The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 307: Safety performance

Zhou Yu waved at everyone, and the noise in the audience area stopped immediately.

He smiled and said to everyone: "I see that some people have been fascinated by flying cars, but it is a strange product, and everyone is hesitant in their expressions.

Word of mouth, we will conquer everyone with the perfect performance of flying cars. "

After Zhou Yu said this, he pressed his left hand slightly downwards, and the flying car suspended in the air drifted down slowly.

The process of landing a flying car felt light and not heavy at all.

The audience saw the flying car landing, and some people eagerly tried to go up and experience the flying car.

But there was still a hint of worry in their expressions, and someone asked Zhou Yu aloud: "Mr. Zhou Yu, we are a little scared in our hearts now and we dare not experience flying cars.

This type of aircraft flying in the sky has a very high speed.

Pilots who fly fighter planes are very healthy people who have been selected through layers.

Those of us who are sub-healthy can easily cause sudden cardiac death or sudden brain death by flying cars. "

Zhou Yu also understood the audience ’s concerns. He smiled and said to everyone, “Everyone ’s concerns are very reasonable, but you do n’t understand the safety performance of flying cars at all.

I wanted to explain the safety of flying cars during your experience.

Now to advance this step, I will first explain the safety of flying cars to you, so that you can experience the powerful performance of flying cars with confidence.

In order to ensure the safety of pilots and passengers, flying cars use extreme safety measures. "

"Please bring your smart device, and I will take you through the routine testing of the Flying Car Testing Center." Zhou Yu invited.

The audience came to an empty virtual world, and the scene of the virtual world was the flying car test center.

"We will invite authoritative media to have them go to the Flying Car Test Center with us and turn the captured video into a virtual world scene.

Let us truly experience the safety and security that flying cars bring to us. "

The scene of the flying car test center in the virtual world is still.

The artificial intelligence Xianghua came out to introduce the performance of flying cars.

Xianghua spoke very interestingly, and the audience was also looking forward to the video interviewed by the reporters. They all waited quietly in the virtual world.

Soon the virtual world image changed, and there were a few more flying cars in the flying car test center.

Several authoritative media reporters appeared simultaneously, as well as engineers conducting safety tests on flying cars.

Zhou Yu's figure appeared at the center of the virtual world. He introduced to everyone: "We will conduct the most stringent safety tests on flying cars. We at Spark Technology are confident to ensure the safety of the tests, so you don't have to worry.

The flying car began safety tests, and the driver entered the cabin wearing a T-shirt.

The seat of a flying car is an egg-shaped seat more than two meters high. This egg-shaped seat has a sofa in it, and people can sit on the sofa.

The shell of the egg-shaped seat is transparent, and one can observe the situation outside the egg-shaped seat.

The outer shell of the flying car is a fully enclosed metal shell when viewed from the outside.

Looking out from the inside, you can see that the flying car shell is transparent. It has the effect of one-way passage of light.

Except for the main equipment to block the flying car, its chassis can be adjusted to be transparent.

When flying in the air, the scene below was unobstructed.

The driver sat on the sofa, and the transparent eggshell of the egg-shaped seat closed immediately.

The flying car started to start with strong acceleration. In a blink of an eye, the flying car disappeared in front of everyone.

Such a large acceleration, apart from heavily armed pilots, ordinary people simply cannot bear.

The audience all saw the inside of the flying car, and the egg-shaped seat floated when the flying car was accelerated.

The egg-shaped seat starts to swing up, down, left, and right depending on the acceleration of the flying car.

While the audience was wondering, Xianghua began to explain this phenomenon to everyone.

"We found that during the acceleration and deceleration phases, huge accelerations can affect human health.

Causes organ congestion or hypoxia, which is caused by strong inertia.

We use a protective cockpit, which guarantees that the human body will not be affected by ultra-high acceleration through mechanical balance.

The protective cockpit can also slow down the vibrations felt by the human body, even if the flying car falls or is hit, it will not affect the human body.

If the protective cockpit fails, the acceleration of the flying car will never exceed the acceleration of the car. "

When the audience heard the introduction of the safety performance of the protective cockpit, they no longer worry about driving safety.

"Xinghuo technology is really thoughtful. With a protective cockpit, we no longer worry about the safety of flying cars."

"Protective cockpits have problems. Flying cars are not as fast as cars. Who would use them?"

"Understanding physics in high school, let's give pointers. Acceleration is a reflection of the change in the speed of an object. It has nothing to do with the speed of an object.

An object traveling at a constant speed has zero acceleration even if its speed reaches the speed of light.

There was a problem with the protective cockpit. The flying car was just prolonging the acceleration and deceleration time and had no effect on its cruising speed.

You see that fighter pilots need good physiques, that is, fighters need to perform tactical fighting actions, and the acceleration will be very large.

At present, large passenger aircraft can also achieve supersonic cruise, and its acceleration is very small, or the acceleration of uniform cruise is zero. As long as there is no serious heart and brain disease, ordinary people will have no problem flying on the aircraft. "

Zhou Yu's figure reappeared in the virtual world, reminding everyone: "We will conduct destructive experiments below to prove to everyone that the flying car is safe and reliable in the event of an extreme accident."

The flying car was flying normally in the sky, and suddenly an eagle flying at high speed hit the flying car.

The flying car body just shook, it was intact.

The flying car continued to move forward, suddenly hit an out of control flying car, hit the front right side of its body at high speed.

There is a protective cockpit to protect the driver. The driver of UU reads without any problems.

Neither flying car had a volley disintegration, but their outer shells were damaged.

The shell of the flying car's impact point has been deeply recessed. From the point of impact, dense cracks appear on the shell of the flying car.

Even if the collision reaches this level, the overall structure of the flying car is still not damaged.

The two flying cars still landed safely on the ground, and the driver safely exited the flying cars.

Xianghua introduced to everyone: "The flying car uses a safe shell. It is subject to severe impacts. The shell will form a dense crack to absorb the energy of the impact.

The main structure of the flying car remains intact.

We strengthen the flying car central control center, anti-gravity equipment, particle batteries and other equipment, and they will never be damaged by accident.

The technology of our Spark Technology can effectively ensure the safety of the lives of drivers and passengers under any circumstances. "

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