.

"The Sky Train has just been put into trial operation, and the track routes are very scarce, and there are not many cities to go to. This will cause busy scenes, and it will definitely be the main artery of personnel communication in the future." Chen Jin said with emotion.

"It's not just the aorta for human communication, it's also the aorta for material transport.

Regardless of the safety of passengers, the protective cockpit was cancelled, and only anti-gravity equipment and particle electric propulsion engines were retained.

The cost of sky trains is further reduced. Taking into account the funds for the construction of rails and tunnels, the cost performance of sky trains is higher than the average railway freight train.

Sky trains do not need to lay tracks, and they can go to any place without any obstacles.

This is a very good choice for a country as vast as China.

Laying railways in mountainous fault zones, karst landforms, plateaus, grasslands, deserts and other areas is basically economically ineffective, just to ensure the state's control over the place.

If a sky train is used in such a place, it does not have the shortcomings of ordinary trains, but has the advantages of trains. Zhou Yu briefly stated the greater advantages of the sky train.

Zhou Yu also emphasized: "The sky train is an efficient mode of transport, and the role of high-speed rail in promoting the economy is obvious to all.

The role of the sky train is stronger than that of the high-speed rail. It will definitely strengthen the flow of domestic personnel and materials, and make it possible for a city group composed of multiple cities. "

Chen Jin suddenly thought of something, and asked with some distress: "Husband, your company's products are developing too fast. Why didn't you learn to hide it, first squeeze ordinary technology, squeeze the profit of a technology to the limit, and replace higher-level products. Technology, repeat the process.

The emergence of the sky train is not to kill the super freight high-speed rail that is undergoing technical verification directly in the cradle ~ ~ The super freight high-speed rail is advanced enough, but the sky train is much more adaptable and easier to maintain , Investment is also lower than the super freight high-speed rail. "

"It's true. The technology is developing too fast. New technologies have not been officially put into use, and they have been eliminated by higher-level technologies.

But it is impossible for us to use the technology that has already been eliminated, and the new technology can eliminate the old technology. It is because at the same cost, it can exert higher benefits.

Using old technology, our interests will also be greatly harmed, which is totally not worth it. Zhou Yu said helplessly.

Regarding the development path of technology, Zhou Yu thought carefully and discussed with the scientists at the scientific research center for a long time. The artificial intelligence Xianghua also calculated the development path. This ultimately determines the direction of technology development.

However, the actual development cannot be carried out completely according to the plan, and a small technological breakthrough may bring a series of technological breakthroughs.

With more advanced technology, old technology can only be eliminated. Otherwise, the benefits lost will be more.

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