The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 596 Invisibility

...Why do you keep staring at me? Weren't you not interested in me just now? Why, are you interested now? Do you want to come? Then come, let me see what you are capable of.

Because his head and face were covered with blood plasma and minced flesh, the 'hosta clone' changed clothes directly in the side hall, filled a basin of water, and wiped his body while squatting. As a result, Zheng Zetian followed her directly, staring at her with burning eyes. Look, it seems that not only was he not frightened by the scene of ghosts and beasts just now, but he was even more eager to try.

Your taste has changed.

Zheng Zetian leaned over, placed it against the hosta's neck and smelled it carefully, then stretched out his hand to test the skin that could be broken by blowing.

So soft, so warm... It turned out to be like an evil corpse just now... Can you really reverse the process of evil transformation?

How do I know such a thing? Just ask the system.

The hosta had revealed her true face just now, and now she was too lazy to play the trick of refusing to return. While wiping the blood stains flowing to her chest with a wet wipe, she stretched her legs, bent over and unfolded her exquisite figure. Let him do it himself.

Zheng Zetian stopped her and gave her a hand. He picked up the hosta and faced him. While pressing the lower abdomen of the hosta, he used some energy to go in and explore, only to find that the other person's body was actually human! It's not an illusion, it's not a change, it's not a painted skin, the interior scenes of the meridians are all normal foundation-building monks!

What, you just touch it?

‘Hostana’ combs her hair,

Tianyu Mountain is so dangerous. You might die later. Why don't you keep the original gene here with me? Maybe I can escape and help you resurrect.

Zheng Zetian ignored her, picked up the hosta and studied it on one side, looking up and down. He couldn't figure out what method the other party was using, and he became more and more curious.

If it is an intangible demon god that has been transformed for a long time, can you restore it to a human form?

Why should I tell you? Hosta rolled her eyes at him, I have been tossing and turning over whether you are coming or not. If not, I will get dressed.

If you are determined to cultivate immortality, don't come here casually before forming the elixir. It will damage the Tao foundation.

Zheng Zetian shook his head, wiped his hands and left.

Tsk, you guys are really disappointing.

'Hogan' spat, took out her silk skirt and put it on.

Zheng Zetian sat back on the futon and pondered.

Although the other party can temporarily change into the 'second stage' and then change back, it is not completely without consumption. From the close inspection just now, it is estimated that she has lost a lot of weight, and she should have consumed a lot of body fat and flesh and blood.

And maybe there are other prerequisites and restrictions for this kind of reversal of evil. Maybe it wouldn't be very useful for people in the Nascent Soul realm, otherwise that 'Yin Qinglan' would be a temporary worker in the company, and her status in Xieluo Mountain is so high that she wouldn't be treated as an abandoned child even if her injuries cannot be cured.

Hey, you didn't come by yourself just now. You promised to help me get the Ruyi Sword Sutra, but you can't keep your promises!

The 'hosta', with her clothes unbuttoned, slid to her knees skillfully. Like a cat, she rushed to Zheng Zetian's side, lying on his lap with her back open, her eyes wide open and pretending to be cute.

Zheng Zetian looked at her,

Who is Chen Sha, the master of Tianyu Peak? What means and ability can he have to obtain the True Biography of the Ruyi Sword Sutra? Is it a real sutra?

‘Hostana’ tied her hair proudly,

Oh, I can tell you this.

Then Chen Sha is the master of Tianyu Mountain Peak and the leader of the Southern Faction. She was originally a barbarian from the Kun Kingdom, and was picked up by a giant to burn fire in Mozhu Mountain. She can barely be regarded as a half-disciple. However, her qualifications are average and she has never been able to obtain the True Biography of the University, but she has learned the swordsmanship of Mozhu Mountain. Later, I got the true biography of Zhushan.

It is said that this person practiced in Lei Ze and got the immortal fate of the Sword Sect. Later, he often went to Kunlun to do business and received many inheritances from the Sword Ancestor. Now he also created his own swordsmanship. He often represents Mozhu Mountain and is in charge of matters related to Shiwanda Mountain and Kunlun. , the Taoist Sect knows her name, and the world calls her the Five Poison Sword Fairy.

Back then, she and Qin Jiu had a sword duel at Tianyu Mountain to compete for the position of chief senior brother. In the end, they actually used the Ruyi Sword Sutra, which can control ten thousand swords with one's heart! Almost turning defeat into victory! The world knows that this true legacy is still in the world, so maybe she is the last descendant of Beichen Sword Sect or something?

Zheng Zetian asked curiously, Wait a minute, you can master ten thousand swords? Isn't that already a small success? That Qin Jiu is so powerful that he can win even the Ruyi Sword Sutra at this stage?

‘Hostana’ curled her lips,

Oh, that one was passed down to me personally by Juzi since he was a child. Jin Danqi is the Yuntai Sword Master. He won the position of senior brother within a few years of becoming Yuanying. Now his skills are even more unfathomable. He has been in the Southern Kingdom for forty years. , stuck in the realm and killed indiscriminately, killed countless demons and demon lords, and deserved to be the first in the Nascent Soul Realm, which is incomparable to ordinary gods.

But don't worry, we have asked the Nanhai Spirit King to send 100,000 troops to invade the Nanhai. No matter how powerful Qin Jiu is, he won't be able to come back in an instant.

One hundred thousand miscellaneous fish are of no use, they just want to tire him to death, right...

So you already have a plan?

Of course, it's just a way to pick up books from you, okay? I've already made arrangements. At night, the temporary union will secretly sabotage and divert the people from Mozhu Mountain. The master of Tianyu Mountain will naturally come out to preside over the sword formation. Just in case something unexpected happens. We will take this opportunity to sneak into her cave to search and wait for an opportunity to steal the scriptures.

Zheng Zetian rolled his eyes, Huh? That's it? You can't steal it like this. Do you know what the original name of The Ruyi Sword Sutra is? Do you know where the Ruyi Sword Sutra is hidden? If she takes it with her, wouldn't you? Fetching water from a bamboo basket is all in vain? How did you figure it out?

‘Hostada’ became popular, and it suddenly took off.

Hey! That's enough! I've tolerated you for a long time, little bastard! You're so powerful, why don't you go and learn from me!

Zheng Zetian nodded, Okay.

Stand up and walk out.

...Hey, what are you doing! It's not dark yet! Do you want to tell the truth?

The 'hosta' rushed forward with a swipe, and its palms turned into ghost claws, clasping Zheng Zetian's shoulders.

Zheng Zetian glanced at her,

The so-called Ruyi Sword Sutra in the world actually refers specifically to the sword ancestor. Based on the heavenly book passed down by Beichen Sword Sect, Nine Heavens Xuannv Ruyi Book, the explanatory notes were deleted and re-edited. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the Xuantian Heavenly Book .

But although the Xuantian Sword Ancestor is powerful, he is extremely stupid and is the least able to preach scriptures. His Sword Classic is probably more obscure and difficult to understand than the original. Immortal fate is rare. You can't even read my book. How do you find the Ruyi Sword Sutra?

‘Hostanda’ retracted her claws with a strange look on her face.

You, how do you know so well... Ah, could it be that you are reincarnated? Oh, now I understand everything. That's why you were able to get the Heavenly Book and pass the interview... No wonder you like this kind of young...

Zheng Zetian rolled his eyes at her,

Let's go. If that book is really the Ruyi Sword Sutra, then Master Chen probably hopes to find one more successor.

Seeing how confident he was, 'Hostana' hesitated for a moment and followed him out of the dormitory.

The two people climbed up the main peak of Tianyu Mountain along the plank road. When passing halfway up the mountain, they found that there were crowds of people and the road was blocked. The classroom where the sermon was supposed to be preached was surrounded by barriers. From a distance, they could see the flashing lights of swords and thunder and fire. Someone was clearly fighting a sword.

Zheng Zetian looked at the 'Jade Hosta', who shook his head, It's not us, it's not yet time.

So the two of them followed the crowd watching the excitement and heard many passers-by talking strangely.

What's going on? Sword fighting tournament? Isn't it once every seven days? It's not that time yet, right?

I heard that the fight started among the foreign students. When get out of class was over, people from Magushan blocked up Songshan. They said they had a personal vendetta and wanted to determine the cause and effect. They had a sword fight to clear the place, five against five.

Wow, you can get so many people together for a five-on-five team fight? Why is there such a big feud?

I heard he was robbing women. Who knows.

Oh, Xuanmen's hands and feet are quite fast.

‘Hostana’ frowned, “How long will this quarrel last? Do we need to take a detour through the back mountain?”

Zheng Zetian listened with an expressionless face and saw that the direction of the square was blocked by people from Xuanmen. Even the teachers who came to class were invited outside. After thinking about it, he suggested,

Why don't we try to sneak in from the side and take a look at the excitement. If the killer is really killed, it will probably be over quickly.

He didn't know whether the 'Host' was acceptable, so under the leadership of Zheng Zetian, the two of them took a detour through the path between the nearby palaces. Zheng Zetian took out two talismans, drew a spell with cinnabar, and gave one to the 'Host'.

Invisibility charm, don't let them find out.

Oh, invisible.

The 'Host' covered her mouth with a smile, took off her robe without taking the talisman, took two steps and then slowly disappeared from the air.

Don't forget to cover up your smell.

Zheng Zetian looked at the mark of 'Hosta's Clone' that was deliberately circling around him, and let her show off as he pleased. He lit up the invisibility charm and continued walking inside.

If his estimate was correct, this kind of sword fight between the inner sect and the Xuanmen would probably lead to murders, and no one else could get in. Of course, as the culprit, he is not an outsider, but it is interesting that the 'Hostana' can also follow up. Does the company have secrets for entering and exiting the killing and robbery formation? Or can this clone really inherit the cause and effect of the original owner?

But now was not the time to think too much. In a few steps, the two of them sneaked into the classroom square. At this time, half of the sword fighters were dead.

It was said to be a sword fight, but judging from the situation in the field, it was obvious that the Songshan disciples in Xuanhuang Taoist robes were attacked just after class, and three people were killed by surprise.

One was beheaded from behind, half of his head and shoulders were cut off, and he died on the spot. Another one was disemboweled and pierced through the heart, with his intestines scattered all over the floor. Judging from the blood on the ground, he probably struggled for his life for a while. After all, he was too seriously injured and could not dodge. In the end, he was beaten to death by an iron wheel-like magic weapon on the head. There were two charred corpses lying hugging each other in the middle of the square, burned beyond recognition. The fire had not yet been extinguished at this moment. They were probably fighting for their lives.

As for the others, they were jumping up and down on the rafters and fighting. Now it's two against three, or to be precise, one against three.

Among the two remaining people in Songshan, a female cultivator in the foundation-building stage is lying on the roof. One of her legs has been cut off, and two hands have been chopped off. She seems to have been blinded, and she has been stabbed with a sword from time to time, but He was not dead, lying on the glazed tiles and screaming in agony, with blood dripping down the water and falling to the ground. He was clearly left unkilled on purpose, and was struck with a sword from time to time to distract the master.

And the last tall monk from Songshan Mountain is indeed a master. He has clearly reached the realm of golden elixir perfection. He has a heavy sword in his hand, with a heavy palm wind, his eyes are wide open, and his roar is like thunder. Although he is under siege, his sword power is still strong. But he didn't fall behind at all, and his moves were vigorous and heavy. There is also a golden bead magic weapon on the top of his head, which shines with divine light. It prevents the flying sword magic weapons from Magu Mountain from falling down and beheading him. It also shoots out a dazzling golden light from time to time. In this fight, there is already a monk from Magu Mountain. He was tricked and his head was chopped off by him.

It's just that although the big man from Songshan is a master who can fight one against three, he is obviously distracted from protecting his fellow disciples and is hampering him at every turn. And the three from Magushan are also quite insidious.

Magu Mountain is a cultivator of both Confucianism and Taoism. The disciples in the sect are all good at swordsmanship and have unique secrets in the talisman formation. He is more often dressed as a Confucian scholar than in Taoist uniforms. The bookcase and sword box he carries on his back are also full of magic weapons and Taoist talismans. He is obviously well prepared.

Although the three of them were all in the Golden Core realm at this time, and their cultivation level was roughly the same as that of the pair of senior brothers who died in the bathhouse, and a little worse than the tall man Song Shan, they were comprehensive in Taoism, good in swordsmanship, and capable of wielding weapons. Yes, the Talisman Technique can also be used, and there really are no obvious shortcomings.

At this time, the three of them tacitly understood each other and formed a formation, running and jumping back and forth around the tall man in Songshan, entangled around him, and took turns coming up to consume Dao Qi. From time to time, they would suddenly change their formation and attack with a flanking backstab. Wonderful, if someone is temporarily outmatched and in danger, you can still stab the Songshan female cultivator with a sword and cut off a piece of flesh to restrain you. In short, if you don't fight head-on with you, you will just wear them down and wait for your flaw. See It's extremely difficult to deal with.

Zheng Zetian hid in a dark alley watching the battle from a distance and couldn't help but take a breath.

Ah...Xuanmen...still smells familiar...

These people from Magu Mountain are not stupid. After seeing the ways of Songyang Divine Palm, they rush to kill people in a hurry. It seems that no one thought that there was someone behind the scenes who was instigating the blame and wrongfully accusing the Songshan sect.

They just ‘don’t care’.

It means killing someone in a hurry.

How could it be that your Songshan sect’s unique skills beat the people from Magu Mountain to death?

We are all Xuanmen monks, okay? Do you think Wu Zuo is a spy? Are you going to open a coffin and perform an autopsy, identify your relatives with blood, and make sure there is good evidence? There will be a three-party trial, and the verdict will be revealed in front of the court?

Are you overthinking it? Everyone’s time is precious!

The first sentence is Bastard! and the second sentence is Death!. Just slash it with a sword and end the cause and effect, okay? You guys still want to become immortals!

This is not unreasonable, but revenge is inherently unreasonable.

So what if I kill your disciple, Taoist monk? If you are not as skilled as others, you deserve to die. Who cares about you?

There was no surveillance system in the Central Plains back then. Maybe the disciples in the mountains would disappear when they went out to practice. It took several years to find the body. The secret was already unclear. Where did you go, and you have all the evidence?

It's enough to be able to tell which move killed the person. You let outsiders steal your magic, are you not responsible?

So Xuanmen Dharma is not taught lightly. In most cases of grudges and vendettas, you can seek revenge if you see through a little bit of the skills.

Although the weather has changed greatly now, Zheng Zetian is relieved to see that Xuanmen is still the same.


‘Honor’ came close to his ear and blew air,

Hey, what are you so excited about? Oh, it turns out you like this kind of heavy talk, but I don't hate it either. I hate it. I'm so excited...

Zheng Zetian laughed silently, what's so serious about this? Sword fighting, sword fighting, wouldn't the fight always look like this bright red at the end? Sure enough, Xuanmen's ability has not declined at all, it's just that the way of heaven has become too violent and I can't turn around for a while.

On the other hand, Mozhu Mountain was just like a house where fellow students looked after each other, but it made him uncomfortable.

Zheng Zetian said in a message,

The big man has been injured secretly, and there is something wrong with his Qi and strength. He is probably nervous when being attacked, and his strength was too much. After twenty moves like this, there will be a flaw in Ji Xinji, and he probably won't be able to survive.

As the saying goes, adding icing on the cake is not as good as giving someone timely assistance. If you save his life, you will definitely earn a big favor.

I think his appearance is not bad, and his skills are still solid. If he can survive this disaster, he can at least withstand two thunders and survive the first round of death.

The 'Host' was really excited. Before Zheng Zetian finished speaking, the invisible witch, with a mark on her head, quietly floated down to the eaves to ambush her.

Sure enough, as Zheng Zetian expected, the two sides fought hard, and when they reached the 20th mark, the tall man from Songshan thrust out his sword and swept across the sword. The power was at its peak, but his body suddenly froze, and his heart stopped for a moment. If you can't connect with the next move, it's like you have missed a hundred consecutive moves and you have to start all over again. There is an obvious flaw in the sword circle!

Others might not be able to seize this opportunity in time, but there are three people in Magushan watching and waiting for him. At this moment, the three of them immediately launched their Qigong! Face-attack and backstab! Attack with all your strength! Flying swords, magic swords, and wind palm techniques were all coming at the tall man from all directions!

At this moment, the 'Hostanda' also suddenly activated and broke out of the house! He grabbed the Magushan disciple with a protruding face from the front and turned his lower body into a pulp! Take out the intestines and lungs together! Not even giving him a chance to scream, he directly dragged the whole living person into the house like a kite!

Everyone was shocked! No one expected that in such a decisive moment, there would be a new character making a cool appearance! The attack was so ruthless!

After all, these Jindan disciples can't do it without changing their expressions when the sky falls in front of them. My heart was in confusion, my hands hesitated, and I really missed my target. One of them inserted the flying sword into the tall man's spine, and the other pierced his waist with his sword.

The man from Songshan was also struck by severe pain and went crazy. He threw away his heavy sword, grabbed the Confucian scholar by his waist with one hand, roared angrily, and raised his palm to smash the opponent's head to pieces!


The remaining Magushan man also panicked. He pinched the sword secret and fired the flying swords in the box randomly! Hit the tall man straight in the face!

But with a move from Songshan's handle, the golden beads flew down and dispersed the sword rain. Although a few shots were missed, the tall man raised the body in his hand to block it. Apart from a few cuts on his hands and legs, it was not fatal at all!

But the man from Magu Mountain was also a human being, and seeing something bad, he immediately pounced on the female disciple from Songshan Mountain, dragged her up by her hair, and held her hostage with a sword across her neck!

Let my sister go! Spare your life!

The Songshan disciples roared and rushed to save people.

But at this moment, the flying sword that had just been knocked away by the golden beads suddenly turned around, as if, no, it was held by an invisible hand, and with a backhand sword, UU Reading was inserted into the Songshan disciple's vest! He collapsed on the spot, was hit hard on the back of the head, and fell to the ground unconscious!

Brother! Save me, brother!

Don't come here! Hey, hey?

The female cultivator from Songshan was still screaming, but the monk Magushan looked up and saw his opponent was suddenly assassinated and fell to the ground. He was also surprised for a moment and couldn't figure out what kind of trick the opponent was playing or whether he was setting up a trap.

You, what tricks are you playing! Senior brother! Are you still alive, senior brother!

At this moment of trance, the Magushan disciple suddenly felt a strange force coming from his palm. The right hand holding the sword seemed to be clamped by invisible iron pliers, and his bones were crushed on the spot!

The right hand couldn't hold on anymore. It was pulled by the strange force, and with a sword blow, a gap was opened diagonally from the Songshan female cultivator's throat, and the carotid artery was cut. Blood spurted out and spread all over. She lay in a pool of blood and cluck...cluck...cluck... After struggling twice, she choked to death from the blood pouring into her throat and stopped moving.

Before the man from Magushan could scream, his forehead had been grabbed by the invisible iron pliers, and his right hand was grasped as if he was committing suicide. He cut his own neck open with a backhand sword, and then his head, which was almost crushed, was torn off. Came down.

The corpse of the Magushan disciple fell down, and his head rolled down from the eaves. Then with a chirping sound, a bloody man appeared out of thin air. He was also holding a piece of thin pink-white skin in his hand. If he looked carefully, it turned out to be a 'hosta'. Pulling with both hands, the skin on his body was torn off!

He didn't care when the 'hosta' was gone. He smiled and shook the skin in his hand, covering the big man in Songshan who was knocked unconscious. As if by magic, he was also invisible, and then he was carried on his shoulders. , immediately became invisible and jumped away.

Okay, we're rescued, let's go... huh? Hello?

It was only when the hosta returned to the alley leisurely that she realized that it was already deserted.

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