The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 588 Auction House

Brother Luo, you won this time, but there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there is a sky beyond the sky. You can't keep winning, and I can finally go home...

Do people outside the world have a home?

Of course, there is the vacuum of the universe outside the sky, and outside of the vacuum is my hometown.

Outside the sky...vacuum...

Brother Luo, do you want to see it with your own eyes, the sky beyond the sky, the land of vacuum?

Suddenly he opened his eyes, lightning and thunder flashed all over his body, and green light shone in all directions. It was like a young man shrouded in a power grid. He was in a trance. Between his breaths, the lightning flashes disappeared like smoke, and the energy flowing around his body surface and between his qi orifices Qingxiao Tianyuan Qi was also brought back into the inner scene, filling the lungs and gathering in the meridians. It shined out from a pair of boys in an instant, and the electric light was like a torch, illuminating the scene in the quiet room.

The elixir furnace that was surrounded by smoke and clouds was gradually drying up. The forty boxes of Zixia spiritual energy elixirs sent by the puppets had also been used up. The empty boxes were piled up in the living room.

Zheng Zetian sat quietly on the futon for a while, muttering to himself.

Although Zheng Zetian is limited by his realm and trapped by his physical body, there are still many things that Zheng Zetian cannot remember and do not know. However, with the growth of his cultivation, surgical transformation, and resetting, his soul has also recovered quickly from repeated shocks. , those fleeting images kept flashing back in front of my eyes, and from time to time I began to awaken the memories of my past life.

The company, it seems that I have indeed been in contact with it...a long time ago...

Zheng Zetian shook his head and couldn't remember it, because it was a memory that was not that important and had been sealed long ago.

The rebirth of soldiers is like this. It is difficult first and then easy. Especially after reincarnation and before forming elixir, it is a real mortal body. The brain cannot bear so many memories and emotions. Therefore, the higher the realm of the soul, the more difficult it is. Do not seal yourself into sleep, so as not to put additional burden on the body and cause premature death. If you are too unlucky and forget too much about the seal, it is not impossible to spend your last life building the foundation, or even to die in the mortal realm.

But as the so-called golden elixir is swallowed, my destiny is up to me. As long as I cultivate to the golden elixir realm and break through the shackles of the mortal body, my strength will increase rapidly. At least I can develop the divine court and unblock the soul. Then I will start again. When you practice, you can naturally learn from past experiences and lessons, and avoid many detours, let alone the same mistakes.

So these days, Zheng Zetian is seizing the time to retreat to the realm of golden elixir. He not only asked the giant for a large amount of Zixia elixir to solve the problem of cultivation, but also figured out the correct use of the fleshy scorpion behind the crest.

In addition to providing intelligent assistance to the system, this fleshy scorpion's main function is to increase neural response and somatosensory response speed, but it can only act on the nervous system through the vertebrae.

So Zheng Zetian cooperated with the Qing Ting Peak Thunder Method to use thunder power to stimulate the muscles throughout the body so that the body could keep up with the reaction speed of the nerves. In other words, the whole process of accelerated cultivation is turned on. If someone else spits out a Qi Refining Pill, Zheng Zetian can spit out a box of it, and he also directly uses the Thunder Dao to refine his body.

Although this initially places a heavy load on the body and is almost unbearable, Zheng Zetian can use Tianyuan Dao Breath to protect the internal organs, and the flesh scorpion can also assist in calculations, warning in advance of the risk of becoming possessed and damaging the Dao body, and cultivating in time.

In the dormitory building, there is a medicine pool and elixir bath to relieve pain. Zheng Zetian even found that he can go to the martial arts training ground and receive free martial arts medicated oil to wipe his body. In this way, he has to exercise and repair repeatedly to strengthen his muscles. Gradually I got used to such a high-intensity load.

The foundation building is almost complete.

In fact, if he wanted to form an elixir, he would probably be in seclusion for another three to five days before he could try to form an elixir. After all, he had passed the killing calamity on the first day of foundation building. But who knows whether breaking through the realm will affect the giant's return path fruit. I always feel that this fruit is not very reliable, so I'd better control the realm.

Zheng Zetian walked out of the dormitory and calculated the weather. It was almost ten days before the full moon.

Now that he has almost adapted to this body and system, he has also practiced the previous moves and the newly learned moves a little, so he should not be powerless anymore.

So let's go.

He had to seize the last opportunity before the full moon, obtain as much information as possible, accumulate chances of victory, and then go back to save Song Dayi's life.

After all, if you stay at home and practice like this all day long, even if the company wants to send a Taoist companion to hook up with you, there is no chance. People can't be so forceful as Hello, the takeout you ordered, oh, is it wrong? Then it will be wrong, hehe Bar……

In short, if others don't come, you can only take the initiative to find it yourself.

Soil bug! Where have you gone?

Zheng Zetian jumped out of the plank road, holding on to the fence and yelling.


Hearing the call, the mole that was grazing on the cliff ran over from the cliff. I originally wanted to let this guy stay for a few more days, but he was disgusted by the fact that he was eating and pooping at the same time. On the third day, he was kicked out of the Yulingyuan and sent to the door of the dormitory.

Zheng Zetian wants to practice Qi in the dormitory. There is no ventilation in that place. Of course, he is not allowed to stay in the room and is allowed to roam outside. Fortunately, Tianyu Mountain is a big place and the earthworms live in the mountains, so there is nothing wrong with it. It is adaptable. It can find things to eat on its own among the flowers and plants. When it is thirsty, it will go to the lake to suck a few mouthfuls. There is an iron sign hanging around its neck. There is no shortage of canteens in the dormitory building, and no one kills it to cook mutton.

Let's go to the boat market on the lake.

So Zheng Zetian rode the sheep on the waves, slowly looking for the boat group in Hu Zejian outside the mountain.

Flower boats... By the way, there are too many flower boats...

After all, these high-rise ships have several floors, and are connected with shops and restaurants. With so many people coming and going on the ship, how can there be less skin and meat business? There are similar places on almost every ship.

What's more, Tianyu Mountain also has magical skills such as Yuling Dafa. Naturally, various postures have long been spread on nearby flower boats. Although the boat girls may have limited qualifications and cannot practice this method to the golden elixir realm, they can still learn it. A few hands to keep fit.

As a result, this kind of special service has increasingly attracted travelers from all over the world to gather. Ahem, either they don't believe in this wonderful ability, or they just want to learn more and see more.

We can't check it one by one... System, where is the company's base?

'Keyword trigger, confirm permission has been unlocked, connect to confidential database, mark camouflage stronghold, mark intelligence hub, mark safe house, mark equipment warehouse, mark communication station, mark command headquarters... Detect company agents in nearby activities, intelligent Pathfinding is on. ’

The system opened the three-dimensional map of Tianyu Mountain in front of Zheng Zetian, then marked the densely packed landmarks, and finally deleted most of the interference and gave four tracking paths.

Zheng Zetian couldn't help but frown, there were so many under his nose?

However, since the era of the three major sects, it has become common for them to send their henchmen to sneak into rival sects to steal magical powers and secrets, sabotage them secretly, and so on. What's more, Mozhu Mountain has grown so big and developed so fast in just a few decades. It is completely normal for dozens of internal workers to sneak in through the door.

If you think about it more carefully, the cheat code given by the giant actually calls back the clones on the moon and the true disciples working in the South China Sea. Maybe, except for the senior brother, everyone else under his disciples is also an internal disciple. Not necessarily...

So Zheng Zetian rode a sheep all the way shopping, looked at the system's intelligence and did some preliminary reconnaissance, and found that in addition to the flower boats, these four paths also led to the auction house, medicine shop, and pawn shop.

The system shows that the flower boat and the auction house are intelligence liaison offices that are often visited by the inner circle in Tianyu Mountain. The drug store is a secret warehouse that provides some equipment supplies to the inner circle, and the pawn shop is probably the headquarters accountant that provides mission funds. .

Of course, this drug store and pawnshop are important hidden support bases. They will not directly contact the inner spies themselves. Instead, they will change hands through many intermediaries, and props and funds will be transferred between various disguised bases and forces. Naturally, there are also the company's hidden combat forces secretly guarding them. Although the specific number is unknown, the system labels are all Nascent Soul level.

As for the auction house and the flower boat, they are permanent intelligence contact points. The auction house is generally responsible for purchasing the tasks obtained by Mozhu Mountain disciples, producing various collected resources, materials, magic weapons, and techniques, and doing some resource transactions. And through secret channels, tasks are issued to internal members and task items are collected.

As for Huachuan, it is purely an information transaction and a personnel department for recruiting new people.

Well, since the company’s internal organizational operations are so clear, the giant must also have spies there...

Zheng Zetian doesn't plan to go directly to Huachuan and recommend himself as the boss suggested. He has no money to spend, and it is impossible for a place like Huachuan to provide you with medical insurance.

Secondly, he didn't have enough time. He also wanted to know what kind of person the spy leader was who could hide in Fengyue Field to recruit spies. It took just a few days to dispel the other party's suspicion. How could he detect so much of the other party? Secret information.

So Zheng Zetian made some calculations, and without much delay, went directly to the big ship where the auction house was located, tied some food to the auspicious beast mounts of the earth crickets and the white deer and cranes, and then led the way through the system by himself. Company agents were found.

Well, the system marked this guy’s head with the words ‘company’s agent’ in big red letters. It’s pretty hard to find the mistake...

Fellow Taoist, I have a treasure that I want to put up for auction.

The 'company agent' was an auction house staff member with an average appearance and a mediocre cultivation level. He was a member of the Waidan Dao, and when he saw that he was a disciple of Mozhushan, he was very polite.

Fellow Taoist, if you have magic weapon materials that you want to trade, you can go to the front to register first. Later, the auction house will arrange a mage to identify the grade and quote.

Zheng Zetian shook his head and said,

There are many people with mixed opinions, and this treasure of mine was picked up and cannot be seen in the light, otherwise it will definitely lead to death. It is better to talk directly to the manager in secret.

The 'company agent' still had a professional smile on his face. After all, nine out of ten people who came to the auction house to sell things felt that their goods were priceless magic weapons and treasures. This kid came out after learning some slang. Showing off, the things were probably stolen from the master's door.

Fellow Taoist, our auction house is a legal trading platform where various chambers of commerce and banks have joined forces to provide shipping channels for the disciples of Mozhu Mountain. We do not accept those 'picked-up' ones. For such things, you should go to those private ones. Let the pawn shop handle it.”

Zheng Zetian looked angry,

Didn't you listen to me that it would lead to death! How dare I trade this kind of thing in those black pawn shops! You Shaohu is trying to trick me. As long as it is profitable, what can the merchant not dare to do? You just think that I I’m young and have low cultivation, so I don’t believe I can come up with anything good!”

The 'company agent' looked helpless, Fellow Taoist, you have to be trustworthy when doing business, not to mention who dares to disobey the rules of the giant? Let's do this. If you persist, I will take you to see our shopkeeper and let him see you. How about I give you a price for the things you need?”

Zheng Zetian smiled, No, those big names on the stage are related to each other, and they are too involved. Besides, they are not the ones to handle the business themselves, so I will come to you, so there is no need to involve so many people.

I just stood at the door and watched for a while. There were people coming and going. There were so many shopkeepers and waiters, but you were the most idle, wandering around here with your hands crossed. Haha, a commercial bank does not keep idle people, so you must be responsible for the largest business. Generally, those small businesses with hundreds or thousands of taels do not need you to handle them. If you find someone else, they probably don't have as high authority as you.

I need to sell my things in exchange for cash, so I just need to contact you.

After hearing what this guy said, the 'company agent' was really interested.

Haha, a few thousand taels is still a small business? Fellow Taoist, you are so loud! Haha, but you are delicate and observant. It seems that you are really a bit of a fairy and you got some interesting things! Okay, come with me.

So the 'company agent' took Zheng Zetian around to the private tea room in the backyard of the auction house.

Along the way, the system used it three times in a row, and the red letter External link detected alerted Zheng Zetian. When the other party looked at him again, he was obviously wary, his eyes were secretive, and he had clearly seen through his identity.

But Zheng Zetian had no expression on his face and took his seat calmly.

The maids from the auction house came up one after another to serve tea and snacks. Although they were well hidden, Zheng Zetian could clearly tell that he was prepared in his heart. Seven came in, six went out, and an invisible person followed them into the tea room. On the beam behind him, his presence was almost imperceptible in silence. It was unknown whether he was an assassin or a guard, but he must be at least a martial arts master in the realm of golden elixir or a divine body.

This precaution was normal, and Zheng Zetian didn't change his expression, pretending not to know.

The 'company agent' pretended to invite tea and asked with a smile,

I don't know, friend, what do you want to trade this time?

So Zheng Zetian squatted next to the coffee table, took out the True Interpretation of the Preface to the Preface of Taishang Daojun Dongxuan in his arms, pushed it forward, but did not let it go.

The ‘company agent’ was curious, “What kind of book is this?”

Zheng Zetian, Book of Heaven.

Book of Heaven?

The 'company agent' was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized,

Oh, Heavenly Book, that's priceless. Well, let's do this. If it's true, I can consider offering you ten thousand taels of treasure.

...You want to buy the Book of Heaven for ten thousand taels??

Is the Book of Heaven so worthless these days? ? ?

The 'company agent' spread his hands, Little Taoist, can something of this level be measured in terms of money? Besides, who can I sell it to? There are not even five people in this mountain who can read University, Mozhu Mountain If all your disciples can exchange their merits for it, who will buy your giant book?

To put it another way, who knows whether your book is true or false? Moreover, Mo Shan’s Heavenly Book is the best. The giants can’t wait to change it to everyone and spread it to everyone. The gods and sects have already been there, so they can directly ask for it from the giants. Isn't it safer?

If you really have the channels, instead of doing these things that no one can understand, you might as well collect some of the signature sword techniques newly created by the rumored giant, and I will quote you one million taels per move, no bullshit.

Gee, this guy is really ignorant...

The 'company agent' saw Zheng Zetian speechless and actually comforted him,

But it seems that the little Taoist priest is indeed a man with immortality and understanding. He is considered a rare place to live in a place like Mozhu Mountain. So, if you are in need of money urgently, I have a thousand taels here. Even if I make friends with you, I will still be with you in the future. If you have similar treasures, please contact me.

You're sending a beggar away! And who said this is Mo Shan's heavenly book!

Zheng Zetian stared into the other person's eyes, lowered his voice and said seriously,

This book comes from the mountains.

What's in the mountains and not in the mountains... Oh, you mean...

The 'company agent' suddenly reacted and couldn't help but look down again.

Xuan Nu Heavenly Book?

Zheng Zetian released his hand holding the book and motioned to read it.

The ‘Company Agent’ is a little interested, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net carefully opened the first page and took a closer look.

Zheng Zetian, took it down.

The people in the company are not good...

The 'company agent' curled his lips. He couldn't see the first page and didn't need to continue turning.

Is it true? Don't trick me with this true wordless heavenly book... Moreover, it is said that the heavenly books of the nine profound sects are kept by the master personally, right? How did you get it?

Zheng Zetian narrowed his eyes. Is it because the company's agent qualifications are not enough? Or is it that the company is targeting Song Dayou not for Qing Ting Peak's Heavenly Book?

Of course this is genuine. No matter how I got it, you don't even recognize this kind of thing. Your eyesight is too poor!

No, normally no one would trade this kind of thing...

Before the 'company agent' finished speaking, a bright light suddenly flashed, and his head rolled down from his neck, staining the heavenly book with red.

At this moment, Zheng Zetian held his breath, and his child's hole expanded instantly.

The flesh scorpion was triggered at the limit, and the air solidified like glue.

Then Zheng Zetian clearly ‘saw’

A ray of white light shone from nowhere in the tea room. The light was like a white silk ribbon, making three folds in the room.

The first fold went around the neck of the 'company agent' and cut off the neck cleanly. The cuts on the vertebrae and blood vessels were as smooth as a mirror, and the blood was like a lotus as big as the mouth of a bowl, slowly blooming in front of his eyes.

Then there was a muffled sound like a drum, and the gentleman on the beam's heart skipped a beat. The sword light immediately rolled up and passed in front of Zheng Zetian. The cold sword blade brushed his bangs and shook the beam above his head. , and Liang Hou's guards were all broken into pieces.

The last third fold was cut right into the center of Daozi's skull.


sword fairy,

Old friends.

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