The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 153: Super Bodyguard

Since the launch of home intelligent robots, its powerful functions are well known.

The main media have reported positively. A few days after the launch of smart robots, many stories with typical influences have also occurred.

In particular, home intelligent robots encountered crimes of intentional homicide, intentional injury resulting in serious injury or death, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, and drug poisoning.

This kind of crime, which is highly subjective and deliberately harmful to society, will automatically connect to the network alarm platform of the Ministry of Public Security.

Even if the crime is the owner of the home intelligent robot, it is not protected by permissions, and it will be collected by the home intelligent robot, and the evidence will be automatically submitted to the police.

Provincial police issued a notice that a minor in his jurisdiction returned home from school and was abducted by a man with the intention of being abducted by a home-based intelligent robot who was shopping for food.

The owner of the home intelligent robot was rewarded for his courage.

Netizens commented under the news.

"It turned out that the owner of the home intelligent robot was rewarded with courage to see justice. I think this reward can be given to Spark Technology."

"The owner of a home intelligent robot deserves this reward. It wouldn't have saved the little girl if it hadn't been sent to buy food."

"Now that the Ministry of Public Security has not tried robot police, I think public security departments around the country spend less money on wine bureaus and place more robot police to maintain law and order, which is better than anything."

"You don't understand what is called the people's ocean. Even if there are as many robot policemen as possible, it has its limits. If everyone has a home intelligent robot around, society must be safe.

As the saying goes, holding a sharp blade to kill one's heart starts from the opposite, which in turn shows that as long as a certain amount of force is available, one can thoroughly inspire the truth, goodness and beauty in a person's heart, and let him do good things without hesitation. "

"Household intelligent robot: Demo, I can hear subtle sounds within 500 meters in my ear, and I can feel it as long as someone asks for help."

Caiyun Provincial Police officially released a message.

Drug dealer Du Mouliang came up with a whimsical idea to buy a home intelligent robot and use it as a worker to assist him in making drugs.

The home intelligent robot took the video to retain the evidence, and directly submitted the video to the network alarm platform of the Ministry of Public Security.

Under the direct guidance of the Ministry of Public Security, the local police eliminated the drug trafficking gang led by Du Mouliang in one fell swoop.

"The annual Sand Sculpture News is scheduled. I have never seen such a stupid person. It is better to take the initiative to surrender, and that will reduce the sentence."

"This is a person who buys a product without even looking at the manual. The more IQ there are, the more uncle the police is."

"I was very worried to see this. Will there be hackers cracking Spark's system and shielding the automatic alarm module of home intelligent robots.

In this way, some people cannot do evil with home intelligent robots. "

"I really want someone to be able to hack the system of Spark Technology, not to mention Spark Technology, with a monthly salary of millions.

It is to go to major Internet companies in Europe and the United States, the monthly salary is less than one million, people do not even look at you straight, why do illegal things. "

The Global Times reports a piece of news.

Xiao Zhang was going to travel by plane. He brought home a smart robot, but the airport did not let it get on the plane.

Xiao Zhang deposited his home intelligent robot at the airport and waited for him to return before taking it.

Unexpectedly, this home-based intelligent robot helped a lot. It was more turin than the nose of a police dog. In two days, more than 300 contrabands were found in the passenger's package.

"Some of the functions of home intelligent robots are better than intelligent robot police. Xinghuo Technology has promised to return the robot police to the factory in batches to install some more advanced sensors."

"Home intelligent robots are not good at this point. Major vehicles such as airplanes and trains are not allowed to take home intelligent robots.

I buy a home intelligent robot mainly to ensure the safety of my child. If it is not convenient to travel with him, the role of the home intelligent robot will be greatly reduced. "

Zhou Yu turned to the main report on the Internet. He instructed Lin Yun: "Increase the publicity work of home intelligent robots. Some classic things on the Internet. You try to contact the parties and use the real things to promote them. The effect is better. some."

He also held a web conference with Yuan Keqing, commanding: "The factory must step up the production of home intelligent robots, and its response has been very good, and we also misestimate the potential of people's consumption."

"Zhou is assured that we have expanded the production scale of home robots to achieve 50,000 units per day. This output is the best daily output calculated by the actuary."

"Some people only value the protection capabilities of home smart robots. When home smart robots enter airplanes, trains and other equipment, we need to coordinate with relevant departments.

You should also be studying a smart robot specifically for protection. I think this market is larger than the all-around home smart robot market. "

Yuan Keqing proposed: "General Manager Zhou, the cat you made for Ms. Chen is very good. Can we use this cat as a prototype to make some robot pets that are specially used to protect human safety."

"This idea is very good, and I will send you the technical standard of the Orange Cat."

Spark Technology continues to increase its publicity efforts to promote home intelligent robots. Spark Home Mall sells 50,000 home intelligent robots every day.

Xinghuo Technology has also added a new type of robot in the advertisement, the super bodyguard-the cute machine.

Xinghuo Technology makes a robot specially used to protect people. It is based on a variety of small and medium-sized cute pets, usually cats and dogs that can be held in their arms.

The machine's cute claws and teeth can easily tear the door of the car. It has a flexible posture and ultra-sensitive vision, hearing, and smell. It has a built-in high-voltage electric stun gun and an electromagnetic anesthesia gun.

When using the high-voltage electric stun gun and electromagnetic anesthesia gun, the machine will automatically record the situation around it and upload it to the network alarm platform.

It will not take the initiative to attack anyone, and will only fight back autonomously when the host may be illegally violated.

The machine cute pet went online Spark store, immediately caused a big discussion among netizens.

[Potato sprouts]: "The price of the machine pet is only 80,000 yuan, and it has a variety of forms. It is better to serve than a real pet. The key is to protect the owner's safety.

Not much more expensive than beautiful pets, extremely cost-effective. "

[Boiled radishes]: "The main consumers of machine cute pets should be student groups and young women. UU reading they are the most vulnerable to illegal violations and have almost no ability to resist.

They also prefer this small animal. The cute shape of the machine is very small, and it can be carried directly to school or on an airplane.

Spark Technology seems to be very concerned about consumer feedback. Many people report the inconvenience of using intelligent home robots. Spark Technology immediately launched a cute machine. "

[Meng Meng Beautiful Girl]: "I was ready to ask my dad to buy me a husky-like machine cute pet. The young husky is very cute, and it can also relax many people's vigilance.

The most important thing is that the strong fighting power shown in the video of the machine cute pet can really protect my safety.

I saw a lot of sisters and sisters killed in the news, especially the younger sister older than me in the news. She was imprisoned in the cellar for over 20 days by the stench old grandfather, and it was pitiful to be chained with iron chains. There is a lot of news about selling girls of the same age online.

I dare not go out alone now. With the cuteness of the machine, I can go out alone. "

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