Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 522 Chaos

Taojun Taiyi Wuyang, it seems that Taifu really intends to be born to cultivate immortality and give up taking a step forward in the immortal palace...

In fact, this is also the case. The resistance to changing dynasties is too great. Even if the clan declines, the Immortal Emperor cannot be the one he wants to be. It is even more impossible for Xuanmen to watch Songshan continue to be in charge of the government. Whether he is a Taifu or a Taoist, there must be a choice between the two identities. This is the crux.

However, if he avoids it like this, the unification of the world will be out of reach again.

In the Yuntai Peak Tower Guandao branch, Li Fan was sitting in a quiet room with his soul out of his body, playing chess with the master of the temple.

Originally, the purpose of going to Beijing to pay tribute this time was to keep in touch with each other, to gather information, to open my eyes to see how a strong man in the Dao Realm overcomes disasters, and by the way, Yue Qin and Qin Jiu had some experience.

Who would have thought that it would be the beginning of the Ten Jue Formation, and there would be two more at the beginning, and the two juniors were also very dangerous. The Taifu also hid a big one under the capital, and Yuntai Peak was even more undercurrent, and the divine sect did not mind. There are a lot of things going on, Miyaki's moves are treacherous, and the murderous intent is far greater than expected.

It wasn't until this time that Li Fan showed his true skills and defeated Beichen Wei's assassins. Knowing that even General Wei might not be able to do it, the Taifu who had been avoiding him was forced to come out and make a fortune in the name of Wuyang Daojun. In the eyes of the mathematicians, this letter of recommendation is equivalent to acknowledging their true intentions this time and avoiding further conflicts between the two parties.

Therefore, after Li Fan got this letter of approval, he actually already had some guesses about Taifu's layout, so he hurriedly reported it to the viewer while grinding the sunspots in his hands to deduce the current situation.

This time, my disciple has been favored by Taojun Tai...Yi Wuyang, and it is not convenient to harm him again, but I still have some doubts. If Taojun becomes the head of Songshan, and his son is still serving as a general in the imperial court, No, it won’t be long before he is promoted to General of Chariots and Cavalry, then the world is still in the hands of his Songshan clan, and can the Xuanmen sects really accept it?”

The viewer explained while making his move,

Whether it's general Wei or cavalry, after all, they are only in the realm of spiritual transformation. If their skills and skills are not a higher level, they will not be able to intimidate the internal and external vassals and clean up the court. Therefore, as long as there is no leader in the realm of enlightenment, the Immortal Palace cannot be separated from Xuan Xuan. As for the control of the sect, it is not a big deal as to which faction is in charge.

Of course, it also depends on how much profit the Sima clan can use to support the major sects. If they don't feed Xuanmen, they will take it themselves. In this way, if the place is happy, warlords like Hou Gu will still rebel. It will happen frequently.

Li Fan understood, So this meeting at Yuntai Peak is about dividing the pie, and the purpose of conquering the divine religion is to see who has the bigger fist now, and who will divide the pie more.

The master of the temple dropped a stone, That's it. Of course, the Nine Great Mysterious Sects will be decided this time, but the specific order, the division of Dongtian Paradise, Lingchi Mine, and Mountain Dojo under each sect's jurisdiction, will be about more The division will be based on military achievements in the west direction.

Li Fan thought about it and hesitated, Then I, Mo Zhushan, want to earn a piece of it?

The master of the temple shook his head, Didn't he already promise us all that Louguan Dao can divide? In this battle, both the Shen Cult and Hengshan are unable to escape, so we can take advantage of this opportunity to seize the capital of Yu and wait for the opportunity to destroy Nangong. Valve, if I can cut off Qiyou's arm, there will be no harm. I have already arranged the troops and horses. As for other places, they are all re-divided within Xuanmen, and there is no room for me to intervene.

In addition, there are still a lot of variables in the Duizhou game this time. I don’t think the Divine Sect has no chance of turning defeat into victory. There are many people in Xuanmen who are operating on both sides at the same time. These people will fall with the wind. , figure out who can win and help whom. Last time, it was Cangyun Immortal Lord who was superior in skill and defeated Master Zhang in one move, so the Ten Jue Formation was broken and Xuanmen won, not the other way around.

This time, Wuyang Daojun just wants to be the leader of Songshan Mountain. He also wants to be the leader of Yuntai Peak. If he cannot show his strength and take down the new leader of the divine sect head-on, he will not be able to convince the public. No matter how many people surround him, he will not be able to convince the public. , No matter how rich his family is, he is still unpopular and cannot secure his position as the leader of Xuanmen.

So that's how it is, people's hearts...

It is indeed true. For monks or sects, it is actually easy to decide what people's hearts are like. Once you reach that level, there is no such thing as the distinction between good and evil, or the distinction between mystery and evil.

Taoism and theology are the same. Whichever side has more power and a greater chance of winning is just a matter of taking sides.

Li Fan remembered something again,

Disciple heard that there are rumors that Taiyi Dao, Shangqing Dao and other ancient Taoist sects are competing in Xuanmen. I have encountered the inheritance of Taixuan and Hunyuan Tao before. Could it be that these ancient Taoisms are also competing for Qi and starting to revive?

The master of the temple nodded, There is no way forward, so you will naturally find other ways out. On the contrary, if the great road reappears and the road is wide, there will naturally be more people walking on it. The method of cultivation is to innovate and bring forth the new in the process of constantly seeking the Tao.

Now the day has been decided, Taisu Dao must take the lead. These Taiyi, the ancient sect of the Shangqing Dynasty has begun to revive. It is not necessarily that they want to follow the ancient path, but more of a banner to unite their comrades.

After all, even if they are as powerful as Emei and Songshan, they cannot suppress the world with one faction. Now, it is the limit to control the Immortal Palace behind the scenes just by relying on the name of Songshan. It is still beyond the power to control the Immortal Palace from Yuntai Peak.

The same is true for the Shangqing Dao. The inheritance of this lineage can be traced. There is strength in numbers. When the Yuntai Peak decision is made, Shan Hengshan's family may be a low-key person, but the Shangqing Dao is connected in series, and it can affect the decision of the entire Xuanmen. It can be regarded as the dominant alliance that actually controls the majority of votes in Xuanmen. However, the Shangqing Dao also suffers from the lack of core figures like the three elders of Emei, the sword ancestor of the Sword Sect, and the two elders of Songshan who can convince the crowd and stand up to lead the masses, so they cannot be substantial. It's just a matter of sex and faction alliance.

On the Songshan side, there are two elders who are in charge, and they have recruited many disciples. From a corner of Taishi Mountain, to today's annexation of the thirty-six peaks of Songshan Mountain, and the continued annexation of the Taiyi Sixteenth Shrine, it has become a great success.

Even if the mountains of Shangqing Dao fail to achieve unity this time, they will no longer be able to sit back and watch Taiyi Dao continue to grow and take away their main peak from Mount Song. I'm afraid that the two sides are really going to fight and argue at the meeting. You can just go and see it. There is no need to get involved.

Now that the way of heaven has been opened, every family may not have new skills to use. The heroes of the world should not be underestimated.

Yes, follow the instructions carefully.

So he communicated with the Guanzhu about the situation in Beijing, and by the way, he lost another game. Li Fan also understood the Guanzhu's strategy.

It’s better to seek stability, of course, it’s normal. The viewer has a clear background. Even if there is a system behind it to support the rapid development, how can it catch up with the background of the various factions in the Central Plains so quickly after only ten years of operation? Let’s be realistic. The water depth of the Central Plains is Very good, if you can't control it, it would be good if you can divide it into one side.

You see, even if it is as strong as Songshan, with a big family and a big business, and has the upper hand, but now that the Taifu has passed a disaster, all forces have launched an attack, and they are still struggling to cope. Therefore, people must be self-aware, make alliances when they should, and give up benefits when they should. Rural sects should not think about sweeping the world all day long, eat too much in one bite, and choke to death due to inability to swallow.

Understand the strategic policy of the top management of Mozhushan. Li Fan also worshiped the moon and held a small meeting with his system group to convey the sect's strategy.

Of course, those two fish don't actually care about the future development of the sect. To them, Mozhu Mountain is just an indigenous foundry in the countryside. At first, they helped Li Fan with scientific research, assisted agriculture and industry, and built industry. Now that the fishery is on track, the two gangsters are online all day long, busy selling their miners and fish.

And Kun is also busy. Li Fan and Yue Po are not stationed in Mozhu Mountain, so they rely on this guy to guard the southern border and carry out mass killings. Now the king of Kun kills all the demons in the sky with one glance, and his ability to swallow thousands of tons of flesh and blood in one mouth has been spread all over the world. Wan Dashan has a great reputation. He has become the spiritual leader and leading brother of the group of demons who surrendered to Mozhu Mountain as their spiritual pets. Wherever he goes, others call him the king. He is so arrogant that he can’t remember who was dissatisfied with the multiple bumps on his forehead. ugly.

Of course, Li Fan didn't expect these people to be funny. He mainly used the system's communication channel to ask Xuantian what he thought.

Jianzu said that I have been studying flashlights recently, and I thought I was asking about such nonsense again, but this is it? ?

However, after hearing what Li Fan saw in the market in Sanyuan, Xuan Tian still gave him face and made a brief speech. To sum up, this is it.

Give him a try and chop him off... Alas, the disease has recurred...

Who is sick! That's right! Now is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters!

The owner of your temple thinks that your whole stall is too big and you can't handle it at all, so he advises you to do more than to do less. If you really want to argue about fate, waiting for others to share the pie, waiting for things to be finalized before making plans, is the worst strategy!

The world is brought back with one blow and one sword, not by just sitting back and calculating!

And don’t you know what kind of people Xuanmen are? If you eat it dry and wipe it all, will you get a piece of it? Let me tell you, you have to grab everything yourself! Let’s talk about it once we get it!

So what if I can’t swallow it? It's better to grab it and give it to others than to give it to others in vain if you don't fight or grab it!

oh? How to grab it? Could it be that he also joined Xuanmen in this Western Expedition and expedition against the Divine Religion?

That's not necessary. Indeed, when it comes to a head-on fight with the Divine Cult, the cakes on the plate have already been divided, but the corners have to be grabbed. To put it bluntly, whoever eats the most will have to contribute the most. , if you try to make a contribution by then, the day lily will be cold.

Then what are you talking about...

Stupid! It's not your turn to divide the land, and you can't even rob! Sanyuan! Go out more often, wander around the neighborhood, and see if people come to the meeting. If you kill people and seize treasures, it's over. That Sanxiao sect guy Aren’t you doing a great job, just come here and kill his people, seize his treasures, and destroy his door!”

Ah, this...it's not good for him to cause trouble just because he received the favor from the Tutor...

Don't worry, there are so many people in Gyeonggi recently, the numbers are so mixed, and the Qi numbers have changed so much, who knew it was you who did it! Anyone who dares to come to Yuntai Peak to participate in the meeting at this time is not the real decision-maker among the Xuanmen sects ?Usually, they stay in the cave and retreat. If you want to do something, you haven’t had the chance yet!

Listen to me, our old Xuanmen mean to get rich at this time. If you have time at night, go out more and take action when you have the opportunity. Kill one to make enough money, kill two to make a profit! It’s not a loss, you believe me!

...Will such a commotion ruin the Taifu's plan and cause chaos in the world?

Damn it! You kid is here again! It's chaos. In the final analysis, the chaos in the world is caused by these people! Besides, if you don't take action, the world may not be able to get better!

cut! Have a great time! Let’s talk about it later!

As for the Mouse Cave, you don't have to worry about it. Doesn't that Taifu know that sooner or later he will be in trouble today? I think he has already planned Miyuan's plan, and this time he is also afraid that you will crash it. It's his business.

You, too, are trying to fall into other people’s traps, so how can you be better than him? If you follow the rules honestly, you will never be able to defeat those old Xuanmen!

Listen to me, if small forces want to develop, they can only attack them quickly and take advantage of them! Turn the game over, play outside tricks, and make the numbers of days chaotic! This is the chance for a comeback!

Okay, I am in seclusion to forge my sword, please don’t disturb me.

So Xuantian turned off the microphone again.

Li Fan thought about it carefully and felt that maybe what Xuantian said made sense.

Sanyuan is the base camp of the Taifu, and the Central Plains is the base of Xuanmen. They are making tricks everywhere. Li Fan, a foreigner, is in the middle and is guided by other people's rhythms. He can only move from one surprise to another. It was just an accident. If this person was a little bit weaker, he might have walked into one of the Ten Jue Arrays and the Eight Jue Arrays and been wiped out, and he would have died without even knowing how.

Too dangerous.

So what the temple owner means is that you should leave it alone and come back to open up wasteland. Xuantian meant to take advantage of the chaos to attack the jungle. To put it bluntly, I develop when others are fighting in a group, and I harvest the remaining health of others. Insidious is insidious, but wouldn't it be nice to kill him five times! Ahem...

In short, Li Fan thought about it and added some changes based on Xuantian's suggestions.

On the surface, Li Fan accepted the Dharma post recommendation from Taoist Taiyi Wuyang, who also told him to stop making trouble, so Li Fan had to give face to Taifu and stayed at Yuntai Peak to prepare his thesis. , prepare for the arithmetic master title.

Secretly, he placed a trace of his soul on the Blood God Son's clone, and went to the outskirts of Gyeonggi Province to play in the fields. From a distance, he saw a fairy boat, a dragon chariot, a dragon chariot, and so on, flying over. A blood shadow magically escaped and said,

This fellow Taoist from the Demon Sect, I have calculated that you are in danger of death, and in line with God's virtue of having a good life, I came here to tell you the date of your death. If you don't want to die, just take any seven or eight pieces of the God Transformation Period. The magic weapon comes out to give alms, and my heart softens, maybe I can help you get rid of this disaster, how about it?

In most cases, when the opponent sees the Blood God Son, they will turn around and run away. In a few cases, the opponent will Runima's beep——! In this way, a punch will be blasted out from the auspicious cloud.

So Li Fan also turned the clone of the Blood God Son into a blood claw, and fought with the giant fist condensed with true energy.

Even though his avatar of the Son of Blood had lost a lot of his spiritual skills in the Red Sand Formation before, after all, he had feasted on blood essence in the past ten years. To be honest, his cultivation was not necessarily weaker than those of the genuine Dharma Kings. Moreover, Li Fan also updated the blood refining method, and it has the bonus provided by the True Yang Kung Fu. It is enough for a clone to come out to take advantage of the situation and carry forward the glorious tradition of the Sword Sect.

As for the guy opposite who said, You devil kid, take a punch from your father!, he was probably an ancestor from some ravine. He was recently invited out of seclusion and flew to Yuntai Peak for a meal. As a result, Li Fan faced him and said, My good grandson came to eat me. Blazing Blood Divine Palm— He made a face, and scattered the auspicious clouds of his car, and his anger turned into a red fist to fight the pain.

This guy is also a talkative, and he talks a lot while fighting.

Nah, beep! So this is the God's Cult's Blood Palm! Ganni's beep is quite durable! Beep, beep, beep!

Li Fan was shocked. This was the first time he met such a dirtiest person. He said angrily,

Just hit him, you have such a bad mouth, did you grow up eating Big Beep?

Qi Quan was also stunned, and cursed with a hint of joy in his anger,

I'm kidding! You dare to scold me! Haha! I'm kidding you!

Li Fan's veins were bulging when he was beeped, and his fighting spirit erupted, Bounce, bounce, bounce, fuck all your beeps!

Then the Dao breath in the sky transformed, and the red fists and palms were beeping there. There was a huge battle, the Dao power was overflowing, the sky was filled with fire clouds, the red light shone brightly, and the earth shook and the mountains shook! The curses were heard hundreds of miles away and were deafening. They simply broke the vocabulary limit of the people in Sanyuan, and even birds did not dare to fly here.

But to be honest, Li Fan didn't expect that a random lucky audience member would be so powerful and have such a bad mouth. He didn't want to expose his identity with his true skills, so he deliberately hid his cultivation level, including Tai Sufa and Beichen Sword. It didn't work, so I just used the traditional tactics of the god-transforming monks. The body-protecting true energy is about to be condensed, wrapped around the whole body, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net transforms into various forms of fists, palms, claws, jackals, tigers, leopards, warriors, giants, etc. to fight.

This fighting method is not only capable of large and small, ever-changing, and extremely powerful, but it can also be used at will. It does not require a particularly long period of hand-holding and chanting. It is also suitable for sudden encounters. You need to fight for a few rounds first to see the opponent's path. After following the opponent, it is not too late to choose the corresponding tactics. Of course, if the opponent is a rookie, just slap him to death without wasting talismans and magic weapons.

However, since the transformation of the Dharma requires a large amount of true energy to be released externally, without the support of the spiritual vein array, it is still very difficult for Yuanying Zhenren to perform it with his own accumulated true energy, which is equivalent to a great trick. Generally speaking, you have to reach the stage of transformation into a god, or even go through several tribulations, and reach the middle stage of transformation into a god, or the final stage of transformation into a god, before you can have enough cultivation to use it casually.

And often each faction has its own unique way of studying and deducing. For example, strictly speaking, the Sword Rainbow Technique is a profound Dharma-Xiang Dao method of turning swords into swords. After the deduction of Beichen Jiuyao Sword Jue, it is famous all over the world.

Of course, other sects also have their own unique methods of turning fists into palms, and Li Fan's bloody hand move is, after all, a fake and shoddy Blazing Blood God Palm. Although the opposite person seems to be an old country boy in a ravine, he can't recognize it. The difference between the moves of Ghostly Hand and Blazing Blood God Palm. But without the bonus of the skill, Li Fan was unable to break through the opponent's strong fist intention.

After all, the opponent's moves are real. Every punch is blessed by Dao power, stimulated by skills, deeply cultivated and refined, and has profound skills that can destroy everything, destroy heaven and earth, but it's a pity that it is of no use...

Ding Jia's Wuwu Divine Fist! Wu! Wu! Break——! Gan! He actually dodged it again!

What a pity it is to ride a horse!


Well, after all, Li Fan has already included this move. The same move will not work on him...

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