The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 316: Talent introduction strategy

Most of the year 2025 has passed, and Zhou Yu is in the office to check the company's recent developments.

The two major businesses that the company has the strongest ability to absorb gold are the neutrino communication network and the subsea mining industry.

The neutrino communication satellite has already been deployed globally. Spark Technology has also opened the technical standard of the neutrino communication satellite signal receiving module.

Except for Huaxia, which is controlled by three major operators, the neutrino communication network in other countries is controlled by Spark Technology through vest companies.

In the United States and other regions, there are no vest companies, but people here can use smart devices to connect to neutrino communication networks.

The cost of shielding a neutrino communication network is too great, and no country will do such a laborious task.

Monopoly can bring huge benefits, and the industries with the greatest profits are those closely related to people's lives.

Billions of netizens around the world use neutrino communication networks and bring in considerable cash flow.

Zhou Yu looked away from these two industries. These two industries have little potential for development. They have touched the invisible ceiling.

The global population is unlikely to grow rapidly, and the total number of Internet users who can afford smart devices is relatively constant.

Mineral resources in most areas of the high seas have been detected by Spark Technology. The easy-to-exploit seabed minerals will be mined for a few more years, and the veins will dry up.

Spark Technology brought huge cash flow through these businesses, which were invested in research centers and Spark Aerospace.

Technology is the lifeblood of Spark Technology, and high investment has high returns.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The knocking of the door sounded and immediately interrupted Zhou Yu's thoughts.

Zhou Yu saw Jiang Fanghai, the manager of the legal department, knocking on the door. He frowned and looked unhappy.

Zhou Yu was surprised by Jiang Fanghai's performance. The legal team of Xinghuo Technology was very strong, and they never fought in uncertainty.

With a large team of lawyers, Spark Technology has the initiative and has yet to meet its opponents.

Zhou Yu let Jiang Fanghai enter the office, and he was also curious about what happened to Jiang Fanghai's current state.

Jiang Fanghai walked into the office, sitting opposite Zhou Yu, and said helplessly: "I have never met such a person, the contracts signed are not recognized, and they should not be sued in court. This is not a rogue."

Seeing Jiang Fanghai's appearance, Zhou Yu knew that he encountered an intractable opponent.

Xinghuo Technology and some U.S. companies have filed lawsuits, and they often encounter these two situations.

Some countries in Europe and the United States are marine case law countries. For similar cases, the result of the first court decision will be used as a reference by subsequent courts.

Because of the importance of the first judgment, large companies in Europe and the United States have very efficient teams of lawyers and lobbying teams.

They used the tactic of dragging words. An ordinary lawsuit was opened dozens of times in the court. Delays of five to six years were normal.

"Did you encounter any problems in the United States again? Our company is now a thorn in the eyes of the United States.

It has surprised me to get our lawyers to enter the US courts. Large US companies infringe our patents, and it is normal for them to use drag tricks.

Your task is not to defeat them in court, but to watch the ordinary people know that these companies copy our technology.

Our company will crack down on their arrogance with more advanced technology. "

Jiang Fanghai said with a bitter smile: "General Manager Zhou, it is not a problem in the United States. We have been prepared in the United States for every five or six years of lawsuits. The right is to exercise talents.

This time it was a domestic case. For the first time, I encountered such a rogue in the country and was a well-known university. "

"It is not an American company, but it is a well-known university in China. Which university is it? It can make you so sullen." Zhou Yu quickly asked.

He was also curious about what was going on in the incident. Spark's reputation in domestic universities was very good.

Jiang Fanghai introduced the specific reason to Zhou Yu, and he said helplessly: "This school is a Chinese University of Science and Technology. We are going to introduce Zhong Haiyang, a professor of physics at the University of Science and Technology.

Professor Zhong has unique insights in theoretical physics in the direction of nuclear physics, but he is different from the internationally recognized Tokamak device.

Others are not valued by the state and schools at all. Scientists at the research center discuss the research direction of Professor Zhong, which also promotes the thermonuclear reaction.

We at Spark Technology approached Professor Zhong. Professor Zhong came to our company to discuss with the company's scientists many times, and gradually developed his own theory.

He happened to have the idea of ​​coming to work in our company.

The talent introduction project is very smooth. We have signed a contract with the University of Science and Technology of China to purchase all the technology patents developed by Professor Zhong at the University of Science and Technology, and the money has been paid.

The relevant leaders of the University of Science and Technology of China suddenly repented, not only did not want to sell patents, but also deducted the technical achievements we and Professor Zhong studied together. The post criticized Professor Zhong for embezzling the achievements of the University of Science and Technology of China.

After discussing the invalidity through various methods, we are going to go to court to sue China University of Science and Technology, but they should not sue.

Professor Zhong Haiyang is also a very grumpy person. He doesn't want to leave the University of Science and Technology of China with an infamy. We are now deadlocked.

Xinghuo Technology had a conflict with a well-known university in China. I couldn't grasp the scale of the conflict, so I asked Mr. Zhou for advice. "

After Zhou Yu heard Jiang Fanghai's remarks, he immediately commanded: "The Chinese University of Science and Technology can do this only to see that the benefits of this technology are far greater than the consequences of offending our company.

They are not afraid, and we are afraid of what we have the initiative to do.

This matter is going to be as big as possible, and the hotter the better, we must prove to the outside world that Spark Technology will introduce talents at all costs, and give all-round protection to talents. "

"Zhou Zhou, I know how to grasp the scale." Jiang Fanghai said easily.

After Zhou Yu watched Jiang Fanghai leave, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The rapid development of Xinghuo Technology is the introduction of talents at all costs.

As long as it is a talented person, even if the price paid is large, as long as it does not affect the core business of Spark Technology, Spark Technology will help him solve all problems.

Spark has introduced many talents over the years, and has encountered many wonderful things.

Spark Technology generally introduces talents from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, state-owned enterprises and universities.

Units controlled by these countries, UU Kanshu, also store a huge number of talents.

In particular, these units have a bloated organization and complex nepotism, which prevents many talents from exerting their talents as they wish. Giving Spark Technology a chance.

For example, Qin Yuanshan, the leader of the particle engine project, is an engineer of the Aerospace Science and Industry Group.

He led a group of young people to complete the development and manufacture of a certain type of rocket engine.

As a result of this project success, dozens of leaders came out of thin air, and he was only an insignificant engineer.

When Xinghuo Technology dug people, the Aerospace Science and Industry Group easily released them.

After Zhou Yu heard that Qin Yuanshan was gone, the rocket project was stalled. After the leaders of Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation learned the specific situation, his face was green and green.

It is through the continuous efforts of Xinghuo Technology to make its own reputation that so many talents have joined Xinghuo Technology.

They created more technologies and made their own contributions to the development of Spark Technology.

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