The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 340 Divine Pill

Dao Ancestor is the Divine Pill of Cthulhu Chapter 340

So Li Fan registered his name to stay temporarily at the Yuntai Peak Lou Guan Tao Branch, and also paid Kun his meal money. Master Xue pushed his wheelchair, took Li Fan into the temple, arranged a quiet room for him to practice, and distributed I bought Qi pills for practice, changed Taoist robes, talismans, paper and pen.

After all, Xue Zhenren's legs and feet are really inconvenient now, and he can't lead the way like the traditional main city NPC, so he roughly talked to Li Fan about the origin and layout of Yuntai Peak.

As Xuantian mentioned, this Immortal Mountain is the throne of the Immortal Emperor captured by Xuanmen. Pushing forward, its core is what Li Fan saw outside before, some kind of mercury-like liquid metal sphere. It is said that it was once the inheritance of the Spirit Clan. of treasure.

The spirit kings of the past generations worshiped the ball as an ancestor. Some said it was the demon elixir of a certain great god, some said it was the eyeball of a certain great god, and some said it was the egg of a certain great god. In short, many spiritual tribes They exist in the monster myths and murals. It is a pity that the spiritual clan inheritance in the Central Plains has long been killed and exterminated, and no one knows the details.

In short, this treasure later fell into the hands of the Immortal Palace, and became the symbol of the Immortal Emperor's determination to rule the world, and was developed into the Immortal Emperor's throne.

Not only can this thing move instantaneously and float in the air, it can also spontaneously generate gravity. In theory, even if Taoist temples such as Yuntai Peak are built at the bottom of a sphere, they will not fall to the ground.

But the Immortal Emperors and Dao Lords in this world are still lives bound by the earth after all. Therefore, during the renovation, the ruins of the ancient Immortal Palace were still defined as the front. On this basis, it seems that the accumulated wood has expanded Yuntai Peak into what it is today. look like.

Therefore, the ruins of the ancient fairy palace, as well as the facilities that can control various functions, are all hidden at the bottom of Yuntai Peak, in the underground city of the fairy palace ruins. The Immortal Peak on the top of the outermost circle is now where the Xuanmen sects are stationed.

Xuanmen has also deployed various additional magic circles and defense facilities around Yuntai Peak, and these pigeon cage-like metal honeycombs in the middle are actually things like expansion slots and interface sockets. This can be used as a basis for expansion and renovation.

When Xue Zhenren took Li Fan into the secret room on the bottom floor of the Taoist temple, he could see a door, the 'Xuanmen'. .

Of course, this is not a real door. The 'Xuanmen' looks more like a mirror, with crystals shining with star spots inside. Li Fan tried to detect it with his consciousness, and could feel that this was actually a cross-section of some kind of transistor. One end of the transistor was connected to the Louguan Taoist Palace, and the other end went deep into the cliffs and was connected to one of the metal hives.

You can enter the trance here, and your soul can pass through this mysterious door and directly enter the illusion of Yuntai Peak on the other side.

Xue Zhenren flicked his fingers and lit the candlestick in the cellar, revealing the arrangement of the magic circle surrounding the Taoist body.

Although various factions have joined forces to rebuild Yuntai Peak, they all have some secrets hidden in their own Taoist palaces, making it inconvenient for outsiders to visit. If you want to exchange for any magic pills, or use magic treasures, just go there and trade them directly. For items that are not particularly confidential, you can directly ask the Yuntai Peak boy to bring them to Guanzhong. I will help you collect them when they are delivered. Or you can transfer them to your own warehouse and fly farther away to use the storage jade to take them out. .

Li Fan understood a little bit, so the immortals can use the Xuanmen magic weapon and the 'direct connection' method to use the soul to leave the body and directly access the database of the spacecraft to reach the fantasy world of the soul at Yuntai Peak. Isn't this Is the system’s technology a bit like a virtual world?

Li Fan had come to the link once before, and now he heard Master Xue explain the treasure house, transactions, and money for recruiting soldiers. Naturally, he understood it quickly and there was no need to repeat it again.

I wonder how long Yuntai Peak will stay in the Northland? When will we return to Mozhu Mountain?

The first step is to check the refugees and screen out the monsters and demon fetuses. It took a few months to transfer the soldiers and civilians of a town to the Immortal Palace, but it will be faster later. When other flying boats bring the remaining people, it will take about a month. After four or five days of preparation, Yuntai Peak can be teleported back to the Central Plains. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait until Yao Prison is released from seclusion and take a flying boat back to Mozhu Mountain together.

Xue Zhenren counted with his fingers and looked at Li Fan, By the way, you haven't been to Sanyuan, have you? Be careful, that place looks prosperous, but it's actually a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. Your skills haven't recovered yet. In the end, It’s better not to wander around by yourself.”

This is a bit troublesome...

Li Fan couldn't help but frown. It seemed that Yuntai Peak would be teleported in a few days, but his Qiongqi clone would definitely not have time to sneak up the mountain. Now separated by a Yinshan Mountain, it was difficult for the two clones to communicate. If they were separated by the Central Plains, wouldn't he have to deal with it? Into schizophrenia? It seems that the exploration of Yuntai Peak must be put aside first, and some methods of spiritual cultivation should be developed as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Li Fan casually asked for advice, Master Xue, do you know the secret method of my Mozhu Mountain that can distract me from my practice?

But Master Xue's reaction was a bit strange. He didn't say yes or no. Instead, he turned his wheelchair around, looked at Li Fan head-on, and stared at him for a while before speaking.

Li Qingyue, although you also took the talisman from me, Lou Guandao, and learned the ancient methods of inner alchemy, you consider yourself a disciple of Moshan, right?

Of course, if he didn't take over Mo Shan's cause and effect, wouldn't there be another ancient sect that was going to exterminate the entire sect?

Li Fan thought that Master Xue was the kind of person who cared about the inheritance of his master's sect, and advocated that Lou Guandao's secret method should not be passed on to outsiders. He nodded and said, It's Qing Yue who was abrupt.

Master Xue shook his head, Cultivation in the ancient way aims at cultivating one's body and one life with one heart and one mind. The most taboo thing is to have six gods without a master and be distracted by other things.

No matter how many tricks you use to survive, they are all side tricks. Indulging in them will only delay the progress of your practice. I, Lou Guandao, have never advocated those distracting tricks, and I don’t know how to do them. If you really want to learn them, you can ask the Guan Master for advice.

Huh? Wait a minute, haven't I been using Wuluo Sword Demon all the time? Then his cultivation progress was actually delayed? ?

Xuantian, He is afraid that you will waste your energy on cultivating clones. I just want to remind you. Although being distracted and multitasking has indeed taken some detours in your practice, as long as you can take surprises and fight with swords to break tribulations, you will not suffer any loss in the end. . The main reason is that your sword training was too late, otherwise the improvement gained from killing the robbery would have been even higher.

Can it be higher? In fact, the system's maximum mood limit is already exaggerated...but doesn't the Sword Sect have any other methods of distraction cultivation besides the Five Luo Sword Demons?

Xuantian, Each school has its own emphasis on distraction cultivation methods, and most of them use the cranial air points. If you practice too much, it will easily conflict with each other. In severe cases, you may even become obsessed and your temperament will change drastically. Therefore, you really can't divide your distractions too much. Too much, otherwise the Dao mind will be unstable.

Our sword sect focuses more on using the sword to incarnate and using gods to control the sword. Since you have already practiced Wuluo Sword Demon and Taisha Sword Embryo, there is no need to repeat it again. And Mo Shan's Tao body transformation is the standard for entering the Demonic Tao. Don't be greedy for more and seek speed. Refining one or two of them is enough. There is no benefit in practicing too much left-handedness.

In addition, my current state makes it inconvenient for me to enter and leave the Yuan Shen Forbidden Area at Yuntai Peak. If my opponent figures it out, I will be in trouble. I will guard your body outside and try my best to take advantage of the opportunity. There is no need for me to remind you again. , don’t go to Jianzong’s place for the time being, it’s too dangerous, I don’t know how many eyes are watching.

So Li Fan went to the Yuntai Peak Fantasy Land again. This time he came as Li Qingyue, a disciple of Lou Guandao. It was different from the tunnel of gold and silver treasure trees last time. This time he felt like walking straight through a mirror, like passing through a rain curtain. The secret door came out of another Louguandao cellar.

Of course, this is not a secret door, but has entered the illusion of the soul from the real world.

Li Fan turned his head and looked at the Xuanmen passage behind him. He could see the Xuanmen crystal reflecting the appearance of his Guixu Yuanying at this time. Not even a single epiphyllum was left in the silver antlers on his head, and Guixu Yuanying was not only as skinny as a stick. , the whole body was even denser, with a lot of red swords pierced through it, almost like a hedgehog!

Li Fan tried to change his soul, but it was so painful that it involved sword creation. He had no choice but to smear it on his face and turn it into Li Qingyue's face, covered in blood. Sword, walked out of the Taoist temple.

Coming out of the Louguandao Branch, it’s not like the Pigeon Tower scene. It is a Taoist temple located on an independent flying island. There are fairy island flying palaces everywhere, and not far above the head are the majestic nine Taoist offices.

However, Li Fan only felt the aura of Xu Daojun. The others were monks in the realm of Yuanying. He didn't know whether those who had manifested had returned to Penglai or were hiding in the dark.

Li Fan was familiar with the roads, so he went to find his acquaintances first.


Yuntai Peak boy Jia Gui, I don't know what the master has to say... I'm going to be a good boy!

Jiagui, a boy who once sold many unofficial histories of the sword sect to Li Fan, suddenly raised his head. He was also struck by the opponent's Yuanshen's chaotic sword and died tragically on the battlefield. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Ahem, I was sparring with someone recently and got a little injured. No need to make a fuss. Let me ask you, I heard that you sell books here. Is there any way to distract yourself from cultivation?

Jia Gui didn't know how he knew this person so well, and he called him by his first name when he first came up. But seeing how the other person behaved, it was clear that he was also a ruthless person. How could he dare to neglect him? After a moment's thought, he said,

If the Immortal came to look for cultivation techniques, I really don't have them in my hands. However, there is also a gathering of the Immortal Family today. Why don't you go there and ask?

Li Fan felt confident, so he followed Jiagui to visit a garden. There were many immortals drinking and having fun in the garden. Jiagui introduced,

It's a coincidence that Qingyue Zhenjun is here. Today, Mingsheng Zhenjun of Jiuyi Mountain Fangxian Dao is hosting an elixir banquet. Mingsheng Zhenjun studied under Jiuyi Dao Lord Anqiu Gong and has been appointed as the successor to the head of Jiuyi Mountain. He is also a person with deep connections with immortals.

Li Fan was shocked when he heard this, Jiuyi Mountain...this family doesn't seem to be among the nine great sects, right? There is actually a Taoist master who is holding the line?

Jiagui knew it very well, This family used to be a big sect. I heard that many people were lost during the Demon Slayer Sect. Even Anqiu Gong lost his cultivation and recovered his strength in Chaozhen Taixu Heaven.

Nowadays, the affairs of Mount Jiuyi are all decided by Zhenjun Mingsheng. I heard that he has just made a pot of golden liquid elixir and will probably exchange it for some magic weapons. There must be many immortals and real people coming to exchange treasures.

Li Fan followed Jiagui in. Although this style attracted attention all the way, no one came to stop him. He actually walked into the garden and saw many immortal Taoist priests gathered around to look at the things on the table.

There were three large vermilion wine dishes placed side by side on the table. The wine dishes were so shallow that they contained a pool of gold sand, which looked a bit like golden plasticine. A Taoist priest held a silver chopstick and tapped it three times on the wine plate. The plasticine-like gold sand gathered like a living thing, condensed into pills, and jumped and jumped in the wine plate. Boom, boom, so excited.

A group of monks around were all amazed. It was wonderful, as if they had gathered together a group of cats.

Li Fan was also curious and couldn't help but ask, What is this golden liquid elixir? What's so wonderful about it? How does it compare to the Xuan Ni Purple Golden elixir and the Donghua Eternal Spring elixir?

Before Jiagui could answer, a purple-robed immortal with a fair face, a mustache, and a crimson complexion immediately seized the opportunity of Li Fan's compliments and stood up to sell.

This Taoist brother asked well. This golden liquid divine elixir is an ancient elixir secretly taught by our immortal way. It is condensed into silver, and the flying elixir sand becomes gold. When the gold is taken, it rises to the sky in the daytime, and the body is born. The wings of the Zhu Yang, the difference of the brilliant light, the harp soars into the sky, crouching into the sky, controlling the flying dragon to fly eight times, riding the white red dragon to fly around for nine times...

This mustache was probably the true king of Mingsheng. Li Fan listened to him playing for a long time, and he didn't realize how powerful it was, but he still couldn't figure out what the purpose was. He turned around and looked at Jia Gui.

Jia Gui whispered, This elixir is an ancient prescription. It is very powerful and extremely poisonous. Mortals will die if they eat it. They will be disabled if they use it to build the foundation. If you take it in the golden elixir state, UU read the book The energy will rise and you will not work hard. He is tireless, but he has to rest for three to five months before he can walk on the ground.

But if a real person takes it, he will be able to shine with divine light, and his skill will skyrocket, almost as if he would soar in the daytime. But the effect will soon pass, and if the foundation is too shallow, there is also the risk of becoming obsessed...

Li Fan looked at him with some doubts, and then pointed at the crowd surrounding Zhenjun Mingsheng, who took out his magic weapon and magical power and wanted to exchange it for the magic pill.

Do they seem like they don't care much about the risk of going crazy?

Jia Gui smiled bitterly, This elixir can be used to break through bottlenecks and impact the realm of deity transformation in addition to being used to fight to the death in critical moments.

I heard that a method of taking medicine was recently introduced from Sanyuan. It is said that it is used to make golden liquor and mixed with Wu Shi Powder to eat. I heard that it is especially helpful when practicing dual cultivation...

grass! What kind of magic medicine is this?

Li Fan was also speechless. This thing was probably some kind of stimulant, and perhaps it was originally used to stimulate combat potential. And it is mainly aimed at monks in the Nascent Soul realm. It may be more powerful than the Dragon Fetus Feathering Pill. However, the potency of the medicine was too strong, which actually led to the abuse of these stimulants by the Nascent Soul Immortals.

Li Fan couldn't help but frown, and found that among the people vying to buy the Golden Liquid Divine Pill, there were actually some Taoist disciples of Taoism, and even looking at the fairy uniforms, there were also disciples of Emei Hengshan.

How come the elites of Xuanmen have become obsessed with dual cultivation?

Jia Gui knew very well, Oh, that's not the case. Taking less of this pill can also refresh your mind. The Xuanmen coursework is very heavy, and when the exam is approaching, there are indeed many people who take the pill to make up for their classes. There are also rumors that it can It will relieve depression and help the Taoist mind. I don’t have the money to eat this, and I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

It seems that the elites in any world are all the same. After their talent, hard work and hard work are almost exhausted, they start taking drugs and desperately...

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