Although he was flying towards Lou Guan City in the northeast, Lu Qi's sword speed was not as fast as Qin Jiu's, and he did not take him directly back to the city. He flew about midnight and landed in the dark mountainous area.

Zheng Zetian didn't panic at all. Although Lu Qi had tried to trick him in front of him many times, he had never done it openly. It was always like, If I don't pay attention, this kid will kill himself. It's him. Not enough life' attitude.

But it can also be seen that by coming here so secretly, he should still be concerned about the rules of the Mozhushan Sect, and he is worried that doing something like bullying a small one and harming his fellow sect will definitely violate the taboo of the big man and lead to beheading.

After all, Lu Qi is not guilty. He is one of the few people in the sect who can read the University thoroughly. He has inherited the Taisu secret method and is a closed disciple of Moshan. He is about to be promoted to the director of the government and railway. He has a bright future. He definitely doesn't want to be ruined by a loser like Zheng Zetian. A child affects his image in the mind of a giant.

What's more, he is only at the Nascent Soul realm now. Even if he wants to compete with Qin Jiu for the position of senior brother, his current strength is far behind. He cannot catch up overnight. Naturally, there is no need to do some unnecessary actions of killing his fellow disciples now. Come and alert others.

So Zheng Zetian was not worried that the other party would fly to some uninhabited mountain top, kill him and bury his body. After the sword light landed, he just looked at the surrounding environment and was not in a hurry to escape.

This is a villa hidden in the mountains. It looks like the mansion of some wealthy family who has escaped from the world, a cultivator family, a lonely courtyard in the barren mountains and wild mountains. There are a few lights dimly lit in the attic, and there are ghosts and shadows. , like some kind of ghost cave and demon nest.

Lu Qi landed at the door, and two maids with lanterns jumped out from the courtyard, both with shadows. They were wearing wooden clogs, silk clothes with red belts, and long flowing hair. Although the wearers covered their faces, their eyes under the sand building were as dim as lights. They held a lantern in one hand and a bamboo pole in the other. The cloth strip with a spell written on it seems to be a kind of staff to ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts. Although the body is small, it has the realm of golden elixir, but it can easily jump several feet. It can be seen that it is a protector in the form of monsters.

Who is coming!

Lu Qi, the guard of the Railway Academy, came to pay a visit to the owner of the village.

Guard, please go to the living room and wait for a moment. We will go to make the announcement right away.

Although Lu Qi didn't explain much, Zheng Zetian had a guess after looking at the layout of the village and the footsteps of the waiters. He followed the two maids a few steps inside and saw a pine-cypress tree planted in the living room. , the green trees with hooked peach branches can roughly tell the family's background.

So after the two maids left, Zheng Zetian asked Lu Qi sitting opposite,

Senior brother, why is there still a legacy in Qingqiu Mountain?

Lu Qi looked at him with a half-smile,

Junior brother, you just need to see that you know it. It's not good to always be so sharp and say it out loud. After all, Mo Zhushan is still a lot of fools. You always show off your cleverness and are out of place. You will make people talk and be ostracized.

Zheng Zetian couldn't help but nod after hearing this, Senior brother taught me a lesson.

After waiting for a while, a maid came back to invite her.

Master, please come with me, guard.

Lu Qi stood up and smiled at Zheng Zetian.

I'll come as soon as I go. Junior brother, please don't run around in other people's homes.

So he followed the maid out of the living room, and soon walked into the deep house and disappeared.

After Zheng Zetian heard this, he immediately jumped up and ran around.

Of course, he wasn't running around, but was measuring the number of steps in the living room with Yu steps. I walked around the living room one foot at a time and sat down after confirming that it was indeed an immortal monastery built in the mountains and not some ancient tomb transformed by a demonic fox.

Mozhu Mountain is really full of magic... The relics of Qingqiu Mountain have emerged...

This fox demon is quite valuable.

However, those who are outside the realm of demons are quite common, so don’t be surprised.

Why does it smell like someone?

Suddenly, a beautiful figure flew into the hospital. Zheng Zetian looked out and saw a woman dressed in white, with silver hair and a fox mask on her face. There is a magatama hanging around her neck. She is not tall, only one head taller than the current Zheng Zetian. Her cultivation level has not yet reached the Yuanying realm, but it will probably be close. Although he was in human form at this time, the physical signs of a half-demon were also very obvious. He probably didn't cover it up in the deep mountains and old forests. He had a waterfall of silver hair and two pointed fox ears, as if he was just wearing fur on his shoulders.

The woman went into the house and searched around, but couldn't find anyone. She scratched her ears and went back to the back room.

Zheng Zetian released his invisibility and emerged.

That woman was probably from the demon fox clan, and from the smell, she probably had never eaten anyone. However, monsters cannot be trusted, and there is no telling when a half-demon will go berserk, so it is better to be cautious and take precautions in advance.

Suddenly several more figures fell into the courtyard. Zheng Zetian immediately became invisible and sneaked to the side door to look. He saw two men also wearing fox masks, carrying an injured person. The three of them were Nascent Soul realm monks. They came back to the yard and were about to sneak back to the room.

At this moment, the woman just now suddenly jumped out,

Okay! I said it smells like someone. It was you two who secretly brought someone home!

The two men were on guard for a moment, but when they saw the girl, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Ling, go get an Evergreen Pill.

The girl named Xiaoling sniffed her nose and immediately realized something was wrong. She jumped forward and took a look and said in surprise,

Blood! You were injured!

It's not our blood, it's someone else's.

Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to get the elixir. Be gentle and don't disturb my mother's Qingxiu.

A man with a magatama hanging from his left ear got up and entered the house. The other man with a magatama hanging from his right ear put the injured man on his back into the yard and let the man rest against the roots of a big tree in the yard. Adjust the breath with Zhuangzi's spiritual roots and earth veins to relieve serious injuries on the body.

But they saw that the injured person was a young woman who had been murdered by an unknown perpetrator. There was blood from her mouth and nose, her clothes were disheveled, and she was unconscious. Probably he had just experienced a melee and fought hard, and had gone through a lot of hardships to escape.

Xiaoling took a look at the woman's appearance, poked the man next to her, and pulled his neck with her knife.

Oh, look what you have done. Now you have learned bad things. You knocked the girl unconscious and carried her home! Believe it or not, the giant will kill your head!

The young man with the magatama hanging from his right ear suddenly had a big headache and was pushed away by the girl.

Don't talk nonsense! This has nothing to do with us. We are worshiping the moon. She fell from the sky by herself. We can't just leave it alone, right?

Xiao Lingcai didn't believe it, Humph, isn't it the same as sending it to the guarding master? I think you just see her as young and beautiful, and you are greedy for her body. You want her to marry you! Forget what my mother said about hiding from the world to avoid disaster. Empty!

I, I didn't...

Okay, okay, don't be poor. This fellow Taoist is a true cultivator of Xuanmen. She clearly came to our Mozhu Mountain to study. We don't know if she will encounter a disaster, but we can't ignore it. Let's stabilize her injuries first, and then report to the mountain. .”

The man who brought the elixir was probably the eldest brother of the three of them. He also brought a bowl of water. He pinched the elixir with his hand, took a sip of water and blew into his breath. Then he exhaled a dense breath, covering the injured woman's body with the elixir's power. , to relieve her injuries.

Oh, she's awake!

Eternal Spring Pill is really effective!

Hmph, when I saw the beautiful young lady, I was even willing to take out the Eternal Spring Pill, and she said she had no evil intentions...

Pretending not to hear what their sister said, the two young men quickly straightened their clothes, took off their fox masks, and said politely,

Fellow Taoist, are you okay? Are you feeling better?

Don't worry, you are safe.

The woman's eyebrows trembled, and she sat up holding her forehead, I, where am I?

The older young man immediately said,

This is the boundary of Guanxiang Mountain. It is the old home of my Yan family. I am Yan Zhong, the eldest son of Yan. This is my younger brother Yan Zheng and my younger sister Yan Ling.

The woman nodded slightly and said,

Thank you to the three rescuers. The little girl Zheng Yu, a mere casual cultivator, was temporarily overwhelmed by the strength of the moon, and went a little crazy. It's not serious, but it made a few people worry.

Yan Ling asked curiously, Sister Zheng, how did you come to such a deep mountain and old forest? After all, if a casual cultivator goes deep into our Mozhu Mountain without an introduction, some places are inconvenient for outsiders to break into. oh.

The woman frowned, then leaned on Yan Zhong and started crying.

It turns out that my family is really unfortunate. I have been alone since I was a child. I was kidnapped and trained in the mountains. I finally succeeded in my studies. When I returned to the mountains to find my relatives, I found that my family had been slaughtered by demons. Wuwuwu.

Yan Zhong was nervous for a while, his ears stood up, and his two younger siblings looked at him sideways.

While crying, she continued, Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Now that I count, my lay family only has one younger brother who is still alive, and he seems to have been accepted as a disciple by Guishan. The little girl was temporarily helpless and lost her opinion, so she became anxious We have to search all the way to the mountains. If there is any offense, I hope the immortal will not take offense.

Yan Zhong quickly comforted him, Girl, don't worry, it will be easy if you join Mozhu Mountain. We will go guard at dawn and we will find out by looking up your birth date. We will definitely reunite your sister and brother.

Master? Miss? What are you doing?

The maid came over with tea and snacks.

Yan Zheng immediately jumped over to grab the treasure and offer it to him.

You're here just in time, Miss Zheng, don't be sad, come and have some tea and rest first.

The maid was robbed of her refreshments. She looked at the empty living room and then at the crowd of people in the yard. She was confused for a moment and had to retreat first.

Yan Ling glared at these two idiot brothers and said with a smile,

It's getting late today. Why don't Sister Zheng come to sleep in my room? How about we go to the dojo to look for someone tomorrow.

Thank you very much...

Oh, it's quite lively at night, with people coming and going.

At this time, Lu Qi also came back with the maid.

Lu Qi! Why are you at my house!

Something is coming for us!

Yan Zhong Yanzheng jumped up as if his hair was about to explode.

Zheng Yu hid behind Yan Ling and asked timidly,

Sister Xiaoling, this is...

It seems to be the real person guarding Mozhu Mountain. I heard that there are loan sharks in the city...

Yan Ling looked at the two brothers with suspicion, Why are you reacting so strongly? Are you familiar with him?

No, nothing happened!

No, not familiar!

Yan Ling narrowed her eyes and glared at them.

Lu Qi chuckled and turned sideways to give way.

I'm here to deliver something to the village for someone, so I don't want to disturb your brother and sister's late night snack.

So the Yan brothers and sisters and Miss Zheng left with their own thoughts. Lu Qi looked at their backs, frowned, and walked to the living room to see Zheng Zetian sitting there, not moving at all.

Junior brother, is everything okay?

No. Senior brother is done, let's leave quickly.

Zheng Zetian looked at the salary card that was falling rapidly every second, but after only shutting it down for a while, the sword immortal actually chased after him again. This was so lethal that he didn't dare to shut it down for the time being.

Lu Qi looked at him suspiciously.

Didn't they notice you?

Zheng Zetian shook his head and said, I will keep in mind my senior brother's teachings. There are still many fools in Mozhu Mountain, so it's better to act stupid. It's hard to stand out from the crowd.

Lu Qi, Hahaha, it's good that you understand this. If you don't show off your abilities in places like Central Plains Xuanmen, the sect masters won't notice your abilities. But in Mozhu Mountain, you have to do the opposite. They are doing so well, they are from the south, but they are still worried that you have ulterior motives and other agendas. These fools also like to stick together. If you really make trouble, you will be in trouble, and everyone will stumble you, which is also very troublesome. .”

So Lu Qi took Zheng Zetian and continued on the road, flying for a while again, but this time they still did not go to Lou Guan City, and obviously went directly across the Li River to the north.

Zheng Zetian asked,

Senior brother, didn't we go to Xianyi Pavilion to inquire about Juzi Daoyi?

Lu Qi nodded and shook his head, as if talking to himself, and as if he wanted Zheng Zetian to help with the details.

Juzi does have such a Taoist robe, and he did arrange for the people from the Xianyi Pavilion to send it to the Luo Jiao. I have asked about this matter clearly.

Ask the owner of the village? The mother of the Yan family? Look at those three brothers and sisters who are pretty good-looking, and they are fox demons from Qingqiu... Why, are they the outlaws raised by a wealthy man?

Qian Yangji is a disciple of Qixing Peak, a standard Southern sect. The characteristic of those fools in the Southern sect is that they don't know how to pretend to understand. They like to do things according to their own preferences and do whatever they want. They don't know how to think a few steps more and often make mistakes. The arrangement of the giant.

It doesn't matter that he, a fool, died on the streets of Louguan City, but the Taoist robes carrying the giant were also lost. When the Discipline Academy asked, UU Reading the matter became unclear.

You may also know that people from the southern faction don't like me and will never let me get the position of the Railway Academy. Haha, can they do it? You know I don’t have that ability... Well, junior brother, you know how difficult it is for me.

Zheng Zetian nodded,

Lu Qi said so much, he probably heard it.

There is something unclear. If it was not killed by you, it was not killed by you. If it is not in your hands, it is not in your hands. To tell the truth, will Maomao still wrongly accuse you?

Therefore, Qian Yangji, who was taught by the outer disciples, would most likely die at the hands of Lu Qi.

Of course, it is difficult to say the specific reason for the killing. After all, Lu Qi is so ruthless. Killing fellow fools is probably the same as killing a dog. Why should he be soft?

But when Lu Qi knew that the man he killed casually had lost a giant's Guixu Taoist robe, he immediately panicked.

Because even though he killed the person, the clothes were really not in his hands.

If you find it, it can be regarded as killing the traitor, regaining the treasure for the sect, and making a great contribution.

But if you can't find it back, this thing has been lost inexplicably. The Discipline Academy will definitely bring it all the way to the boss, and they will also investigate you for the crime of harming your fellow disciples.

So now that it is confirmed that Zheng Zetian did not lie to him about Guixu Daoyi, there is no need to take him to Lou Guancheng Xianyi Pavilion to talk nonsense.

If he guessed correctly, he was taken directly to the murder scene to find the whereabouts of the Taoist robe.

So Zheng Zetian turned off his medical insurance. He estimated that with the strength of the sword fairy 'Zheng Yu', without the interference of the company system, he should be able to quickly figure out where he is and catch up.

Maybe he would have to lend her a helping hand by then. After all, regardless of whether he could find the clothes or not, Lu Qi probably wouldn't let him survive.

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