The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 635 Ghost King

Judging from the appearance alone, this ghost king is a copper-headed and iron-boned evil ghost with a toothed face and fangs. The shape is quite classic. The head is big and the body is small. The bald head is only two feet wide. At this time, he curled up into a ball and lay on a bed that was shining with blood. In the red circle of light, there are also chains of red magic baskets, which are inserted deep into the monster's skull and nailed to the ground, like a deformed baby with a big head, curled up and trapped in the womb.

But when Qiong Ying walked up to him, the ghost king suddenly opened his eyes. There were no eyeballs in his eyes, but two human heads! The human head has intestines attached to its neck, and it looks like a snail's tentacles protruding from the ghost king's head, screaming at Qiong Ying! It seemed as if he was about to rush up and eat her up, and those who were less timid would probably be frightened to death.

The original Wei Qiongying would probably be scared to death, but now Mozi Qiongying is not afraid anymore, and is even curiously looking at the magic circle talisman on the ground.

This demon seems to have been suppressed. Master, could it be that your friend has been here first?

Li Fan also stood up from the shadow and took a glance.

No, he's not being suppressed by others. He's sealing his own realm and avoiding disaster. Besides, this is not a monster, but a human being. Be careful, don't look at this guy's ghostly appearance. He is probably about to turn into a god.

Become a god!?

Qiongying couldn't help being frightened and took two steps back.

How can a disciple deal with the ghost king who has transformed into a god? Master, your entry mission is too outrageous!

Li Fan smiled bitterly, How could I ask you to deal with him? I didn't ask you to eat enough, break the formation, and just wait for my friends to arrive. How could I have known that you, the girl, walked down on your own.

Forget it, it's okay. This guy just scanned you a few times without making a move. This is because he knows that you have someone to rely on. He is hiding here now. It is obvious that he is still in a lot of trouble. Naturally, he does not dare to argue with you. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke him, he won't do anything.

Qiongying was relieved upon hearing this and immediately praised,

Then it seems that Master is more powerful. This monster was scaring me just now. Why don't you let me give you your name and scare him too.

Li Fan smiled and said, Why are you in a hurry? Of course my entry-level task is not to just find someone. There will be important things for you to do later. I can't let others calculate your inheritance for the time being. Besides, you can do these things yourself in the future. Come to think of it, there’s no need to waste your breath now.”

Yes, Qiongying rolled her eyes, looked at the ghost king, and asked, But master, is this thing actually a 'person'?

Li Fan saw that Qiong Ying was interested, so he packaged the relevant settings and directly imparted his spiritual consciousness to her.

This ghost king is indeed not an innocent ghost, nor a corpse, nor a demon. Instead, most of them were once out-and-out human beings, ghost cultivators that are very common among heretics.

Ghost cultivators naturally study the soul and reincarnation. The method of reincarnation is by no means unique to Xuanmen. When there was no serious immortality in this world, there were various ancient shamanic witchcraft and sects. After all, as long as you are a living person, Everyone wants to know what the world after death is like, how the dead are resurrected and reincarnated, and there are more or less secret spells that have been handed down.

Those who have poor qualifications and insufficient life, but do not want to die, will study various ways to avoid death, return to the soul, resurrect, and be reborn. Xuanmen's method of military solution is actually in this category, and has the highest success rate, but it is only 50-50.

Therefore, those non-traditional cultivators who cannot worship the Taoist sect and get the cicada clothes to protect their lives, and use various evil methods to survive during the war, the success rate will naturally be even worse.

But if they could really fail cleanly and neatly, it would be fine just to die. However, most of the magic and sorcery that can be passed down are more or less effective, so it is easier to create this kind of magic. The kind of evil spirits that are neither humans nor ghosts, nor monsters nor monsters.

Just like this ghost king, look at the corpses scattered all over the Chenghuang Temple. In fact, he lacks a heart. You know that he is not a rare pervert in the world. He doesn't eat people because he really likes them. He just simply eats people. It’s just a matter of practicing the exercises with a ‘child’s heart’.

And Li Fan even knew clearly what kind of exercises he was practicing and what methods he was doing.

This is the secret technique of the divine sect, the method of stealing the sky to change the heart. Using a living heart, combined with the magic circle and talisman, you can use the heart to change your destiny and disguise it as someone else's luck. Not only can you avoid the enemy's calculations, but you can also hide from the enemy. Take refuge from disasters and delay the coming of thunder disaster.

Yes, Thunder Tribulation, it is obvious that this ghost king has practiced the evil way. Not only has he reached the realm of Yuanying, but he has also reached the end and is stuck on the threshold of becoming a god. It's time to be struck by thunder.

But his evil spirits can be restrained by Taoism. The weakest thunder will kill him if he hits it. He will die in a flash. How can he be like the real person of Xuanmen, connecting five or six people and playing like a child.

Moreover, the characteristics of this heart-changing method are also obvious. It requires the use of living human hearts as the medium, one heart per day, so this ghost king took advantage of the troubled times in the world to come to this small town and hide in the town during the day to use human hearts to continue his life. In the evening, I probably took the time to worship the moon and practice, trying to compete with the sky for my destiny.

Qiong Ying asked, So this guy is a demon god under the Blood Demon Cult?

Li Fandao said, It's hard to say. Although the divine sect used to be short of manpower, monsters, monsters, and heretics would not reject anyone who came, and the skills were exchanged for merit and spread throughout the world, but the system has also changed in recent years.

In order to prevent Taoism from being infiltrated and destroyed, monks who are not guaranteed by anyone are no longer accepted casually. If they do not join, they must be treated as a protector. Everyone must start as a disciple of the Ten Hearts and become an ordinary member of the cult. They must accumulate merit and be recognized by the altar leader. Only later can you be promoted to protector.

This guy is probably a dedicated devotee who has earned some merits and secrets, but he doesn't have the connections to build an organization yet.

Master, you are so familiar with the divine religion, are you also a member of the divine religion?

Qiong Ying couldn't help but guess again, Or is it Master that your friend is also a member of the divine religion and came here to recruit this devil?

She asked so many questions one after another, which made Li Fan a little strange.

Why, Qiongying, do you still have a sense of family?

Qiong Ying said, Disciple dare not hide from Master. Although I am a woman, I have been taught by my family since I was a child to respect the king and fight against the barbarians, and to serve the country with peace and hard work.

The Blood Demon Cult attacked the emperor's stomach, destroyed the Three Walls, and brought chaos to the world. Although I have severed my ties with the world and been born to cultivate immortality, I really cannot go along with these harmful demons. I also ask my master to teach me the method of killing this beast.

Li Fan was not surprised. Even though Qin Jiu and Qiong Ying were all demons he made with demon dolls, their personalities were completely affected by reincarnation.

Qiongying herself may not really have much hatred for the divine religion. She has never even met her own father, so how can she know what the divine religion is like? But she had read so many books since she was a child and received education from the nobles, so her views had long been finalized.

Most of the children born into the poor have a deep hatred for the clans of the Immortal Palace, and the noble sons born into a clan hate the divine religion for ruining their family, country, and world. The three major factions have been fighting for so many years, so many people have died, and the grudges and hatreds have been passed down from generation to generation. How can they be easily resolved in a few sentences or two?

But it doesn't matter. No matter what grievances you have between you, everyone born in this world must stand up to defend their world when enemies from outside the territory come.

It doesn't matter, what I want you to do has nothing to do with the divine religion for the time being...

Hey, what's going on with you little beggar!? You just left when you were full! And you came to me talking to yourself? You're crazy, right?

I didn’t expect that ghost couldn’t stand it anymore. I saw Qiongying walking around it, muttering to herself and chatting with an invisible master. She was just talking about the way to kill this beast... Damn it! As if it doesn't exist!

Qiongying was stunned for a moment, then she saw the shadow walking directly into the formation, using her fingers as a sword, pointing and gesticulating around the Ghost King, and immediately realized that this was Li Fan teaching her the flaw in this beast's life gate, the key point. location. But the ghost king seemed to be blind with his eyes open, completely unaware of it. He was calm in his heart for a moment, raised his head and said,

Listen, devil, you have killed countless people by practicing kung fu, and I, Qiongying, will do justice for heaven today, eliminate harm for the people, and kill you, the devil!

Unexpectedly, before she could take action, the Ghost King laughed wildly like Hahaha!

Where did you come from? I'm just living here temporarily. I only use my heart a day. I stayed here for only three months and I killed less than a hundred people. The people in the town are eager to invite me to live here for a long time. They kill chickens and kill them. Didn’t you just eat the food and wine that the pig entertained me with? How many lives have been lost! Who wants you to take revenge! Bah! You are so sentimental!

Qiongying said angrily,

You eat people's hearts and souls, and it makes sense to kill hundreds of people! The parents of those children don't want to take revenge! They are just afraid and dare not speak out!

The ghost king sneered,

Little girl, I think you have some knowledge for being able to enter the battle alone. You are probably a disciple of Xuanmen. But if you want to add insult to injury and use me to get rid of the calamity, you should also figure out the cause and effect yourself!

You really want to discuss it! Those children were not captured by me, they were the blood sacrifices provided to me by the squires in the town! I'm here to sit on the throne of the city emperor, why can't I eat? Eat whatever you give me!

What's more, it's not me who wants to come to this crappy place, it's Wei Xiao who invited me here!

Qiongying never thought that the other party would say such a sudden sentence and immediately break her guard.

You! You are talking nonsense! General Wei... was elected by the people and raised his own righteous soldiers to protect the country and the people! How could I invite a devil like you to enter the country!

The ghost king laughed loudly,

That's not why he asked me to protect the country and the people! I have repaid him. Do you think that with the few people he has, how can Taipei survive these years without my help! What if it weren't for the sneak attack by Wangwushan's dog? , beat me seriously, and still have the trouble to talk nonsense with a little girl like you!

Oh, I understand, you are Wangwushan’s disciple! It's not enough for you to kill the Wei family, you're not going to let me go, are you? That’s why I sent you here to die. Your master who is hiding in the dark can take advantage of this cause and effect and kill me, right?

Pooh! Despicable and shameless!

Qiongying was at a loss for words, You, you're talking nonsense!

Li Fan sighed. Qiongying was indeed smart, but she was still a child after all. She was stupid after reading novels. She had to learn how to escape from others before she could eliminate the demon. Please, can you, a harem-raised young lady, quarrel? What's more, these old monsters have used their human minds to practice. How can you shake their Taoist minds with just a few words? At this time, just say, grass mud horse! die! Just chop it up and that's it.

Alas, I still have to practice and practice...

Hehehe, I haven't seen you in hundreds of years. Are you such a sharp-tongued old man?

But I'm still scared to death. I look like this. I'll kill him as soon as possible!

Suddenly two more voices came from the entrance of the tunnel. Li Fan suddenly jumped into Qiong Ying's shadow.

And the Ghost King was even more shocked,

Thousands of miles of sound transmission! Who is this!

Qiongying was shocked, Master? Could it be your...

Li Fan, No.

At this moment, two men walked into the cave one after another.

At first glance, it's hard to tell that these two are human.

Walking in front was a hunched-over blind man, wrapped in a gray and tattered cloak, with his hands in his sleeves.

Walking behind was a fat man with a belly as big as a bell. He wore a yellow robe, his chest was open and his belly was full of fat.

Qiongying stepped aside slowly, but the two people didn't look at her and walked directly to the Ghost King.

The ghost king's two heads came out of his eye sockets, staring at the two uninvited guests, and said in a trembling voice,

It's you! It's really you! You are humans and ghosts!

The hunchbacked blind man smiled and said, Hahaha, of course we are still humans. Why, do you wish we were ghosts?

The fat man with a big belly showed an angry look on his face, You're still hiding in there. We're just brothers, and we haven't come out to see each other!

The fat man said as he swung his palm, and his fleshy palm sent out a wave of palm. Boom! With a sound, the monster's skull was shattered with one palm, and it exploded into pieces.

The sky was filled with flesh and blood exploding like flowers. From among the bones and blood, stood a naked, freshly skinned man with only red flesh.

The blind man laughed and said, You piece of shit, you really have no future. You actually gave up your skills and went over there.

The fat man cursed, Just leave if you want! We won't stop you, but how can you make such a big contribution! You have to teach the Blood God Son's magic! Did you steal our things? Betray our brothers!

The bloody man roared,

What can I do! What can I do! Sanyuan and Yuntaifeng are chasing after me! I still want to live! I still want to live! Didn't you teach me to live! In addition to the divine religion, there are other Who dares to go against the Immortal Palace Xuanmen!

what about you! Since you are alive, why don’t any of you come to help me? No one came to help me!

The fat man yelled angrily, Help, help! Who can help! Who is hiding in the East, but who kneels down and licks them like you! You are a loser!

The blind man chuckled, Aren't we here? For the sake of my brothers, I wanted to take you with me, but since you have already surrendered over there and even obtained the Blood God Son Dafa, then continue to practice. Your blood god son's magic will save your life. Let's go.

The blind fat man didn't talk nonsense at all. After seeing him once, he turned around and left.

The Ghost King was quiet for a moment, then suddenly roared,

Ahhh! But I want to be a human being! I still want to be a human being!

With an angry roar, he suddenly flew towards Qiongying!

At this moment, Qiong Ying was completely stunned. She was still listening to the three people talking, and she didn't realize that the Ghost King suddenly attacked her! Seeing the bloody man rushing towards him, he was frightened by the momentum and couldn't move for a moment!

Just as he was about to die, a black hand suddenly stretched out from between Qiongying's eyebrows and tapped the ghost king's bloody face!

Then the ghost king froze, and then the bloody man flew back strangely, and the flesh and blood scattered around him also flew back, and turned into a fierce ghost again. Those two strange-looking people were so weird that they backed out of the cave entrance!

Qiongying was stunned as she looked at the strange scene of time replaying in front of her.

Then she heard the shadow say behind her,

Those two have suppressed their own strength to avoid being investigated. In fact, they are both at the state of becoming gods.

However, this Ghost King Kung Fu has not yet been perfected. The key point I just pointed out can be broken by stabbing it with a sword.

Just think of this as an introductory test and I'll give you three chances. If you really feel it's not working, just ask for a substitution.

As soon as he finished speaking, time flowed again, and the Ghost King was shocked again.

Thousands of miles of sound transmission! Who is this!

Cold sweat broke out on Qiongying's head and back. When she was hit by the bloody man, she realized that it was not that easy to slay demons like the sword fairy in the novel.

When the blood demon came towards her, she couldn't even move. Her mind went blank and she couldn't remember any sword moves.

Talking about slaying demons and doing justice for heaven is all nonsense.

The three people started talking again, but Qiong Ying was still immersed in the near-death fear and couldn't move.

At this moment, Qiongying just wanted to go back to the small courtyard of the Wei family, sit around the tea stove with her sisters, curl up on the bed, read novels and eat snacks.

I dream of one day being like the swordsman in the novel, traveling around the world, flying in the sky and hiding on the earth, and doing chivalrous acts of justice.

But in the final analysis, it’s just a matter of thought.

In fact, Qiongying likes the quiet days at home. Although her father doesn't know her and her aunt doesn't like her, her brothers and sisters don't bully her very much. She is probably too thin and too small. It's hard for people to remember that there is such a person in the corner, UU

Reading and writing in the boudoir in the backyard of the Wei family, and then marrying off as instructed, that's all for the rest of my life, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Then she saw her own shadow standing up, touching her head, turning the small house into a sea of ​​fire, and turning her sisters into a house full of withered skeletons. Burn her books to dust.

Then the shadow said to her,

Qiongying, you can't go back to that kind of life, your whole family will die.

From now on, you are the only one left.

Do you want to live alone or go with them.

Ahh! But I want to be a human being! I still want to be a human being!

I also,

I still want to be a human being.

So Qiongying opened her eyes.

The blind man and the fat man stopped and turned to look.

They saw the beggar girl suddenly facing the vampire. She also flew forward and flicked her right hand, suddenly splashing out a burst of starlight.

Looking closely, it was her right hand that was holding the sword finger, and between the sword fingers, there was a thin, willow-leaf-like sword tip, with one side white and one black. The moment the vampire swooped over, the beggar The girl stabbed thirteen swords in a row, and each sword hit the vital points of the vampire's body, as if a star was pierced out, leaving a star-like spot on the vampire's body.

So the blood god son's magic was broken. With a crash, the bloody man was smashed to pieces by the girl in front of her. A piece of bloody water fell on the ground. The bones and organs were scattered everywhere, although every organ and piece was still twitching, trying to survive. Go down, but the Dharma has been broken before it can be refined, and naturally it can no longer be united.

Then the Ghost King convulsed for a while, and then turned into a swamp of blood.


The fat man opened his chin, Fuck, what kind of swordsmanship?

The blind man swallowed, ...No, I haven't seen it.

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