The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 333 Defending the City

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 333 Defending the City

Li Fan could walk on the ground. He tried to lift Zhang Xiang's exercise stone, but unfortunately it didn't move. He now felt that his meridians were blocked, his muscles were sore and numb, and he couldn't exert force or exert force. It should be caused by the pain left in his body. The Blood God Son has not been completely eliminated yet.

Alas, this one is really overturned. It seems that killing and robbery is not a buffet. No wonder most monks avoid it. However, he was crippled by taking a single Blood God Son. It seems that he is still too weak. This time, he may have to be defeated if he overturns the situation.

Li Fan couldn't sit still in the yard. Seeing that Yao Xuanzhou was guarded by the formation arranged by Li Wugou, and that he was of no use now, he took a gun and used it as a crutch and walked out. Wander around town.

The military households in the town have begun to pack up their belongings and leave the city in groups. Once they leave the city, they will become refugees. On the way south, they will definitely be robbed by various monsters and horse bandits. If they are lucky enough to reach the south, they will definitely not Being taken in by a xenophobic feudal town, there is a high probability that they will end up living in Huang Tiandao. But this is still a way to survive. It is better than being slaughtered by barbarians and becoming a slave.

The military households guarding the border in Shuofang are also miserable. They are either women, children, old and weak, or disabled people with missing arms and legs. This kind of place is actually similar to the Hundred Thousand Mountains in southern Xinjiang. It is surrounded by demons and the land is not easy to cultivate. If it were not for the Immortal Palace and the Imperial Court The garrison is completely inaccessible and it is difficult to survive for a long time. But there is no other way. The fertile Central Plains is occupied by powerful families, and there are Hulu demons in the grasslands outside the Great Wall. The grass-roots people can only suffer from the splint, being driven back and forth to struggle to survive in the world.

Li Fan has no choice, he also wants to live, and now the word Zhu on his head has no intention of dissipating. It is probably that Da Shanyu's intention to kill him is still unabated, so Li Fan thought about it again and again, and decided to consider Xuantian's suggestion as the best option. If the worst happens, I will take Si Nan out to find the Taoist body that seizes the body.

To put it bluntly, to find a newly deceased person, the soul of the deceased will come out of the body and occupy his body. In fact, time travel is almost a matter of taking possession of one's body. Li Fan still has the Golden Chan Immortal Clothes in his hand that can host the Nascent Soul, but Xuantian Sect's sword fetus flying across is obviously better, because he can take the Taisha sword fetus that he finally cultivated with him. Let's go together, so that we can regain our previous experience. As long as the quality of the new Taoist body is not too bad, the Taoist Taoist worships the moon and is diligent and fast, it doesn't even take eighteen years, but within five or six years, he will be a good man again.

And there is another one, there is really no shortage of the Tao Body of Seizing the Body now. All the way back from the north, many feudal soldiers were seriously injured and died. . Theoretically, as long as the person dies within seven days and the body is not severely mutilated, it can be used.

So Li Fan first moved all the way to the charity hall where many wounded soldiers were placed, and was startled when he entered the door.

In front of the door, instead of enshrining the Immortal and Mysterious Lady, there was an earthen statue of an old woman, the Wusheng Old Mother! Black Lotus Demon Cult!

Li Fan hesitated for a moment, then went in and took a look.

Many soldiers who were seriously injured and could only wait to die were placed in the yard with straw mats under their bodies. There was only one blind old woman, holding a dark teacup shaped like a lotus table, squatting next to a wounded soldier and chanting a mantra. After that, he gave the wounded soldier a sip of soup from the tea bowl, and the wounded soldier breathed a sigh of relief and died.

The blind woman recited silently next to the deceased for a while, nothing more than saying that the soul returned to its homeland and the hometown was empty.

Li Fan frowned and stood aside for a while and listened, Are you saving the souls of the dead? Can someone who is not from the Black Lotus Religion still go to Vacuum Hometown?

The old woman didn't look back, just ignored Li Fan, and continued to touch the next person, chanting a curse.

What surprised Li Fan was that the other wounded soldiers did not resist. They just accepted their fate and waited for the blind old woman to arrive. It seemed that the pain on their bodies was relieved by the old man's hand.

Li Fan frowned and asked, Do you recognize Wang Hong?

The old woman generally recognized him and paused for a moment while chanting the curse.

Li Fan tried again, He said he can't die yet. Someone is waiting for him to go back. Is it you?

There was still no reply from the old woman, and she began to chatter and recite incantations again, and feed soup to the wounded soldiers.

Li Fan didn't bother to care about her anymore. Anyway, it was just a foundation-building goddess sending these hopelessly wounded soldiers on the road, so there was nothing worth caring about.

But the Black Lotus Sect...

Li Fan looked around and counted with his fingers. He had to say that sometimes the most practical thing was these demonic sects. At least once the statue of the Wusheng Mother was placed at the door, there would be no ghosts, monsters or beasts to harass this place. The people in my hometown are in a vacuum.

So Li Fan lowered his head and looked at the dead soldiers, testing the meridians of the dead, trying to find a suitable place to seize the body...

Wow! Oh, I'll go!

The blind woman suddenly threw a bowl of soup over, splashed Li Fan in the foot, and shouted at him, Stinky Taoist priest! Get out!

Fuck! I...

Li Fan was startled, but he couldn't help but froze when he saw that the blind woman, like an old hen protecting her young, opened her hands and rushed over to stop the bodies of the dead soldiers.

Stinky Taoist! Get out! Get out! The blind woman picked up the mud on the ground and threw it at Li Fan.

Wow! Crazy woman! Good men don't fight with women! Get out!

Li Fan had no choice but to run away with his head in his hands, leaning on the barrel of his gun, and managed to escape from Yizhuang.

Yes, the military liberation plan failed...

Li Fan didn't know what to do for a moment, and he didn't bother to argue with this blind woman. That's all. If Yizhuang didn't let him look for it, he would just find another place. There were no dead people these days. He remembered riding back together in the car, and there were many soldiers who died on the road. It was placed in a mass grave outside the city. Those who were in such a hurry probably didn't have time to bury it. Counting the days, it probably didn't last more than seven days.

So after resting for a while, Li Fan set off to look outside the city again.

There are still many vassal soldiers carrying wood, stone and arrows to strengthen the city defense. It’s not that they are so brave and righteous, they volunteered to sacrifice themselves. In fact, these people have just escaped and are really unwilling to run away. Moreover, they also know that most of the horses have been killed to satisfy hunger. Now, where can one escape the four-legged Hulu on the plains? Being caught up and intercepted would mean death, so it was better to rely on the pass and continue to hold on. Maybe another miracle will happen?

Of course, there are also many people who took off their armor and did not go to Dian Mao. They fled among the refugees. Since the Jiedushi were dead, no one could restrain them. In short, the city was now in chaos and everyone went their separate ways. Li Fan also took advantage of the chaos and ran outside the city. He actually found a few young bodies for him who had good bones, low-level qualifications, and used Gang Fist to train on a daily basis.

Although the practice of Immortal Dao will be slower in the future, Taisu Dao will probably have no impact, and at least it will be stronger than the ten-year-old Li Yi, right?

So Li Fan sat in the mass grave and fiddled with the pyramid-like black crystal given to him by the Thousand-Faced Immortal.

Well, Guixu Yuanying will definitely be destroyed anyway. If the Great Chanyu shows up, call out the Thousand-faced Immortal to fight, and then use the sword fetus to fly across the soldiers to eliminate it...

What are you still doing here!

In a trance, Li Wugou flew down with sword light and took Li Fan away, We can't escape! Enter the city! A large number of monsters appeared in the south and surrounded the retreat! You can instruct those monster kings! This The Great Chanyu must have arrived in person this time!

Sure enough, Li Fan looked down from the sky and saw that the flow of people who had left the city had turned back and were crowded at the city gate. The number is much smaller, and probably many people will not be able to come back.

Tsk, are you going to kill them all...

Li Wugou didn't care to talk to Li Fanduo, and took him directly to the Jiedushi Mansion, and went to inform the remaining generals.

Li Fan could hear the military academies in the military mansion arguing in a group, discussing whether to stick to it or move. From time to time, rangers such as Falcon Soldiers rushed over, reporting that a large group of Hulu cavalry had been discovered in the north.

Li Fan was so dizzy from the noise that he leaned against the corner and fell into trance.

He saw that the stomach of the blood baby in the divine court was so bulging that it would take some time to digest it all, but he could drink it again, so Li Fan became impatient and used Guixu Nascent Soul again. The Taisha Sword Embryo rushed into the Blood Urn Sword Formation in the Divine Courtyard, slashed randomly, and returned with more than a dozen sword rays, throwing them to the Blood Infant to eat.

Alas, to be honest, he has almost learned the Blood Barrel Divine Sword now, and the blood baby has become a fat ball after eating these few meals. If this one can slow him down, his absolute strength will skyrocket, but it is a pity that time is still Not enough...

When Li Fan opened his eyes, the sky was getting dark. He tried jumping and was able to fly over the wall. But it is still difficult to control the air and fly into the air.

The vassal soldiers were still arguing, but it sounded less chaotic. At least they had made the decision to wait for reinforcements. Anyone in the town who could go to the battlefield, regardless of age or sex, must hold a bow and sword and garrison on the city wall.

Li Wugou was now the strongest monk in the city, and she couldn't care less about Li Fan. She was giving instructions to the few remaining Jindan monks in the city, teaching them how to set up magic and sword formations around the city. She was very busy.

At this time, a golden light flew from the sky and fell directly towards the Jiedu Envoy's office.

Li Wugou jumped up and reached out to catch the golden light in his hand. It turned out to be a palm-sized gold medal with two words on it.

Emei! It's the Emei Golden Seal!

The feudal generals shouted excitedly. Probably they had never been so happy to see Emei in their lives.

The Emei gold medal is here! Reinforcements will arrive within a few days!

Li Wujiu also summoned his power and roared, the sound was like rolling thunder, which attracted cheers from the whole city.

Li Fan was overjoyed at first, but when he took a closer look at the gold medal, his heart sank.

It was Yang Nanying's piece, probably found when Li Wugou helped him bandage it.

Sure enough, she flew down and whispered to Li Fan, I have used this golden talisman to ask for help a long time ago, but now only the talisman has come back, but there are no reinforcements. Moreover, the letter on the talisman said that Emei sealed the mountain, but it probably has not been delivered to anyone. Here, there is no hope...

Closing the mountain... If a mentally retarded old man is lost, the mountain must be closed...

The Wangwushan side has been defeated for a while, and there is still King Zuo Xian to contain it. I'm afraid there won't be any help for a while...

The two of them looked at each other, a little helpless, and Li Wugou took the gold medal to fool the vassal troops.

Li Fan sighed. Now that he had some strength, he didn't want to sit there like this. He also went to the warehouse to get a suit of armor and followed him up to the city wall to help.

There is no shadow of Hulu in the north, but the city wall in the south can already be seen, and strong demonic winds appear on the horizon. Look at the momentum, with the black wind gusting and the thick smoke and poisonous clouds, I'm afraid there are four or five demon kings who have transformed into gods!

Hiss... it's troublesome, it's really troublesome... Li Wugou alone may not be able to handle this scene...

What if the Chanyu doesn't show up and just let these monsters take action? Could it be that all the miscellaneous fish and wild monsters are called the Thousand-Faced Immortal? The messenger of chaos can't be so shameless...

Li Fan was really speechless this time. The last time he was possessed, he almost died after crossing two doors. There is no chance for them to die together!

It seems like this time it’s really going to be the finale! Then thank you all book friends for your support! The whole book is finished!

When Li Fan was thinking wildly, the setting sun was setting over the Yinshan Mountains, and the golden light was blocked by the snow peaks, gradually opening the curtain of the night and casting it on the dusk land. Then, in the thin line between heaven and earth, in the last ray of sunset, the twilight flickered, and eight figures walked out.

These are eight pedestrians dressed in brown fur and linen, wearing bamboo masks on their heads, ink swords on their backs, and wearing straw sandals. They walked all the way, their bodies flashing, and they reached the city gate in the blink of an eye.

The leader was a tall, broad-shouldered, middle-aged man with arms hanging down below his knees. He wore a bamboo mask with no decoration on his face. He raised his hands and cupped his fists. Bring your junior brothers with you to help defend the city.

Gan... Why do you always show up unexpectedly? Make some preparations first!

You, who are you! You can't be a monster, right?

No, no! It's Yuan...cough cough cough!

Li Fan just wanted to climb down the city wall to recognize his relatives, but something was shot into his mouth. When I spit it out, it turned out to be a pill. It shouldn't be Changchun Pill. It smelled like femur meat. Then I heard a familiar voice saying in my ear.

Eat, don't talk too much.

It’s big white legs!

Sure enough, he saw a pair of big white legs in the crowd, so Li Fan was determined, knowing that the current inability to recognize each other was probably due to some kind of Taoist magic, so he chewed the pill to exercise his power, and felt a sweet taste overflowing from his lips and teeth, and a tingling sensation in his muscles and bones. Relaxed, the blockage of meridians and muscle fatigue are greatly reduced.

My brothers and I are wandering cultivators in the countryside. We came here to help when we saw demons attacking the city. Since we are here, it doesn't matter if we don't enter the city. Let's build the city.

The ink artist Tianyu waved his hand as he spoke, only to see the seven ink artists jump away and disappear.

Wait a minute! What kind of city are you building? I don't know what sect your master is! What's the shape of the clouds, what's the word up and down, and where the blood of the three mountains is, please tell me!

There was a flash of sword light, but it was Li Wugou who landed at the top of the city and stood up to confront Tianyu.

Mo Zhi Tianyu, a straggler, had better mind his own business and exorcise demons. Let's go!

Tianyu raised his hand and captured a mountain of earth from the sky, boom! It had to fall outside the city and blocked the south city exit!

Ah! Move mountains! Li Wugou was shocked, He actually knows how to move mountains! With such magical power, could he be a divine king?!

Li Fan touched his chin, well... that's not necessarily the result of mana, maybe it was just forced...

Sure enough, a loud bang was heard, and a series of eight forty-foot-high earth mountains surrounded Shuofang City!

The soldiers and civilians of Shuofang Town were hidden in the shadows cast by the towering hills, as if they were falling into the dark night.

It was also at this time that the sky became completely dark.

The sun sets in the west of Yinshan Mountain, and darkness covers the earth.

An extremely huge human god crawled out from the other side of the eight hills.

They are strange gods like dragons, pythons, black birds, phoenixes, rhinoceros elephants, and bulls, but the only thing they have in common is that they all have human heads and faces, but that face is covered by a huge Hidden by the ink bamboo mask, UU Kanshu could not see the face clearly, only pairs of black pupils shining behind the empty mask.

Li Fan didn't care, and even wanted to sing a song, but he heard the sound of falling to the ground beside him. He glanced around and found that the soldiers and civilians in Shuofang Town rolled their eyes, kicked their legs, and fell to the ground unconscious. It's past.

Li Fan checked and found that he probably couldn't bear this level of mental shock and fell into shock. That’s okay, after all, the scene of the Moshan lineage doing the cooking later cannot be said to be particularly unsightly, it can only be said to be very miserable...

Alas, but from this point of view, there are really very few people who can learn Mo Shan Dao...

This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, what,


Li Fan turned around and saw Li Wugou's eyes widening, staring at the eight huge human heads around him. His teeth kept chattering, and the flying swords 'Frost Wind' and 'Han Yu' were pulled out by her. In his hands, the knuckles turned white. seems that neurosis is more resistant to mental damage...

Master Li, relax. You have been nervous for several days. Leave the rest to them.

Li Fan took out his jade flute and played two tigers to Li Wugou, which at least relieved her mood a little.

You you you, me me me, it it it...what is that!

Li Wugou finally regained his ability to speak, and pointed at the giant human-headed beasts flying overhead, his voice still strained.

He is a partner of justice, and he is here to fight in disguise! Ahem, just kidding...

Li Fan jumped onto the earth barrier and looked at the Zuntian Demon soaring in the night sky. Under the light of the virtual moon, the boiling alien monsters turned into various demonic intangible monsters and flew towards them.

They are just some righteous men who risked their lives and refused to retaliate. They happened to be passing by.

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