The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 197: sensation

Pictures of buses rolling over cars quickly spread on the Internet, causing a lot of speculation among netizens.

[Pig ears really fragrant]: "There are no warning signs on the ground. The car in front should stop in the emergency lane in the event of an accident.

The bus took up the emergency lane, and the driver did not rush when he came over, squeezing the car directly.

Fortunately, there is this car, otherwise the bus will rush down, but it is a pity that the people inside the car. "

[啾啾 啾]: "From the pictures and videos on the Internet, you can see that there is one thing in common. The front left wheel of a bus has a flat tire.

I estimate that a bus has a flat tire and this car is preparing to overtake from the emergency lane.

He was directly crushed by the bus, and the accident happened to save the entire crew of the bus. "

[Who saved my life]: "I'm the passenger of this bus, but fortunately, the attendant carefully checked the seat belts one by one.

I did n’t want to unfasten my seatbelt after getting on the high speed, but there was a little bruise on my head.

The passengers who secretly unfastened their seat belts rushed out of their seats and hit the roof of the bus and the surrounding glass. Some people broke the glass and got out of the car.

I was sitting behind the driver in the first row. I remembered this unlicensed car clearly. It has been in front of the bus.

During normal bus driving, the front left wheel suddenly burst, and the driver could not control the vehicle.

The bus was about to rush down the highway, but suddenly seemed to be pulled by something and stopped. "

Netizens keep sending blessings to this lucky passenger.

[Thought Storm]: "According to this passenger, the car has been driving normally in front of the bus.

So how did it get under the bus? This puzzled me.

Even if the driver wants to trade more for one, and actively rescue the bus, human nerves do not respond so fast, and stunt drivers do not have this technology to control the vehicle to run under the rear vehicle in a short time. "

The traffic police department of Xiong'an New Area soon released the initial report of the accident investigation.

Bus tires burst due to aging tires.

He was rescued by an electric car undergoing an unmanned driving test at Spark Motors, and passengers have now been taken to hospital for examination.

Six people were seriously injured, 18 were slightly injured, and no passenger died.

The traffic police in Xiong'an New District released the video submitted by Zhou Yu when he called the police.

CCTV News also published an interview with Lu Dayong, general manager of Spark Auto.

Xinghuo's official website released a new electric vehicle parameters and neutrino communication network introduction.

A series of actions by the government, the media and Spark Technology perfectly explained the accident.

Unmanned intelligent driving and neutrino communication networks immediately caught the attention of netizens, allowing them to divert their attention to investigating the situation of buses.

[Sprouting Bean Sprouts]: "The intelligent driving function of electric cars is really powerful. This operation cannot be completed by professional racing drivers, but artificial intelligence can complete it within one or two seconds.

It can be seen from this detail that the safety of artificial intelligence driving functions is guaranteed.

It can control the vehicle for the safety of others' driving. As General Manager Lu Dayong said, electric cars will definitely protect the passengers in their cars. "

[Dr. Chen Qi of Harbin Institute of Technology]: "I watched this video repeatedly and found an incredible phenomenon.

Electric cars take less than a second from high speed to stable, which is very advanced braking technology.

Not only the brake technology, but also the driver's seat and seat belt must be improved to ensure that it will not cause harm to the human body under the strong inertia. "

[Xing Fan Xiaoming]: "I hope that electric vehicles will be listed on the market quickly.

As can be seen from the wreckage of electric vehicles, the outer shell of electric vehicles has been strengthened.

With such a large impact, if other brands of cars have a fragmented frame, electric cars can still maintain their approximate shape. "

[Running fast]: "Xinghuo Technology is also a chicken thief. When electric vehicles were launched before, they repeatedly emphasized that the timing of the driverless function is immature.

How long has it elapsed and his time has matured, judging from the information in the video, the driverless function is indeed mature.

Spark Technology is just hanging our appetite, it already has this function. In order to facilitate the replacement of electric vehicles, the electric vehicles that have been brought to the market before are all castrated versions. "

[Dr. Meng Tsinghua Communication]: "In response to the horse running, you are all concerned about electric vehicles, but I found that the key role is the neutrino communication network.

The neutrino communication network was formally tested a few days ago. Without this low-latency communication network support, electric vehicles cannot complete difficult actions.

After all, if you want to use the computer that comes with the electric car to calculate complicated road conditions, this is completely unfeasible.

Road information can only be processed through a supercomputer, and the data is then passed back to the electric car for execution. "

[Industrial Party]: "Some people in the communications field have said that the latest communications standards of Huaxia have been established.

I still can't believe this is true, because 5G has just been applied soon, how can we change to a new communication standard so soon.

When I saw neutrino communication technology, I knew why this was the case.

The indicators of neutrino communication network are far better than 5G communication network.

In particular, the promotion of neutrino communication networks to industries such as intelligent manufacturing has effects that are unmatched by other communications. "

[One inch of time, one inch of gold]: "I feel proud that Huaxia has developed neutrino communications.

I went to the official website of Spark Technology and the website of the State Patent and Copyright Office to check the patented technology applied by Neutrino Communications.

Discover a phenomenon that our correspondents dream of, and all our core technologies are mastered by us.

The communication technology in our country has been ups and downs, and we have been tightening our belts to develop communication standards.

As a big country, China Huaxia cannot use other people's communication standards like other small countries.

In this way, not only the huge benefits are lost, but even the security of communications cannot be guaranteed.

We have passively accepted standards from the 2G era, and tried to develop standards in the 3G era. Even if this standard is really bad, sacrificing the interests of mobile communications, the country must have its own standards.

In the 4G era, we have a certain right to speak, UU reading www. The 5G era we are on a par.

Until now, I have a communication standard that I fully grasp.

It is not tinkering with the previous standard, it is a leap-forward improvement, from electromagnetic communication to neutrino communication. "

With the change of public opinion on the Internet, public opinion has gradually focused on neutrino communication.

They are already familiar with electric vehicles. The new communication network of neutrino communication makes netizens curious.

[Unintelligible Piggy]: "Let's turn around and let the relevant departments see our voice. The three major operators will test the neutrino communication network as soon as possible.

We want to experience driverless cars and other services based on neutrino communication networks earlier.

I have seen many well-known experts discuss the neutrino communication network, and the functions it can achieve are really wonderful. "

Through online and offline feedback, netizens let relevant departments accelerate the testing process of neutrino communication networks.

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