Daozu is the Tutor of Cthulhu Chapter 345

It was time for Yuntai Peak to come back and explore. This time he collected the mashed potatoes, a token of the leader of the Beichen Sword Sect. Li Fan stopped procrastinating and flew directly back to the Louguandao branch to pay his respects.

The guests, Yao Xuanzhou and Xue Zhenren, are sitting in the main hall. Xiao Yao looked as normal. He had no physical damage to begin with. After the war, he entered meditation for a month to cultivate. His energy had recovered and he had survived the killing calamity. He probably improved again in his cultivation.

Li Fan came in to see Li, and was given a futon by him, and sat down to start with Yao Xuanzhou. It seemed that Lou Guandao's internal meeting had already been held for most of the meeting, and now he was waiting for him.

Feng Guanzhu said directly, Qingyue, you have already reached the realm of real people. This time you and Xuanzhou helped rescue Shuofang's army, defended the city and the pass, and killed the clone of the Son of Blood God. Tai Shanyu. The Fu Mansion intends to confer on you the title of Marquis of Che, the third rank of Flying Cavalry Lieutenant, and a reward of tens of millions of dollars as a token of your merits. There is no plot this time, so you can accept it with peace of mind.

Yao Xuanzhou also nodded and said, On the battlefield, it is a man's original wish to be granted the title of Marquis and General. I have also been promoted to the title of Duting Marquis. Although it is a false title, the Grand Tutor also helped a lot this time. Qingyue, please don't refuse. Just think of it as Miyuan giving you two new sets of clothes to wear.

As long as he doesn't get a wife from the Nangong family, it doesn't matter to Li Fan, but...

Can you discuss with the Grand Tutor and replace him with the Marquis of Guannei?

Xue Zhenren listened in confusion and couldn't help but explain, Chehou is the head of the twenty nobles. Although he has to go to Ziweiyuan to make a decision, he must at least be the leader of a pavilion, leading thousands of households, and granting a title A territory of ten thousand acres. And the Marquis of Guannei is the 19th grade. At the end of the feudal period, he can only collect fiefs for food and salary, and a hundred hectares of fields for worship. There is no territory for the countrymen, so why should we change it?

Li Fan, ...because the Marquis of Guannei sounds good?

Mr. Xue, ???

The temple owner didn't care, so he wrote a letter and sent it out, Okay, let's do it. Regarding the lord of the Neihou, I can represent you as the guard of Moshan, and during this period, Wuzi Peak will be handed over to your care. ”

Li Fan expressed his gratitude and said, Thank you so much for your cultivation, Master, and please help me save my master.

The master of the temple nodded and said, This calamity has passed, and the Taoist tradition of the Moshan lineage will not be interrupted. You will follow Xuanzhou to thank Taifu later, and when you bring the things back to Mozhushan, we will meet in detail. Let’s talk about it later. Pingyang, I’ll let you take care of Yuntai Peak here.”

Li Fan didn't understand what the Guanzhu meant for a moment, so he all said yes.

But seeing the viewer nodding, a white light flashed, turning into a paper talisman, burning with open fire and turning into ashes.

Li Fan couldn't help but be stunned, The incarnation of the talisman? This talisman can actually be effective for more than a month?

This is my Lou Guandao's glowing star cloud seal. As long as there is star power to guide it, Tao breath is supplied, and no one breaks it up, you can always use it.

The master of the temple is now sitting in the cave of Mozhu Mountain, and he can use this talisman to guide him at any time, and the soul can come out of his body to help, so I said there is no need to practice any distraction method. You can learn it once you pass the Fu Dao Master exam.

As Xue Zhenren said this, he made the incantation and took out the formal robes and handed them to Li Fan and Yao Xuanzhou to change.

Yao Xuanzhou thanked Master Xue and said to Li Fan, Qingyue, you come with me to see the Taifu, and you may even go to Taiweiyuan to receive the title, so I will teach you the rules of the palace first.

Miyuan is the cardinal of the world and the core of the Central Plains. He is no different than other vassal princes. He should be cautious in his words and deeds and never lose his etiquette.

Yes, Qingyue remembered.

Of course Li Fan knew the importance of the Immortal Palace, the capital of Gyeonggi Province. What's more, the system had said before that this was the home of the company system, so he had to be even more cautious, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

So Yao Xuanzhou and Li Fan taught him the etiquette of going to court, including which foot to step first and how high to raise his hands. However, Li Fan learned quite quickly, and he didn't really go to the court meeting. At most, he went to the Ministry of Etiquette and other places to go through the process.

So Li Fan put on a purple-striped fairy dress, followed Yao Xuanzhou, and got on the mechanical flying boat to Sanyuan.

By the way, the black and white evil spirit gourd that was blown away during the Battle of Shuofang was originally picked up by the temple owner, but now he can't take the gourd to worship at Sanyuan, so he put it in the flying boat first. After flying out of Yuntai Peak, Li Fan's storage jade could be used, so with the goal of using his ultimate attack just in case, Li Fan swallowed the moon soul and took out the jade. A bunch of elixirs for self-defense.

It's just that the system is still not online yet. Maybe this place is full of secret bases for company systems.

Seeing how alert Li Fan was, Yao Xuanzhou probably thought that he, a boy from the mountains, was nervous when he came to Beijing for the first time, so he gave a general introduction to Sanyuan.

Of course, there is no need to repeat the institutional background of the Twelve Immortal Palaces. It is only specific to Sanyuan, which refers to the three areas of Ziwei Yuan, Taiwei Yuan and Tianshi Yuan.

To put it simply, Ziweiyuan is the palace where the Immortal Emperor's clan lives, Taiweiyuan is the imperial city where Xingguan Zaifu rules the world, and Tianshiyuan is the market place where ordinary people live.

However, this common people refers to the common people in the Immortal Lord era. Now this group of people is called the Immortal Clan of Sanyuan. They have been in long-term confrontation with the Suwei from all directions and the border troops of the Eight Domains. They can be roughly regarded as the Immortal Clan. Interest groups derived from different factional groups within the system. Of course, the grievances and grievances of various factions and families cannot be described in one or two sentences, so we can only touch on them.

Therefore, today's Immortal Palace Sanyuan is usually taboo to refer to the Immortal Emperor's clan, the Immortal Palace court, and the Immortal family clan.

As mentioned before, Changsi City, the capital of the Li Kingdom, is an exact replica of the Sanyuan Imperial Capital, but this is not entirely correct. Strictly speaking, Changsi City is a two-dimensional replica of the Sanyuan Ancient City from the founding period of Liguo.

But today's Gyeonggi Imperial Capital, under the influence of the chaotic history of the three major sects and the system, has long been a serious three-dimensional flying fairy palace. After all, Yuntai Peak has been in the hands of the Immortal Palace for so many years. Those noble families who have been ministers to the Immortal Emperor have watched the Immortal Emperor flying around so impressively, and of course they also want to experience the taste of a mansion in the clouds.

Therefore, first of all, for various reasons such as the majesty of the Immortal Palace, the security of the imperial city, and the convenience of civil and military travel and commuting, the Immortal Palace developed and built a new Taiweiyuan Feitian Immortal Palace, which was regarded as a separate imperial office building. , fly into the sky.

So very quickly, those three princes began to make full use of the technology developed by the Immortal Palace to transform their homes, villas and Wubao into the Flying Immortal Palace.

This kind of flying palace is not only convenient for self-protection, but also shows financial strength, so now various immortal clans have followed suit, and have developed to the point where they do not fight low-level magic weapons like flying swords and flying chariots, but fight against immortal palaces. Hey, if you don't even have a flying villa or a sky fortress when you leave home, you'll be automatically expelled from the immortal family. You won't have the shame to go out and brag about being a member of the Miyuan family.

So you see, a certain country bumpkin has a fairy palace to travel wherever he goes. He goes out to kill and fight with swords, and he also goes to Leize to pick grass...

Therefore, under this trend, in the sky of Sanyuan, up and down, left, right and front, there are flying palaces everywhere, surrounding the center like stars guarding them, and the center of power is too small. The old Ziwei Yuan, which was originally located in the northeast corner of Sanyuan Old City and corresponded to the Liqiu Palace Royal City, has become a place for worshiping ancestors and heaven, with only some old and frail palace officials left on duty.

But this does not mean that the descendants of the Immortal Lord have withdrawn from the stage of history. On the contrary, they have always existed.

The real Ziweiyuan New City is the highest flying and largest among all the immortal palaces. Of course, no one seeking death dares to fly higher than Ziweiyuan.

This Ziwei Immortal Palace stands high in the sky, like the sun that never sets. It is located at the end of colorful clouds. During the day, it is like a purple sun, and at night, it is like a polar star. Only when you look up at dusk can you barely reach the sky. Like a mirage, I saw a corner of the forbidden palace in the clouds.

The direct descendants of the Immortal Emperor all live in the Immortal Palace, which is protected by layers of barrier formations and countless imperial guards. It is said that since the assassination of the Immortal Emperor, the direct clan has been living in Ziweiyuan. There is also a set of rules there. Only when the direct heir of the emperor reaches adulthood, the palace will be opened and men and women of suitable age will be selected from the Immortal Lord Family for marriage. , maintain the marriage, of course you can say that this is taking hostages, it is not a bad idea.

On weekdays, Ziweiyuan's palace gates were tightly closed. Even Bei Gong Wuji, a clan member from the Sifang Kingdom and a first-class prince, could not approach without an edict. On a daily basis, only the three princes of Taiweiyuan, the princes of the four kingdoms and eight vassals, the general Wei in charge of the defense of Ziweiyuan, and the twelve-level meritorious service guarding the Shangzhu Kingdom near the Immortal Emperor can be regarded as such extremely powerful princes. Enter the palace to pay an audience.

Although in theory, as long as there are descendants of the emperor in Ziweiyuan who can cultivate to the realm of becoming gods, they can listen to the government before the court, and if they cultivate to the realm of enlightenment, they will be the orthodox immortal emperors in the world.

But so far, the Immortal Emperor's throne is vacant.

From the Great Sima, the Great General, and now the Taifu, the Immortal Army and Immortal Lord factions have taken turns taking charge of the Taiwei Yuan Immortal Palace over the years, but no one in Ziwei Yuan has ever understood the Tao. Well, the Tao is indeed not easy to understand, but even It's a bit of a disadvantage if there aren't any Avatars that can fight. Now of course there is an 'Immortal Emperor' in the palace, but it seems to be just a ruthless sealing machine. All matters outside the Immortal Palace, big and small, are all decided by the Taifu.

Speaking of the Grand Tutor, the Grand Tutor Shouyang Gong is now the man who truly controls the world. Not only does he hold real power in Sanyuan Immortal Palace, but he is also quite prestigious in the nine profound sects of Yuntai Peak.

Moreover, even Yao Xuanzhou also highly praised this person and explained to Li Fan,

The Sima clan is not considered a prominent family in Tianshiyuan. After all, their family was originally from Beisuwei. Duke Shouyang also moved to the capital after being promoted by his father's generation. The family did not have any foundation. Back then, he relied on Talented and learned, he was conquered by the general shogunate and started as the chief secretary. He also experienced the Luo Jiao Rebellion and served as the commander of the Immortal Palace to suppress all directions. Not only did he stabilize the situation in the world, but he was also able to fight with the three major sects in recent years. The power started to work, and step by step I became the head of the three princes today, sitting in the prime minister and auxiliary position.

Regardless of the fairy clan or the fairy army, the aristocratic family or the humble family, they all admire and fear his methods and abilities. His power and reputation are even greater than those of the Great Sima General. The master of the temple also told me that when he heard about the Taifu's coup and took over the power of Sanyuan, he knew that destiny could not be violated. With this opponent, it would be difficult for the Nangong family to succeed, and continuing to fight against the Immortal Palace would only be in vain. .

Over the years, it seems that Taifu's Mansion has really recruited talented people from all over the world and has the ambition to clean up the country. All the talented people who have the intention to make achievements will be under the command of Taifu's Mansion. The Immortal Palace is already in his palm. Over there with Xuanmen, Only Xianhua Taojun has the ability to play chess with him. Now it only depends on how many chess players from the Divine Sect have the ability to prevent Shouyang Gong from unifying the world.

Just listening to Yao Xuanzhou's polite compliments, Li Fan actually didn't feel deeply at all. He just sounded like an old cunt in the realm of manifestation.

But when Li Fan saw Sanyuan with his own eyes and saw the Taifu Mansion with his own eyes, he realized that this person was not like an ordinary family leader.

The Taifu's Mansion did not fly into the sky. Although it was the size of a prince's family, it was still on the ground, crowded in the streets and lanes of mansions that seemed to be densely packed in slums.

Yes, although the Ziwei Yuan is too small and the Tianshi Yuan has flown high into the sky and into the clouds, there are still people living on the ground. Those grassroots people who live in Sanyuan are all down to earth. Old land.

Well, strictly speaking, those living in Sanyuan Old City on the ground are not all ‘common people’.

Although this is a world of immortals and demons, many people long to become immortals and live forever, and travel thousands of miles to worship at the Golden Summit of Emei. However, there are still countless young talents who are eager to get ahead, pursue official careers, and seek titles from all over the world. Gather, gather to the core of the Central Plains, gather to the 'center' of the world, Sanyuan Gyeonggi.

Because although the Xian family members can occupy the top of the temple and dominate all the high-ranking officials, they cannot do things themselves.

Although the vast Immortal Palace and the vast world were conquered by their ancestors, these Immortal clan disciples would rather drink gold liquid wine, knock on the Five Stones, and live happily in the Feigong mansion with their arms around the Fairy Fairy.

But the fields had to be cultivated, the grain taxes had to be collected, the people had to keep livestock, and people had to travel thousands of miles to transport them from twelve countries all over the world to enjoy the fresh gadgets they wanted to play with and the rare treasures they needed to decorate their homes. Just because the world belongs to them.

Therefore, although people who come to Sanyuan cannot really live in Sanyuan, there is still a steady stream of people coming to Sanyuan.

These people cherish the dream of reaching the sky in one step, but is there more than one step to reach the sky? Do you think that the Immortal Clan has carefully planned to raise the Immortal Palace to the blue sky, but it will be so easy for you to fly to the sky and climb directly up there?

It’s impossible. Ziweiyuan has General Wei’s Yulin, Taiweiyuan has the Imperial Guards of the Central Protectorate, and Tianshiyuan also has the Northern and Southern Army of General Chariot. If there were no seals like Lords and Taoism like real people, how dare they When I broke into Tianmen in Sanyuan, I really didn't know how I died.

But what if you work as a messenger in the fairy palace in heaven?

That's simple. If mortals want to go to the Immortal Palace, they have to get out of the body, or in other words, practice the divine way.

In the Fuya City God's Temple, where the body was left on the ground, the Yuanshen, priests and generals who had been cultivated flew straight out of the body and rested on official seals, waist badges, jade pendants, golden cicadas, and other props, bowing every three steps, and bowing every five steps. Kneel down, it is possible, just possible, to meet the princes of the Xian family and the heads of the aristocratic families. Of course, most of the time, the only ones who can come into contact are the maids and housekeepers.

Moreover, if you are not satisfied with the service, your body will be cut off, your body and soul will be destroyed, and you will never be reincarnated.

This is the divine way of Immortal Palace.

It is true that the Immortal Clan has gone too far in being so careful, but there is nothing they can do about it, because besides the Immortal Palace, there is also a Mysterious Sect in the world.

These high-ranking nobles are really frightened to be killed by the men of Xuanmen armed with sharp swords.

Why has no one in Beichen Sword Sect forgotten it? Because what Beichen Sword Sect has done is still being done by people today.

Ever since Xuannv assassinated the Immortal Emperor, Xuanmen and Immortal Palace have had this pure relationship, assassination and being assassinated, an almost irreconcilable contradiction.

Because Xuanmen is very easy to dislike people and cut them off with one sword.

Because Immortal Palace is so unpleasant to people, and he can't change it.

Until a master appeared between them.

The Tutor's Mansion is still on the ground.

There were only some soldiers on duty around, just to carry out King Wu's patrol.

And the Taifu is really working in the mansion.

Imagine that you are a minister in the imperial court, a staff member serving a powerful family, and the shopkeeper of the North and South Trading Firms. If you people submit a letter and submit a memorial, it will probably take hundreds of years for the policy and opinions to be heard in heaven. If you want to submit a proposal and proposal, you have to risk your soul to meet the steward who is the gatekeeper of the aristocratic family.

But if you go out and turn left to the Taifu's Mansion, as long as you hand in a statement and the guards confirm that you don't have a sharp knife, you can pass through the mansion and discuss matters with many like-minded people, and you can even meet the Taifu directly.

Yes, it is really possible for him to see you as a Taoist who is enlightened and a master of the current dynasty, just because you are talented!

How can you not shed tears of gratitude and devote yourself wholeheartedly to UU Reading www.uukanshu.net?

This is the difference in measurement.

Li Fan just walked like this, following Yao Xuanzhou, from the flying boat landing at the gate of Taifu's Mansion, to delivering greeting cards, and then passing through the three courtyards in front and back, which were filled with students discussing politics, military and law, and officials. It took no more than three-quarters of the time it took to hold an incense stick, but I met Miyuan's Taifu, Duke Shouyang himself.

Probably people who have personally crawled out of slaughterhouses like Luo Jiao have this kind of courage that is close to I haven't seen anything in the world, and what else should I be afraid of...

Moshan Li Qingyue, this middle-aged man with a somewhat fierce look in his eyes smiled at Li Fan with his hands behind his hands, I haven't seen a pure Mohist for a long time. The small world of Li country is not suitable for hiding dragons and crouching tigers. Do you want to come over and do some work for me?”

Li Fanli was not halfway through when he suddenly said this and asked casually, In addition to the Marquis of Guannei, what other price can the Grand Master offer me?

The Taifu said with a smile, Ha! What else can you Mohists ask for, nothing more than a bright future and peace in the world? If you dare to ask for it, I will grant it, so why not!

Li Fan looked at the middle-aged man and frowned, and couldn't help but point to the sky, There are so many things in the sky, where do they come from? How can we achieve peace? Do you ask the master to teach me?

The Taifu laughed loudly, What's so difficult about this! Kill all those people who are blocking out the sky and the sun, don't you give me back the sun and the moon, and you will see the world! Hahahaha!

Li Fan turned to look at Xiao Yao.

Yao Xuanzhou coughed and said, The master is joking with you.

...Do all the masters in your family joke like this?

The posture of the sky is upright, and it can support orders according to the time. Wen uses Zhuan to govern, and martial arts uses edge and power. Use people as if they are your own, seek talents as if they are not enough; love is deep and unpredictable, nature is broad and tolerant, harmonious with light and dust, unwinding with the times, trimmed scales and hidden wings, thoughts belong to the wind and clouds.

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